Kettlebell exercises: With these kettlebell exercises you can get your body in top shape and shed those pounds!

If you want a well-trained and toned body, you have to train regularly - we all know that. After all, a firm bottom, slim legs and a visible six-pack are every woman's dream. HIIT, Crossfit, Tabata, bodyweight training, etc. – the fitness world is constantly evolving and the selection of workouts is now endless. If you work out in the gym, you've probably noticed them - kettlebells. In addition to medicine balls, dumbbells, barbells, etc., the small balls often get lost quickly and unfortunately don't get the attention they actually deserve. Kettlebell exercises are quite demanding and are therefore a great addition to any training program. Do you want to build muscle and improve your endurance and strength? Then get ready to work up a sweat because below are the best kettlebell exercises!

What are the benefits of kettlebell training?

Kettlebells are balls with a flat bottom and a handle. One of the biggest advantages of kettlebell exercises is that they require very little space - perfect for those who prefer to train at home and don't want to spend money on a bunch of fitness equipment. In contrast to the classic exercises with dumbbells, kettlebell trainingseveral muscle groups at the same timeclaimed. This in turn not only promotes muscle building, but also improves our coordination, strength and endurance. Since we are training several muscles, the calorie consumption is also significantly increased. In just 20-30 minutes you can complete an intensive full-body workout with the kettlebells and, depending on weight and intensity, burn more than 300 calories. In fact, kettlebell exercises are a lotmore effective alternative to joggingor cycling.

What kettlebell weight should we train with?

The weight with which you perform the kettlebell exercises depends primarily on your fitness level. The kettlebells are available from 2 to 32 kilograms, making training perfect for both beginners and advanced users. If you are new to the fitness world, start with lighter weights of 2 to 6 kilos and work your way up. Even if you train regularly but have never done kettlebell exercises, you shouldn't go higher straight away. To avoid injuries and get the most out of your workout, clean technique is essential. In addition, the right kettlebell weight also depends on the exercises you do with it. For example, you can use heavier weights for movements that train larger muscles (squats, deadlifts) than for exercises that use smaller muscles (bicep curls, etc.).

The best kettlebell exercises for an effective full-body workout

Kettlebell training is efficient, versatile and just really fun. It is entirely possible to get a very good and challenging full-body workout even with a single kettlebell. So get in tip-top shape by incorporating the following kettlebell exercises into your workout routine!

Kettlebell swing version

The kettlebell swing is probably the classic kettlebell exercise and an excellent way to train your stomach, legs and bottom at the same time.

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width and turn your toes slightly outwards.
  • Grip the kettlebell firmly with both hands and hold it with an overhand grip.
  • Hold the kettlebell in front of your body with your arms stretched and bend your knees and hips slightly.
  • Then bring the kettlebell to shoulder height using an explosive stretch of the knee and hip and in a dynamic movement with straight arms.
  • Allow the kettlebell to swing back in a controlled manner and perform the movement dynamically 10-15 times.
  • When doing the kettlebell swing, you should make sure that your back remains straight and your stomach remains tense. The explosive power must also come from the legs and core.

Goblet Squat

The goblet squat is also one of the most effective kettlebell exercises that should not be missing from any training program. With this squat variation you train your buttocks and legs as well as your back, biceps and shoulders.

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and hold the top handles of the kettlebell firmly with both hands.
  • Hold the kettlebell tightly at chest height and squat deeply until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Without momentum and slowly return to the starting position and do 10-15 repetitions.
  • To increase the difficulty, combine the goblet squat with shoulder press by extending your arms upward from a squat position.


If you everCrossfit Trainingthen you are probably familiar with the kettlebell clean. The exercise is a more demanding version of the kettlebell swing and uses all major muscle groups at the same time.

  • Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and position the kettlebell between your feet.
  • Bend your knees slightly, grab the kettlebell with one hand and lift it by straightening your legs.
  • Now push your hips forward and up in a dynamic movement so that the kettlebell is above knee height.
  • Contract your shoulders and place the kettlebell in front of you.
  • Then press the kettlebell over your head and lower it back to the ground in a controlled manner.
  • Do 10-12 reps per side.

Kettlebell Exercises: Double Windmills

Double windmills may look super simple at first glance, but they are actually one of the best kettlebell exercises for the stomach.

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold 1 kettlebell in each hand.
  • Rotate your feet so that you are pointing approximately 45 degrees to the right and press your left hand with the kettlebell straight over your head until your elbow is extended.
  • Shift your hips to the left as you bend to the right and touch your right foot with your hand.
  • Slowly come back up and do a total of 10-15 reps per side.

Single-leg deadlift

Single-leg kettlebell deadlift is another brilliant compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups at the same time.

  • Stand upright and hold a kettlebell with your left hand at the side of your body.
  • Shift your weight onto your left leg, bend your upper body forward and at the same time extend your right leg backwards.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and complete 10-15 repetitions on each side.

Kettlebell exercises: lunges with shoulder press

Do you want to improve your coordination while strengthening your glutes, thighs and core muscles? Then you should definitely add shoulder press lunges to your kettlebell training.

  • Stand upright and hold a kettlebell in your left hand.
  • Take a big step backwards and at the same time stretch your arm up over your head.
  • Slowly return to the starting position and lower the kettlebell.
  • Do 10-12 reps and then switch sides.

Turkish get-up version

We all know and hate burpees and Bulgarian squats. But what is Turkish Get-up? Often underestimated and relatively unknown, Turkish Get-up exercise is an excellent way to train the entire body. However, it is a very demanding and even dangerous exercise and therefore rather unsuitable for beginners. Until you have mastered the movement, we would even recommend that you initially do the exercise without weights.

  • Start lying on your back and hold the kettlebell extended above your head with your left hand. Make sure you hold the handle very tightly.
  • Bend your left foot while your right remains extended and turned slightly outwards.
  • Now press your right arm and left heel and straighten your thoracic spine. At the same time, lift your left shoulder off the floor and turn your chest slightly to the right.
  • Lean on your right elbow, stretch your right arm and place your palm on the floor.
  • Tense your stomach and bottom and press your left foot into the floor.
  • Extend the hips in a controlled manner and reach upward until the body forms a straight line from the right shoulder to the right heel.
  • Return to the starting position and do 8-10 repetitions.