Accelerate muscle regeneration: Helpful tips for more recovery after training!

Whether endurance or strength training, there are many ways to stay in shape and regular exercise not only makes us fit, but also improves our health. If we complete a workout that is too strenuous, it can sometimes happen that we feel weak and exhausted for days afterwardsSore muscles plaguedbecome. It doesn't matter whether you do a sport just as a hobby or as a competitive athlete - training every day is actually counterproductive for the muscles and can even lead to muscle loss. What we do after a workout is actually almost as important as the workout itself and we need to give our bodies enough time to recover. The good news is that there are a few tips you can use to speed up muscle recovery so you can reach full performance faster. We'll tell you what these are below!

Accelerate muscle regeneration with plenty of sleep

Have you ever heard the saying “Eat, Sleep, Train, Repeat”? Sleep is a panacea and arguably the most effective, simple and important way to speed up muscle recovery. This gives our psyche the rest it needs and the body has the opportunity to concentrate solely on recovery. While we sleep, the damage from the workout is repaired and we feel immediately the next dayfitter and stronger. In fact, a lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and disrupt hormonal balance. So make sure you get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night. However, in addition to the duration of sleep, the quality of sleep also plays a crucial role in our performance in the gym. So if you want to speed up muscle recovery and increase your energy, that would bethe bed for athletesfrom YAK is just right for you. The Celliant technology in the bed not only reduces your need for sleep, but also ensures that you fall asleep faster and have more energy for the same amount of sleep.

Watch your diet and drink enough water

The most common mistake beginners make is not eating after exercise. During exercise, our body uses energy from carbohydrates as fuel and in order to accelerate muscle recovery, we should replenish our energy stores quickly. For example, a protein shake is advisable immediately after training and you should eat a meal made up of carbohydrates and proteins no later than 2 hours afterwards. Whether it's yogurt with some fruit and nuts or baked oatmeal - the possibilities for quick and healthy snacks are endless. If you follow a plant-based diet, almonds, chickpeas, tofu and othersvegan protein sourcessupport muscle regeneration. In order for the blood to circulate better in the body and your cells to be supplied with nutrients again, you need to drink a lot of water! Increased sweating during exercise also leads to a significant loss of fluids, which you should quickly make up for.

Accelerate muscle recovery by stretching before and after exercise

Stretching your body before and after training seems completely unnecessary, especially for beginners, and many people skip this part entirely. These extra 15 minutes can work wonders and accelerate muscle regeneration. A short dynamic warm-up prepares the muscles and joints for the stress, prevents injuries and is therefore absolutely essential for increased performance during sport. The cool down should also not be underestimated - this gradually normalizes the body temperature and the heart and breathing rates. Stretching exercises promote blood circulation, improve mobility and thereby stimulate the regeneration process of the trained muscle groups.

Treat yourself to a massage

A massage can help prevent muscle stiffness and accelerate regeneration. Gently massaging the most stressed parts of the body has a positive effect on the blood and lymph flow, has an anti-inflammatory effect and also relaxes the mind. However, some caution is advised when performing massages, as a massage that is too firm can be seen as a burden and cause the regeneration phase to take even longer than usual. The good news is that you don't have to spend any money - a foam roller or a large, tightly rolled towel can also stimulate blood circulation.

Accelerate muscle regeneration with a sauna or contrast showers

Do you love going to the sauna every now and then? Great! Regular sauna visits after training are an excellent way to accelerate muscle regeneration and strengthen the immune system. To avoid circulatory problems, you should give your body a break of around 20 minutes between training and going to the sauna. Also remember to drink enough water! Or how about oneContrast shower? It's not for everyone and involves a lot of effort, but it's incredibly good for the muscles! While the warm water promotes blood circulation and relaxes the tendons, the ice water prevents the muscles from hurting. To do this, shower alternately with ice-cold and warm water for about 40-50 seconds and repeat the process 5-6 times, always ending the alternating showers with cold water. Even if it is not very pleasant at first, the water should actually be as cold as possible.