Similar to exercise balls andYoga-RäderPilates rings fall into the category of exercise equipment that looks pretty innocent. It's just a hollow, simple ring - how challenging can it make training? The answer is: Very. Fitness trainer Rahel Ghebremichael shows an effective full-body workout with the Pilates ring that trains all muscle groups with just 5 exercises. After this 8-minute Pilates ring workout, you'll have sore abs for days!
Part strength training, part Pilates, this eight-minute workout (which you can do in the comfort of your own living room, by the way) works the arms, core, legs, and balance. You could even say it's a well-rounded sweating program that you can do anytime, anywhere - even without a Pilates ring.
The workout consists of 5 exercises, with each side being a single set. Each exercise is completed with 10 repetitions. To make the training even more intense and strenuous, do 1 - 2 sets or additional repetitions per exercise.
First set of 10 repetitions
1. Back lunges – left side
Take a step back with your left leg and come into a lunge. The right knee should be at about a 90 degree angle, knee over the right ankle and the thigh parallel to the floor. Extend your arms in front of you. Keep your back straight, your stomach actively pulled in and your core tense.
Then pull the ring towards your chest and squeeze it briefly. Keep your shoulders away from your ears. Extend your arms again and return to the starting position. As you stand up, tap the toes of your left foot on the floor and bring the leg back to the other.
2. Chopping wood with Pilates ring in lunge – right side
Step backwards with your left leg, extending your arms diagonally upward on your left. As you lunge, rotate your torso and lower the ring down to your opposite hip past your thigh. Your gaze should be directed forward and your back remains straight. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
3. Single leg deadlift - left side
Slowly bend your upper body forward with your arms outstretched while extending your left leg back. As you go down, bend your right leg slightly at the knee. Keep your core tense. It is important that your hips and back remain straight. Raise your upper body again slowly and in a controlled manner, tap the toes of your left foot on the floor and squeeze the ring.
4. Standing shoulder press – left side
Extend your arms up and your left leg forward. Shift your weight onto your right leg and bend it slightly. Push your hips back a little while keeping your torso tense.
Inhale as you extend your arms up and over your head. Now pull your left knee up and at the same time bring your arms down to a 90 degree angle. As you exhale, bring your leg back down and touch the floor with your toes.
5. Elbow to knee – left side
Extend your left leg back and bring your left arm over your head while holding the ring in your right hand. Tense your core and bring your left knee to your left elbow. Breathe evenly and maintain a pace that you are comfortable with. However, you can also do the exercise faster if you have good balance.
Second set of 10 repetitions per exercise
1. Backward lunges – right side
Before starting the exercises on the other side, straighten your back and press your shoulders away from your ears. Take a few deep breaths. Then bring your right leg back and extend your arms with the ring forward. Take time to find your balance. Keep your gaze forward. While standing in a lunge, squeeze the ring with your hands and then stand upright again.
2. Chopping wood with Pilates ring – left side
Take a step backwards and extend your arms with the ring upwards so that your body forms a diagonal line. While keeping your gaze forward, rotate your upper body and lower the ring past your left thigh. Push yourself up and back to the starting position with your arms extended overhead.
3. Single-leg deadlift – right side
With your arms outstretched, guide the ring toward the floor while extending your right leg back. The supporting leg, i.e. the left leg, is slightly bent. When performing it, your back should be straight and your head forms an extension of the spine. This means you lower your gaze slightly as you bend forward. Slowly stand upright again, tap the toes of your right foot on the floor and squeeze the ring.
4. Shoulder press with Pilates ring while standing - right side
Push your hips back and extend your right leg forward while engaging your core. Inhale as you stretch your arms upward. Raise your right leg to a 90 degree angle and at the same time bend your arms downwards. Breathe in and out, working your core and pulling your shoulders away from your ears. As you exhale, lower your leg and tap your toes on the floor.
5. Bring your elbow to your right knee
Bring your right leg back and extend your right arm above your head. Pull your elbow toward your right knee. Then stretch your arm and leg out again. Only touch the ground very briefly with the tips of your toes. Once you find balance, increase the pace.
And you're done! If you still have more energy, you can repeat the workout. 2 – 3 more sets of this workout and you will feel the burn! More ideas for exercises with the Pilates ringcan be found in this article.
You can also watch Rahel Ghebremichael's video on YouTube: