Russian Twist Exercise - how good is such a training for the muscles?

The Russian Twist exercise is a great way to build both the abdominal and back muscles. This type of workouts promotes growth in all its core muscles and is extremely easy to carry out. The only thing you really need to train in this way are yourself and a flat floor. Yes, that is, you can make this exercise comfortably from home. However, the name is only speculated about the name, with the theories related to the exercises of Russian soldiers during the war. In principle, the required equipment is absolutely not. However, you can grab a few dumbbells and gymnastics balls to increase the intensity. This post can therefore help you to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of Russian Twist. We have also provided a simple guide for you to carry out the exercise.

Interesting facts about Russian Twist

Build up a strong middle of the body with the so -called Russian turn. This rotary movement processes your outer abdominal muscles and your entire body to give you a strong basis for all sports. For example, imagine a vertical line that runs through the body and divides it clean in half. Every movement that you run in parallel to this line takes place in the Sagittal level. Now look at the movements youDuring your trainingexecute and how many of them run in parallel to this line. Most of them are probably - from classic exercises with body weight, such as litigation and squats, to workouts with free weight such as presses and rotations. If they then all mix together, there are chances of moving to the side with side supports. These are movements that you will run at the frontal level. All of these are excellent exercises that bring you into the world of good fitness. However, you do not move your body in a different way that you run regularly, especially if you do a lot of sports.

Imagine another imaginary line that halves your body in the waist. Movements in which you turn your upper or lower body in parallel to this line are carried out in the transverse level, and there is a possibility that you are duringOf your trainingdo not run so many of them. Correct this through the Russian Twist Exercise, which works in the transverse level and strengthens the muscles that could be missing in their lifting and lowering movements. You can also cover the abdominal presses and fuselage. Regular workouts can also help improve posture. For example, if you are about to start kayak or canoeing, there is no better basic exercise to prepare for it with a paddle.

How do you do a Russian twist exercise?

Start first by sitting on the floor with bent knees and flat feet. Then lean back so that your upper body is at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor. Keep your back straight during the entire exercise at this angle because it will be tempting to pull your shoulders forward. If you connect your hands in front of your chest, then tighten your middle of your body and lift your legs off the ground. Turn your arms aside and do the same in the other direction. Count this as a repetition and strive for a total of 20, or set a timer for a minute and continue turning until the beep sounds.

Targeted muscle building

Muscles, from which you can expect to grow with Russian Twist, are mainly the outer and transverse abdominal muscles and the back muscles. The former are located on both sides of the abdomen. So the transverse belly is what you see when you imagine abdominal muscles. If you want to build up your muscles, you will be brought there with Russian Twist. This exercise also strengthens its lower back muscles. With a stronger back muscles you can expect better posture and more protection against injuries.

Variations by Russian Twist

The increasing intensity is another advantage of Russian Twist. There are so many ways to make the exercise more challenging as you build your muscles. For example, if you hold your feet together, you get more stability. However, if you separate them from each other, this will increase the difficulty of the workout. The turned turns of the body are another option to carry out this exercise if the standard version is too difficult for you. You can position your feet on the floor to make it much easier. Ideally, you should get up from the floor with your feet and know that you can always take off during the workout. This is a variant if you have problems doing the repetitions in good body position. You can also try out the following variants to create more resistance.

With medicine ball and weight

This progression is probably the most common form of exercise, which is carried out in gyms or fitness centers. You can make this variant with any kind of weight you have at hand. For example, dumbbells, balls of ball, medicine balls, sandbags and everything you can hold with two hands are suitable for this if you turn to the side. The additional weight increases the challenge for your medium body, especially if you try to lift the weight from the side.

For additional strength, try to tap the selected weight on the floor on each side lightly while turning. Regardless of which accessories you use, it is important to ensure that your body is not pulled out of position during training. Only her upper body should turn. So if you have problems keeping your body position, reduce the weight or return to the unexpected exercise.

With gymnastics ball

As the old saying says: If you want to make a body exercise heavier, bring in a huge inflatable ball. The support of her upper body on an unstable surface while Russian Twist means that her middle of the body has to work all the harder to keep position and balance.

To do this, lie down on a gymnastics ball with the upper back and stretch your feet flat on the floor. Hold a light dumbbell or ball dumbbell with straight arms. Turn your upper body onto one side until your arms are parallel to the floor and then turn it back to the other side.

With lower body

This variation relocates the focus of the exercise on its abdominal and abdominal muscles. First lie flat on the floor with your back and arms and keep your legs straight up. Press your shoulders on the floor, turn your legs aside and keep them just positioned. If your feet are close to the ground, but do not touch it, stretch your legs back and then to the other side.

Gradual instructions

  1. First lie down on the floor and either put your feet under something that cannot be moved, or let it keep it by a partner. Your legs should be bent on your knees.
  2. Then lift your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. Your arms should be completely stretched out in front of them vertically to your upper body and folded hands. This is the starting position.
  3. First turn your upper body to the right until your arms are in parallel to the floor when exhaling.
  4. Keep this position for a second and return to the starting position when exhaling. Now go to the opposite side and carry out the same techniques that you applied to the right side.
  5. Do this for the recommended number of repetitions.
  6. Variation: If you have progressed, you can keep a weight with both arms to resist.

More useful tips

  • If you feel too much pressure in your lower back area, you can lean a little forward until you feel more comfortable.
  • The most important thing about this exercise is your posture. You should evaluate them at speed.
  • Your back should always stay straight at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • If you get a curved spine during this activity, your abdominal muscles will not be used optimally and your lower back is unnecessarily loaded.
  • For this reason, try the following approach: breathe out as you turn and breathe in while you return to the middle.

Disadvantages of Russian Twist

A person's awareness of his muscles has a simple course. You start with what you see in the mirror: biceps, chest, shoulders and six -pack. However, you also quickly notice that there are even more interesting things on the other side: large back muscles, trapezoidal muscles and triceps muscles. At some point, not long after your legs have stopped growing, find that these muscles also appeal to your daily training. But the real exam of your consciousness comes when you think about all the thoughts in between, like about your cross -run muscles. You could notice your own if you are slim enough. Or you can see a picture of a fitness model and wonder what is going on with these finger-like muscles on the sides of his waist. It is as if the being on the face of the film Alien is part of his anatomy.

You can also guess why most people use Russian Twist. An athlete could do this exercise to develop rotation for sports such as hockey, golf, baseball or other sports that are about throwing or beating. In the worst case, you can put enormous strain on your lumbar spine in the Russian Twist exercise. On the one hand, your lower back can only turn 10 to 15 degrees. On the other hand, leaning back automatically brings the lumbar spine into a vulnerable position with a non -supported upper body. The twisting from this position increases the risk, especially at a higher weight. Nevertheless, you can try out the suggestions listed above to determine whether they fit them. Otherwise there are enough other exercises with which you can train your middle of the body.