With summer just around the corner, we all want to lose those last few pounds and get our bodies in top shape.Crossfit exercises, Tabata, HIIT, Hula Hoop, etc. – the fitness world is very diverse and there is something for everyone. But just when we think that we already know and have tried all possible training methods, a new one comes along. Jumping, running and performing multiple exercises as quickly and dynamically as possible - plyometric training is becoming increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts. This is a special form of jumping strength training and the dynamic movements are intended to improve our strength and coordination and promote fat loss. Classic strength training is not for you and you find running several dozen kilometers on the treadmill boring? Then you could try something completely new and challenge your muscles in a new way! What exactly is plyometric training and what are the best plyometric exercises to include in your workout routine? We'll tell you all this and much more below!
Plyometric training, also known as jumping strength training, includes dynamic sideways, up and down as well as forward and backward movements, which are intended to increase our explosive power. This is the force that makes us react in a matter of seconds. When we want to lose weight, hour-long cardio sessions might be the first thing that comes to mind. While this isn't the worst idea and is certainly better than nothing, it's not the best either. In order to define our body, we not only have to burn fat, but also build muscle. And this is where plyometric training comes into play - the exercises with jumping power stimulate the metabolism and train several muscle groups at the same time. However, getting up every morning and going to the gym can be stressful for most people. The best thing about plyometric exercises? You don't need any special equipment and they are ideal for a quick yet effectiveHome Workoutsuitable!
Plyometric training was originally developed in the 1970s by Dr. Yuri Verkhoshansky, referred to as the “father of plyometrics,” developed it as a form of training for the Soviet Olympic team. A few years later, the American Fred Will was so enthusiastic about the athletes' performance that he also implemented the training method with his athletes in the USA. While initially used primarily by martial artists and gymnasts, plyometric training is now gaining popularity among more and more fitness enthusiasts. In contrast to classic strength training with slow movements to increase muscle mass, plyometric exercises are based on fast and explosive movements. The technique activates the central nervous system and aims to improve two important abilities of the muscles - their strength and dynamics. Activating the fast-twitch muscle fibers leads to quick and efficient muscle building.
The basis of plyometric training is the so-calledStretch-shortening cycle (DVZ),i.e. the lengthening of the muscles, followed by a sudden and rapid shortening. The workout is mostly based on pure bodyweight exercises such asPush-ups, squats and lunges - of course in an explosive and dynamic version. The exercises with jumping force train several muscle groups at the same time, ensuring a balanced whole-body workout. Executing the exercise quickly also promotes fat loss. When we exercise at maximum intensity for 30 to 40 seconds, our body has to work hard to recruit the muscle fibers it needs for proper execution.
Who are plyometric exercises suitable for and how often should we do them?
Anyone who is actively involved in sports has done plyometric exercises - for example jumping jacks. Movements with jumping elements are also often part ofHIIT Workouts. Plyometric training requires a tremendous amount of power and strength and would therefore be less suitable for beginners. The high strain on the musculoskeletal system and insufficient knowledge as well as the wrong technique can lead to serious injuries. It is recommended to approach the training method slowly. You should also have a certain level of endurance. For example, once you can do clean squats, you can try jumping squats. The ligaments, joints and tendons must also be healthy. Training is taboo for people who are overweight or recovering from surgery.
Because of the increased intensity, this is definitely not the type of workout you should do every day. After all, the muscles need some time to recover. There are a few ways you can incorporate plyometric exercises into your workout routine.
- Swap out some traditional strength training exercises for a more dynamic variation. If push-ups are a regular part of your workout, do plyo push-ups instead.
- Skip boring cardio sessions and do a 30-minute plyometric workout instead. It's more fun and burns almost twice as many calories.
How do you benefit from plyometric exercises?
Are you wondering what all this bouncing up and down does? A whole lot! Plyometric training is a real all-rounder for our fitness. This improves coordination, jumping and speed strength, stability, balance, mobility and explosiveness. It also strengthens the tendons and ligaments, making us less susceptible to injuries in the long term. Through plyometric exercises, our body learns to use its strength efficiently and as a result we last longer. Runners and athletes who train basketball, volleyball or boxing can particularly benefit from this. The functional movements strain the entire body and activate several muscle groups at the same time, making the training form an excellent full-body workout. The legs and bottom are particularly stressed, resulting in a toned and beautiful lower body.
Plyometric training exercises
Below, we've rounded up some of the best plyometric exercises you can add to your workout routine. For most of these you only need your own body weight. However, if you really want to work out and take your training to the next level, you should get a so-called plyo box or a higher and stable box. For a complete workout, choose between 5 and 6 of the following exercises and do a total of 3 rounds.
- Jumping Squats,Also known as squat jumps or jump squats, they are an essential part of any plyometric training. The starting position is the classic squat, which you hold in the lowest position for a few seconds. Then gain momentum with your arms and explosively jump straight up. Land softly back into a crouch and immediately jump again. Start with 8-10 reps and slowly work your way up.
- Frog Jumpsare another great squat variation to get your muscles burning. Squat deeply and place your feet wide apart. Tense your stomach and jump forward as far as possible. Land softly in a crouch and jump forward again.
- Lunges with jumpare an excellent full-body exercise that tests your endurance. Step your right foot back and lower your hips down so that your legs form a right angle. The left knee is behind the toe. Quickly jump into the air and switch feet so you land with your right leg in front. Quickly jump again and switch sides again - this counts as one repetition. Do the exercise for about 30 seconds at your own pace.
- Star Jumps –And let's continue with the jumping. Star jumps are a strenuous variation of the classic jumping jacks and are ideal for effective plyometric training. Start standing upright, hip-width apart, and squat slightly. Now jump up and spread your arms and legs at the same time. Land in a crouch again and jump again. Do 10 to 12 reps.
- Weighted Side Jumps –For this plyometric exercise, you will need a medium-high box and either a dumbbell or a medicine ball. Stand about 50 centimeters from the box and hold a dumbbell or medicine ball above your head with your arms outstretched. Jump over the box continuously for 30-40 seconds, making sure to keep your back straight.
- Plank Jacks –No plyometric training would be complete without at least onePlank Variantreally complete. Plank jacks are a combination of jumping jacks and plank - hence the name. Start in the classic high plank position and tense your stomach. Keep your head and hips in line with the rest of your body and your feet together. Now spread your legs while jumping and immediately return to the starting position. When executing, make sure that your upper body remains as stable as possible.
- In & Out Squatsis the perfect plyometric exercise to improve your balance and train your thighs. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and squat slightly. The thighs are parallel to the floor and the knees remain in line with the toes. From this position, jump into the sumo squat. Jump again and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise continuously for 30-40 seconds.
- Push-ups with clapping –You have thatclassic push-upalready mastered? Then it's time to try something new! Start in the classic high plank position with your hands below your shoulders and your elbows close to your body. Do a push-up, push yourself up, release your hands from the floor and quickly clap them together. Back in the push-up position, repeat. Do the exercise 8-10 times as quickly as possible.
- Squat with push-up –Squats and push-ups are arguably the most popular strength exercises of all time and when you combine the two in one move you get a real calorie killer! However, the exercise is very strenuous and only suitable for advanced users. Start in the traditional push-up position and quickly push yourself up through your hands. Bring your knees to your chest and land in a deep squat. Hold for 2-3 seconds and jump back into push-up position. Do 10-12 reps in total.
- Pop-ups push-upsare undoubtedly among the most difficult plyometric exercises, but are extremely effective and work all muscle groups at the same time. Lie on your stomach and place your palm on the side of your chest. Perform a push-up and quickly jump forward with your right foot and backward with your left foot. Immediately return to the starting position, push yourself up and switch legs - this counts as one repetition. Do a total of 10-12 reps per leg.
- Tuck Jumps –You either love them or hate them - anyone who has ever done tuck jumps knows how incredibly demanding the exercise is. In contrast to normal squat jumps, the knees are pulled towards the chest, which in turnthe core muscles are trainedand strengthens. Stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and push your hips slightly back and down. Pull your arms up and push yourself off the ground with maximum jumping force. Now pull your knees towards your chest until you reach the highest point of the jump. Straighten your legs again and land softly in a squat with your knees bent.