The good old jump rope is actually a brilliant, mobile and cheap full-body training device with which you can train your endurance, strength and flexibility. Of course, it also burns a lot of calories, about as much as when jogging, swimming or tennis. You train with your own body weight and claim all muscle groups at the same time. Even professional athletes include it into their athletic training program and benefit from it. What you have to bring is motivation and the will to learn how to do it. If you cannot yet raise the motivation, the Springeil Workout is also helpful for this - a bit of fun must be - especially during training.
Springeil Workout: What is being trained?
Springs rope training is part of the plyometric training. This is speed training and includes everything that has to do with jumping or bouncing. It is particularly effective to quicklyTo build musclesAnd increase the endurance. In professional athletic training, it is used to improve jumping, coordination and reactivity. Athletes of almost all disciplines can benefit from this. Hobby athletes also notice, for example, that they run more easily through the jump rope training. This happens because the leg muscles are built up, the tendons become firmer and the coordination of the muscles improves - the running performance is economized.
What is the right jump rope for me?
Springs ropes are available in different materials. Which is suitable for you depends on your training level.
- Beginners - If you are starting jumping, choose a textile, braided jump rope. This is slower in the rotation and gives you more control in the execution.
- Medium - choose a jump rope made of PVC or leather. These ropes are light and you can achieve a higher speed for any speed training.
- Advanced - if you have an experiencedSpeed-Springeryou should choose a speed rope. These are made of light PVC material and have worked in ball bearings in the handles so that they turn even faster.
How do I correct the jump rope?
- You should choose a jump rope that is about 60 cm to 90 cm longer than your body size.
- Unpack the rope and stand in front of a mirror.
- Take the rope handles in your hands and stand on the rope with both feet.
- There should be space for about 1 foot width between her feet.
- Now lead your hands, hold the rope handles, along the body, up towards the shoulders until the rope is tensioned.
- You should take to the shoulder with a tense rope. So they discussed the correct length.
How to jump properly
The correct attitude and execution is also crucial when jumping rope, as well as in general for sporting exercises. This helps to get the optimal benefit and avoid injuries. Even if you first have the feeling that you cannot apply the right coordination, the exercise helps to train yourself the necessary coordination. Keep your body stretched and check your movements. Do not form a hollow cross with your back, but pull the crown of the pelvis forward, so thatAvoid back injuries.
During the training, keep your elbows close to the body pages. The rotary movement should be controlled by the wrists, not controlled by the elbows. Jump up high enough to get over the rope and avoid the extrahopser. For the time being, train the two -legged leap until it sits safely and you can hold it out for 2 minutes before trying out other more exotic jumps.
Workout with the jump rope for beginners
The workout for beginners aims to first build self -confidence, consistency and coordination. Jump in two -legged. Try to do it 3 times a week until you have achieved enough coordination and security:
Springseil Workout 1
- 1. Set: 15 jumps - 30 seconds break
- 2. Set: 25 jumps - 30 seconds break
- 3. Set: 35 jumps - 30 seconds break
- 4. Set: 25 jumps - 30 seconds break
- 5. Set: 15 jumps - 30 seconds break
Springseil Workout 2 – Intervall Workout
If you feel safe with Workout 1, after 3 - 5 training at the earliest, try Workout 2. This workout takes 7 minutes and you can use it to warm up before training or to waste after training. 2 passes, 3 times a week:
- 1. Set: 30 seconds jump - 30 seconds break
- 2. Set: 45 seconds jump - 45 seconds break
- 3. Set: jumping 60 seconds - 60 seconds break
- 4. Set: 45 seconds jump - 45 seconds break
- 5. Set: 30 seconds jump - 30 seconds break
Precautionary measures
Whenever movement occurs in combination with speed, the risk of accidents increases - for yourself and also for third parties. Since the rope may turn very quickly, please make sure that there is enough free space around you. It is very important to make sure that there is no child nearby that could be injured. This also applies to pets. Since jumping rope can be very intense, please speak to your doctor in advance and clarify whetherThis training methodIf you take medication or suffer from an illness, if you take medication.