Crowded gyms, no time to go to the gym after work - the usual excuses that we all know by now and have used at least once. For one reason or another, more and more women have recently decided to exercise at home. Are you looking for an effective training plan for at home or would you like to know whether exercising with your own weight is beneficial? Then you've come to the right place - in this article we have the best tips for a workout at home and tell you the best way to lose weight with exercise at home!
If you are a newbie and are unsure how to train properly or simply feel uncomfortable in the gym, then a home workout plan is the best choice for you. Doing a few quick and easy weight loss exercises while dinner is simmering on the stove sounds fantastic, doesn't it? A home workout for women can be just as effective as going to the gym - provided you do the right exercises. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of training between your own four walls?
Workout for at home – the advantages and disadvantages at a glance
Training plan for women at home – advantages:
- No monthly fees –Losing weight at home isn't just fun - it's much cheaper than a gym membership. The amounts are on average between 25 and 60 euros per month and if you add that up for the whole year, it results in several hundred euros that you could otherwise save and invest in the right equipment for fitness at home.
- You are flexible in terms of time –This is probably the biggest benefit of a home exercise program. Whether before or after work or while the children are doing their homework - training at home can be done at any time of the day! You can plan the time that you would otherwise need to drive there or look for a parking space much more efficiently.
However, losing weight at home also has some disadvantages.
- You could hurt yourself –Exercising in the comfort of your own home is nice in itself, but if you're a beginner, the possibility of injuring yourself is much greater. Since executing a home exercise plan occurs without the supervision of a professional trainer, you need to ensure that you are performing the exercises correctly.
- Lack of motivation –Working out at home while the sofa or refrigerator calls you from the other room - resisting this requires a very strong will. A little tip from us – write your goals on small pieces of paper and stick them on the fridge or on the mirror in the bathroom. It would also be helpful if you plan exact dates for your daily workout at home.
- Doing the same exercises over and over again quickly becomes monotonousboring -Even though there are an incredible number of options for home workouts online, a gym typically offers many different classes and a wide variety of equipment, while this may not be financially possible at home.
What will you need for your own gym?
Despite the disadvantages and after much consideration, have you decided that a gym is not for you and you would like to try exercise to lose weight at home? Of course, whether you just buy a few dumbbells or turn the basement into a fully equipped gym depends primarily on your budget. Below we will tell you what basic equipment you need for a workout at home.
- Trainingsmatteprotects knees, back and elbows and is therefore an absolute must.
- dumbbells
- Trainingsbank
- Medicine ballAlthough optional, it is perfect for anyone who wants to exercise at home to lose weight without equipment.
- More than a TRXSystemfor oneFull body workout planyou don't actually need it. It can be easily and quickly attached to the wall or door and helps build muscle at home. In addition, it improves your posture.
How do you train correctly and can you train every day?
Is it good to train every day and how many training sessions are optimal for toning your body at home – these are probably the questions that everyone who wants to exercise at home asks themselves most often. The rule of thumb for any beginner workout at home is - it's best to start with a full-body training plan and first try to do the exercises 2-3 times a week until your body gets used to the strain. Afterwards you can complete 3 or 4 training sessions. Muscle training at home three to four times a week is the optimal way to build muscle mass, burn a few extra calories get your metabolism going. This is what the perfect training plan for losing fat and building muscle for women should look like.
Home Workout Women – How long should you train and how many reps and sets?
How long you should train depends primarily on your goals. Do you want to lose weight, build muscle or simply stay fit and healthy? But in general, training for more than 50 minutes is considered counterproductive and rather pointless. If your home weight loss program takes longer, your body will just end up exhausted and the immune system may suffer from overtraining, leading to various diseases and infections. In addition, the testosterone level also drops significantly and this in turn leads to muscle loss. The number of sets and repetitions is the be-all and end-all for the optimal training plan for women at home.
- At aWeight loss program for home2 to 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each are sufficient.
- Training plan for beginners at home –It's best to start with 1-3 sets of 12-15 reps.
- Training plan to build muscle for a woman at home –Do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps each.
Training plan for women at home – tips for fitness beginners
Do you regularly do your exercises to lose weight and are still not satisfied with the results? In addition to the right exercises, a few other factors are also very important when it comes to losing weight at home.
- One of the main reasons why so many people fail to achieve their weight loss goals is unbalanced nutrition. Many women overestimate the number of calories burned during their workout and reward themselves with a tasty snack afterwards. In order to lose weight healthily and permanently, you first have to change your diet.
- Even the best home workout for weight loss won't work if you're constantly dehydrated and don't drink enough water. According to various scientific studies, dehydration could lead to poor concentration and low energy levels. So make sure you drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily.
- There are an incredible number of small onesHabits that prevent you from losing weightcan.
The best fitness plan for beginners at home
There are two types of workouts for every home exercise plan – circuit training and interval training. But what is the difference between the two and what should a good training plan for beginners at home look like? Get fit at home with oneCircuit training –In circuit training, all exercises are performed one after the other with a short break of around 10 seconds in between. After doing each exercise once, you should take a 2-minute break and then repeat the circuit once or twice more. For example, a home workout without equipment to lose weight could look like this:
- Warm up for 5 minutes
- 30 seconds Hampelmann
- 30 second break
- 30 seconds of sit-ups
- 30 second break
- 30 second step ups
- 30 second break
- 30 seconds squat
- 30 second break
- 30 seconds of paddling
- Rest for 2 minutes and repeat the exercises. Do a total of 3 circuits and finally a 5 minute cool down.
- Hampelmanis one of the most effective yet simple exercises for the whole body and is perfect for a short, effective workout. To do it correctly, first stand upright and stretch your arms upwards. Jump up slightly, spreading your feet to the sides and at the same time bringing your arms to shoulder height. Repeat the exercise for 30 seconds without rest.
- PaddleWomen without equipment should also not be missing from any training plan. With this exercise you train both the upper and lower back muscles as well as the butt. And this is how it is done: Lie on your stomach and tense your body. Raise your legs and arms and wiggle them up and down slightly. To avoid a neck injury, we recommend that you look down at all times.
- Tone your body at homeStep-Ups –One foot is on the floor and the other is placed on the sofa, chair or a box. Change the position of both feet through dynamic jumps.
Training plan with interval training
Interval training involves doing each exercise in your home weight loss program as quickly as possible, followed by a 20-second rest, and then repeating the exercise. As already mentioned, how many sets and reps you do depends on your goal. Below you will find a leg training plan and an example upper body workout at home that are perfect for a beginner's workout at home. All you need is an exercise mat, a few dumbbells and 30 minutes a day!
Legs training plan own weight:
- climber
- Sumo Kniebeuge
- Pelvic bridge
- Pelvic bridge stretch with leg
- Donkey Kicks– They are carried out on all fours. Tense your abdominal muscles and lift your left leg until it forms a line with your back and bottom. Hold for 2 seconds and go to the starting position, then repeat with the other leg.
- Side lunges
- Lunges
- Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions of each exercise.
Beginner workout at home - women's upper body workout at home
- Hampelman
- Bizeps Curls
- Deadlift with dumbbells
- Lateral raises with dumbbells, bent over– Bend your upper body forward while keeping your back straight. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows and lift the dumbbells to the sides.
- Push-ups
- Trizeps Dips– Stand with your back in front of a chair or sofa and stretch your legs forward. Bend your arms, lift your butt and slowly lower yourself down. Make sure your upper arms are bent at a 90 degree angle.
Full body workout plan
Don't have time or don't feel like training for hours? Then you are well advised with exercises for the whole body. A full-body workout at home uses multiple muscle groups at once, usually lasts no longer than 40-50 minutes, and the higher intensity means more calories are burned, which in turn leads to fat loss and weight loss. Another advantage of our full-body training at home is that the entire training plan does not require any equipment. For your whole-body strength training at home, choose primarily basic exercises. These are exercises that use 2 or more muscle groups at once. Isolation exercises such as biceps curls have no place here.
- Plank –With this exercise you train your stomach, legs, buttocks and back at the same time. So you kill not two, but four birds with one stone!
- Squat
- Lunges
- Push-ups
- Arm and leg stretches –The exercise is performed from the quadruped position. Make sure your shoulders are over your wrists and your hips are over your knees. Raise and extend your left arm and right leg, return to starting position and switch sides.
- Burpees –When standing upright, place your feet hip-width apart. Jump into the push-up position and perform a push-up. Jump back into a squat and perform a stretch jump. The most important thing is that you do the exercise quickly and repeat it at least 10 times.
- mountaineer –Assume a push-up position and keep your body in a straight line. Alternately pull your right and left legs towards your upper body.
- This training plan for women without equipment is interval training. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps for each exercise, resting 1 minute between exercises.
The full body workout at home that we have for you is very intense and for this reason no weights are required. However, our bodies get used to the strain after about 4-5 weeks and as soon as you notice that you still have strength after training, you should try to make the exercises a little more strenuous. You could either use dumbbells orUse fitness bandsor choose exercises for advanced users and put together your whole body training plan from scratch. Do 4 sets of 10-15 reps of each exercise.
- Warm up for 5 minutes.
- Squat
- Deadlifttrains your back, buttocks and thighs at the same time. To avoid a back injury, you should do the exercise correctly: The most important thing is that you keep your back straight the entire time. Place your legs shoulder-width apart and form a slight hollow back. Now slowly bend your upper body forward and move the dumbbell very close to the sides of your legs. Once the dumbbells have almost touched the floor, slowly return to the starting position.
- Lunges, ongoing
- Push-ups
- Lateral raises
- Shoulder press
- Plank– 4 x 1 Minute
Workout for at home – The best bodyweight training plan
Bodyweight sport has gained enormous popularity in recent years and more and more fitness trainers worldwide swear by it! No dumbbells, no machines – all you need is a mat and your own body! From lunges and squats to push-ups and burpees, everything is included and that's exactly what makes it the perfect workout for at home. Of course - when exercising at home to lose weight without equipment, you have to be a little inventive so that it doesn't get too boring. But you can experiment with the intensity, number of repetitions and pace of the exercises. In addition, most weight loss exercises can be varied at home. For example, you have an incredible number of options for a push-up - narrow, wide or even with just one arm. For better results and faster success, make sure that you include as many body parts as possible in your home gymnastics.
Training plan for women without equipment – What are the most popular exercises for toning your body at home?
Upper body training at home and arms training at home without equipment:
- No matter whether you want to train at home without or with equipmentPush-upsare an integral part of every home workout women.
- Trizeps Dips
- Superman exerciseTo train your back at home without equipment - lie flat on your stomach and stretch your arms and legs forward and lift them slightly at the same time.
- Bodyweight biceps training requires a little creativity and improvisation, but we have the solution for you here too! Take a large bath towel and hold both ends firmly with your hands. Now place one foot in the middle so that the leg is in the air on the towel. Press against the towel, perform 10-15 reps and switch legs. By pressing you create resistance and ensure effective muscle training at home without equipment.
- Shoulder presswith filled bottles is the solution for everyone who wants to do sports with their own weighttoned armsdream.
Lose weight without fitness equipment
Slim legs and a firm, firm bottom – we believe that is the dream of most women worldwide. And the best thing is that with the right exercises you don't even have to leave your apartment. Below we will tell you which are the best exercises for losing weight for the perfect leg training plan at home.
- Squats –Whether classic or sumo squats – all variations are real all-rounders and are ideal for your home workout.
- Lungesfor slim thighs use the entire gluteal muscles and are among the most effective exercises for anyone who wants to train at home. You probably know the classic version, but how about jumping lunges? To do this, place your feet shoulder-width apart, jump and place your right leg forward and your right leg back. Againjump and legsSwitch in the air and land again in a lunge.
- Bridge
- Hip Thrustis undoubtedly one of the most effective weight loss exercises to do at home. Here's how to do it: Support your upper back on the bed or couch so that your shoulder blades are on the edge. Extend your feet forward and bend your knees slightly. Push off with your heels and lift your hips. For an even more effective workout at home, place a resistance band around your knees.
- Fire Hydrantas part of your no-equipment training plan – Start in the quadruped position. Lift your left leg to the side while keeping your back straight. Return to starting position and repeat with right leg.
- Bulgarian Split Squatis a variation of the classic lunges and strains the entire vascular muscles. Stand in front of a chair or the couch and place one foot on it. Now slowly squat down and then push yourself up from this position in a controlled manner.
Upper body training plan for a flat stomach
For a good abdominal training plan at home In most cases, no weights or other equipment is required.
- Crunches und Sit-Upsare probably the classic exercises fora flat stomachand a must in every workout for women at home.
- climberNot only does it train your abdominal muscles, but also your legs and arms, making it perfect for a full-body workout plan.
- Leg raisesfor the lower abdominal muscles – Lie on your back and lift both legs straight at the same time. To perform this exercise correctly, you must make sure that your back touches the floor.
- Russian Twist
- Plank
Woman training plan to build muscle at home
Are you wondering whether it would be possible to build muscle with a home workout? And whether! All effective women's fat loss training plans are based primarily on basic exercises such as squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses or bench presses. The hormone testosterone plays a very important role in building muscle and it is precisely during this type of home training session that it is released in enormous quantities. So try to design your strength training training plan at home so that two-thirds of it consists of basic exercises. In the remaining third you integrate the so-called isolation exercises. Isolation exercises, such as biceps curls, target only a specific muscle group.
Get fit woman – training plan to build muscle at home for beginners
Our first training plan, strength training at home, helps you build strength and basic muscles. So if you are a fitness newbie, this home muscle workout is for you!
- Squat without weight –3 sets of 20 repetitions each
- Rowing at the table –2 sets of 15 reps
- Push-up –3 sets of 12 reps
- Plank –3 x 1 Minute
- Wall sitting without weight –2 x 90 seconds
If you have been training regularly at home for around 4-5 months, you are an advanced person and your training for muscle building at home should be a lot more strenuous and demanding. The best thing about fitness at home is that it never gets easier - as your strength increases, you can continue to challenge your body with different exercises. The next vacation is just around the corner and you want to get fit in 2 weeks? Then you are well advised with our 5 day training plan! The home weight loss program consists of 3 days of strength training and 2 days of endurance training, such as jumping rope orgo for a walk outdoorsor even jogging.
Training plan for women fat loss muscle building – first training session:
- Squatwith 4 kilogram dumbbells – 4 sets of 12 repetitions
- Bridge with weight –4 sets of 15 reps
- Push-up, wide –3 sets of 10 reps
- Push-up, tight –3 sets of 10 reps
- Deadlift with dumbbells –4 sets of 13 reps
- shoulder press –3 sets of 13 reps
- Russian Twist –3 sets of 10 reps
Workout for home muscle building unit 2:
- Weighted Bulgarian Split Squat –4 sets of 12 reps
- Squat with jump –3 sets of 10 reps
- Push-up, wide –4 sets of 10 reps
- Plank –4 x 1 Minute
- bent lateral raise –3 sets of 10 reps
- Trizeps Dips –3 sets of 15 reps
Building muscle at home woman unit 3:
- Lunges with jump –3 sets of 15 reps
- Weighted deadlift –4 sets of 10 reps
- Wall sitting with weight –3 x 60 seconds
- Lateral raises –2 sets of 20 reps
- Sit-Ups –3 sets of 20 reps
- Leg raises –4 sets of 15 reps
Short and effective home training
After work, go shopping, cook, clean up at home and at the end of the day, the last thing you want to do is exercise - does that sound familiar? Now 10 minutes of exercise every day is better than no exercise at all and that's why we got smart and put together an example of 10 minutes of exercise for you. Our simple home workout plan consists of a total of 8 exercises and each of them is performed continuously for 60 seconds. Take a 15 second break between each exercise and if you have a little more time, you can repeat the home workout 2-3 times.
- Plank
- Push-ups
- Squat
- Lunges
- Shoulder press
- Arm and leg raises from the quadruped position
- Russian Twist
- Hampelman
Women's upper body workout at home
A well-trained figure not only includes slim legs and a firm bottom, but also beautiful and toned arms. But most women forego an arm training plan entirely because they are afraid that they might look too muscular. However, this is just an outdated myth and there is nothing to worry about! But an upper body workout at home doesn't mean just focusing on the front muscles like your chest and biceps. You also need to train your back and triceps at home. A complex upper body workout will make pushing, pulling or lifting heavy things a breeze for you. For the optimal upper body muscle training at home, we recommend that you choose a maximum of 4 exercises to start with. Another important point when doing arm exercises at home is the correct weight - the dumbbells must be heavy enough so that you can do a maximum of 12-13 repetitions.
Upper body training with the best exercises at a glance
- Train your back at home without any equipment with thisPlank Variation –The plank exercise is a real all-rounder and should not be missing from any arm training plan. However, the variant we have for you is not suitable for fitness beginners. Start in the elbow plank position and then push yourself off the floor into the high plank position.
- Shoulder circles with weights –With your feet hip-width apart, take something heavy in each hand - for example, dumbbells, water bottles or milk cartons (filled and not empty, of course) are suitable. Keep your arms at your sides and use light circular movements to bring the bottles upwards. Do 2-3 circles and slowly come to the starting position.
- Training your arms at home without equipment? Then it isStretch your arms forwardan absolute must. To do this, simply take a water bottle in your hand and stretch it straight forward. Perform 10-15 reps and switch arms.
- Train your triceps at homeone-arm rowing– Stand on the side of the bed or a chair and position your right knee and right hand on it. Now grab a dumbbell or a bottle with your left hand. Bend your arm and slowly pull the dumbbell up and back, making sure to keep your elbow close to your body.
- Rowing at the door –Place the legs to the left and right of the door and grab the handles. Bend your knees slightly and stretch your arms. Bend your arms and make slow movements, keeping your upper body straight the entire time.
- Train your stomach and arms at home without any equipmentSide support –Lie on your side on a mat and support yourself on your forearm. Straighten your legs and place the top foot either slightly forward or on the bottom leg. Slowly move your hips down and then back up again.
- Trizeps Extensions –For this exercise you will need either a dumbbell or a 1.5 liter water bottle. Hold the relevant object stretched out over your head and slowly lower your forearms back. The upper arms must remain firm.
Train your chest according to plan
Yes, women need to train their breasts too!The multifunctional chest trainingDoing exercise at home also puts a strain on your shoulders and back, which is why we recommend that you integrate a few exercises into your home exercise plan.
- Push-upsare the most common exercise and almost no arm training plan can avoid them.
- Brustfliege –Lie on the floor and raise two dumbbells or water bottles above your chest. Bend your elbows slightly and then slowly lower the dumbbells to the side until you feel a slight stretch.
- Wand Push-Ups –Stand 2-3 feet from the wall with your hands on the wall, shoulder width apart. Then lower your upper body forward until your head almost touches the wall. Slowly press your arms into the starting position.
Lose weight with exercise at home – effective exercises for your leg training plan
Achieve slim and defined legs with fitness at home? Yes, it is possible and it is much easier than you think! No leg presses, no heavy weights - all you need is your own body, some motivation and maybe a few dumbbells. Oh, and of course this list of home workouts.
- Of course, we'll end up in first placeSquats and lunges.
- Side lunges –Place your feet hip-width apart and take a large step to the side, pushing your hips back. For correct execution, the other leg must remain straight and the knee should point forward towards the toes. Repeat with the other leg.
- Single Leg Weighted Deadlift –Hold a dumbbell with your left hand and bend your right leg slightly at the knee. Lean forward and stretch and lift your right leg straight back. Lower the dumbbell down and slowly return to the standing position.
- Sumo Kniebeuge– With this variant of the squat, the feet are placed much wider than usual, but not too wide either. Now bend over and push your knees slightly outwards and push your hips backwards. Try to achieve an angle of 90 degrees between your upper and lower legs and slowly come to the starting position. Sumo squats without weight are perfect for a beginner's workout at home.
- Butt training plan for home andGoblet Squat –If you have a pair of dumbbells, this exercise is perfect for your daily home workout. You can decide for yourself whether you do normal or sumo squats. The only way the goblet squat differs from the classic squat is that you hold a dumbbell with your hands in front of your chest.
The Good Morning Exerciseis not as well known, but is just as effective as, for example, the deadlift. However, the execution is a little more complicated and is therefore only suitable for advanced users. In addition, you will need a barbell or a long broom.
- Place the bar on your upper back and bend your knees slightly.
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart, keep your back straight and look forward.
- Slowly bend your upper body forward until you are almost horizontal.
- Form a slight hollow back and keep your back stable.
- Slowly return to the starting position.