Now let's be honest - who has time in their hectic everyday life to spend 2 hours in the gym every day? Bodyweight workouts are becoming increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts, and for good reason. Don't you believe me? Then you should definitely try my bodyweight training and you will change your mind immediately!
If you ask me, bodyweight workouts don't get the recognition they deserve. No dumbbells, treadmills or fitness machines - bodyweight workouts are an excellent way to get our bodies in top shape. Whether in your own four walls, in the park or on vacation – bodyweight exercises can be done anywhere and are perfect for fitness beginners. And with bodyweight training, you'll be using all major muscle groups in no time.
Also read:Lose belly fat as a woman over 50: Tips and exercises to combat a big belly during menopause!
What are the benefits of bodyweight training?
For various reasons, more and more people are deciding to forego the gym and instead train with their own body weight. And no – you don’t necessarily need heavy weights to build muscle. As long as you keep challenging yourself, nothing will stand in the way of building muscle. Here is a brief overview of the benefits of bodyweight exercises.
Train multiple muscle groups at the same time
In contrast to classic strength training with weights, exercises with your own body weight are more functional and target several muscle groups at the same time. For example, the plank not only strengthens the stomach, but also the core muscles, the back and the arms.
Improved coordination and stability
Bodyweight training is a great way to improve coordination, stability and balance. This in turn has a positive impact on our general health and fitness.
Bodyweight exercises to lose weight
To lose fat you have to torture yourself on the treadmill? None! You can quickly turn bodyweight exercises into a high-intensity HIIT or Tabata workout by increasing the intensity and keeping the rest periods between exercises shorter.
Lower risk of injury
If we train with our own weight, it's logical toothe risk of injury is significantly lower. Even if done improperly, the consequences are not as dangerous as using additional weight.
Do I need to say more or have I already convinced you of the benefits of bodyweight exercises? If so – then try my bodyweight workout today and get your muscles burning! Perform each exercise for 40 to 60 seconds and immediately move on to the next one without resting. Then take a break for 2 minutes and repeat the circuit for a total of 3 to 4 rounds.
Squat to lunge
Which is better – squats or lunges? Instead of choosing, we will simply combine both exercises together. Advanced users can do the exercise a little more intensively to increase the level of difficulty.
- Stand upright with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
- Point your toes slightly outward and step your left foot back until your knee makes a 90-degree angle to the floor.
- Return to starting position and repeat with right leg.
- Then squat deeply - this counts as one repetition.
Step-ups execution
In addition to the legs and buttocks, the step-up exercise also uses the abdominal muscles and is therefore a great addition to training with your own body weight.
- Stand upright in front of a chair or sofa and spread your feet about hip-width apart.
- Tense your abdominal muscles and keep your body straight.
- Place one foot on the chair, making sure that the sole of your foot rests on the raised area.
- Push yourself up slowly, with the power coming from the elevated leg.
- Slowly lift the other leg up and bend it towards your stomach.
- Slowly return to the starting position and start with the other leg.
Bulgarian split squats execution
If you really want to get your legs burning, you can't ignore Bulgarian split squats. When done correctly, this is definitely one of the most effective bodyweight exercises out there.
- Stand with your back upright in front of a chair or sofa and place one foot on it.
- Take a step forward with your free leg.
- Keep your back straight, look forward and slowly lower your body until your front leg forms a 90 degree angle to the floor. Make sure that your knee does not extend beyond your toes.
- Tighten your buttocks and stomach and slowly return to the starting position.
- Do about 10-12 repetitions and switch legs.
Burpee with 180 degree jump
You either hate them or you love them - burpees are a real love-hate relationship. But no matter what you feel, one thing is certain - the exercise is an absolute must for any bodyweight workout. To avoid injury, here is an explanation of how to do burpees correctly.
- Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Squat deeply and support yourself with your hands on the floor.
- Stretch your legs back so that you come into the classic push-up position.
- Do a push-up and quickly jump back into a squat from this position.
- Then perform a jump and make a 180 degree turn.
Up-Down Planks
The plank is also one of the most effective bodyweight exercises and never gets boring thanks to the different variations. The up-down plank requires an extra dose of strength and balance and if you are a fitness beginner, you should stick with the classic plank variant for now.
- Start in the classic plank position with your elbows placed below your shoulders.
- Tighten your stomach and buttocks and slowly push your body upwards by placing first one hand and then the other. Make sure your body remains straight and your hips remain parallel to the floor as you perform.
- From the high support, return to the starting position and repeat.
Tricep dips for toned arms
The upper body is often neglected by women. But uphanging waving armsYou don't feel like it either, do you? In this case, tricep dips are the best choice.
- Position both hands behind you on the edge of a bench or chair - it would be optimal if it is at knee height.
- Shift your leg weight fully onto your heels and keep your back straight.
- With your elbows pressed together, slowly bend your arms and lower your body until your elbows reach a 90-degree angle.
- Then stretch your arms out again, making sure that your hips stay as close to the edge as possible during execution.