Children are always curious and ready for new exciting games. In order not to let them get bored, imaginative ideas are always needed. They can best be accomplished in just a few minutes, although children can be annoyingly impatient. For these cases, or even if the garden or house is too small for a real horse, we offer 4 instructions on how you can quickly make a wonderful hobby horse using accessible materials.
The procedure for the first three instructions is very similar. In addition to a stick, you would also need stuffing, scraps of fabric, yarn, thread with a needle, buttons or rivets, basic sewing skills are also desirable and of course a sewing machine so that the product doesn't fall apart the first time you use it. Look for fabrics in any color depending on whether theToys for girlsor boy is.
The hobby horse becomes particularly fun and cute if you create it from a wool sock. Take a pair of men's socks with a size of 43-44, if possible, so that the horse is big enough. Then shape the horse's mane in the heel area and then up towards the band. This is made from yarn that matches the wool sock - from wool if you knot the thread in one stretch.
You make the eyes out of buttons - a larger one and a smaller black one placed in the middle for the pupil. Use a needle and thread to make the horse's mouth. A smile would certainly make the toy appear friendlier. You can develop your creativity and recreate a funny facial expression.
You simply cut the typical horse ears out of felt in the characteristic leaf shape. Use lighter fabric for the inner part than for the outer part. Using a needle and thread, secure in the correct places on both sides of the horse's head. They make the horse halter and the leash out of strips of leather. You are welcome to use them in different colors and decorate them with bells etc. if desired.
When the horse's head is already finished with all the details, such as ears, eyes, horse's mane, it is filled with fiberfill. Before you put it on the rod, it is advisable to fix a buffer at the tip of the rod so that it does not come out through the sock and tear it. A ball made of Styrofoam or cotton wool that is attached to one side of the rod is suitable for this. First fix the sock at the bottom with glue and then tie it decoratively with string.
You can make a pony hobbyhorse again out of fabric and yarn. However, special features are characteristic of a pony, such as brown nuances of the fur, long, bushy mane, clearly lighter than the body color, and long, thick eyelashes. To recreate this, it is advisable to get brown fabric that imitates suede or velor.
First create a pattern for the head and ears. All pieces should be symmetrical and sewn together with the inside facing out. First make one side, then the other, finally connecting the two. Fix the horse's mane while you unite the two halves.
Don't forget to put the buffer on the tip of the rod. You make the horse leash from leather strips or ribbons. Lastly, fix the eyelashes. These look cute under the horse's thick mane, so look for the right place and everything is ready.
It makes sense to make two or more hobbyhorses and thus prepare for group games. It is also a nice idea for a garden party or children's birthday party if you are expecting small children. Also plan for the little ones to run and jump around as it's just part of the equestrian and knightly games.
What little girl doesn't dream of having a pony or unicorn? Make this wish come true with little effort and make one as a gift or just for your child. Typical of a unicorn is the snow-white fur color and carried over from the cartoons - the horse's mane in shades of sky blue, violet and pink. Most importantly, the homemade hobbyhorse should look cute, delicate and soft - simply magical.
Get some very soft or slightly fluffy fabrics in the appropriate colors. Fleece fabrics, which are very soft and fluffy and at the same time very easy to work with, are ideal for this purpose. Start creating the pattern soon, then sew the pieces together with the front sides together, fill with the cotton wool, add the rod with the buffer and fix the pink-violet colored horse mane. Finally, attach the eyelashes and finally tie with a pink satin ribbon where the fabric ends.
A super easy DIY pool noodle project in less than 10 minutes. Get glue that doesn't contain acetone and doesn't dissolve foam, as well as string, felt and a particularly fluffy one for the horse's mane. Feel free to use some googly eyes for a fun touch.
Bend the upper part of the swimming noodle and tie it with the string - this is how the horse's head is created. Leave the cord a little longer and it serves as a horse leash. Then add the funny wiggly eyes, ears on both sides and the horse's mane, which you have previously cut out and prepared from felt or fluffy fabric. And the creative hobbyhorse is ready, which can also be played with in the water to a certain extent.
*Make one from a wool sockMaking a hobby horse – instructions fromLight Blue Gray
*Making a hobby horse – pony instructions fromA beautiful Mess
*Making a hobby horse – unicorn instructions fromLive it. Love it. Make it.