Determining a vitamin deficiency – which doctor should you go to?

The human body requires certain amounts of nutrients to function properly.Vitamins and mineralsare absolutely necessary for various body functions such as cell and tissue growth and the regulation of metabolism. You can usually maintain adequate vitamin levels through a healthy, balanced diet. But in some cases, a micronutrient deficiency can arise and cause various warning symptoms. These include, for example, fatigue, hair loss, anxiety, depression, memory problems, poor concentration, sensitivity to light and many more.

If you have concerns about any nutritional deficiencies, it is best to seek advice from a doctor to assess the nature and possible causes. Once a vitamin deficiency is identified, you will need ongoing treatment. If the deficiency is related to a specific medical condition or illness, specialized medical care may be required.

How can the doctor determine vitamin deficiency?

Make an appointment with a general practitioner. By the way, you can nowBook doctor’s appointments online too. To determine a vitamin deficiency, the doctor will order blood tests. You may even be asked to take several blood tests because the complete blood count alone is not sufficient for all nutritional parameters. The blood samples are then analyzed to assess the nutrient levels in the blood serum. Results that are below the lower limit of the reference values ​​indicate a deficiency. So why start guessing for months about various symptoms when laboratory tests can give concrete answers so easily and quickly?

Detect vitamin deficiency in the blood

These reference values ​​(normal values) apply to adults:

Vitamin A:20 – 80 mg/dl ( 0,7 – 2,8 mmol/l)
Vitamin D:20 – 50 ng/ml, Sommer: 15 – 95 ng/ml, Winter: 12 – 62 ng/ml
There is disagreement regarding the ideal vitamin D level. Values ​​in the range of 20-35 ng/ml are usually referred to as undersupply. Other researchers believe that levels of 30 or even 40-60 ng/ml are considered optimal. However, if you consume more than 150 ng/ml, this canlead to damage to health.
Vitamin E:5 – 20 μg/ml ( 12 – 48 mmol/l)
Vitamin B1:10 – 60 mcg/dl
Vitamin B2:3,6 – 18 μg / ml
Vitamin B6: 5 – 24 μg / ml
Vitamin B12:310 – 1100 pg/ml, (229 – 812 pmol/l)
Vitamin C:>2 μg/dl
Folic acid (vitamin B9):3 – 15 ng/ml
Calcium:2,15 – 2,75 mmol/l (8,4 – 10,4 μg/dl)
Magnesium:1,75 – 4 μg/dl (0,7 – 1,6 mmol/l)
Potassium:3.5 - 5.1 mmol/l
Eisen:80 – 150 μg/dl (men), 50 – 140 mg/dl (women)
Zink:55 – 150 μg / dl
*Values ​​may vary in different laboratories.

What to do if you have a vitamin deficiency?

Discuss the blood test results with your doctor. Vitamin deficiency can have many causes, such as:one-sided diet, stress or certain medications and antibiotics. You may need to adjust your diet and use supplements to correct the deficiency. However, some deficiencies are due to a specific disease or blood disorder, such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, kidney disease or alcoholism. In this case, the doctor may refer you to a specialist.

Ask him for a referral to a specialist or a nutritionist who can monitor ongoing treatment and nutritional plan. A nutritionist will usually help you plan a balanced diet and advise you on the use of vitamin supplements. If your vitamin deficiency is the result of an illness, you can visit a nutritionist as well as a specialist. For example, if you have ulcerative colitis or gastritis, you can see a gastroenterologist while also having regular appointments with a nutritionist.