Healthy children's teeth - correct nutrition and dental care for your child

The right nutrition for healthy children's teeth is particularly important. It is known that sweets can damage the teeth and cause tooth decay. But just like some foods can damage, others can strengthen their teeth.

The food forHealthy children's teethcan be shared into several groups:

Fruit and vegetables:

You should be a daily part of the diet because they contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is advisable that at least one hard vegetables or a hard fruit is consumed during the day. Hard because the muscles are strengthened when chewing and the blood circulation is stimulated. This leads to better dismantling of the toxins and prevents inflammation.

Dairy products:

It is advisable to eat a low -fat milk product and a piece of cheese. They secure the necessary amount of vitamin D and calcium to the teeth and bones. However, the fat in the products should not be completely missing, since it should be the bone andTeeth when recording the calciumhelps.

Whole grain products:

Oatmeal, whole grain bread and brown rice are also healthy for the teeth. The low proportion of carbohydrates is an advantage. Because of the bacteria in the mouth, they lead to the formation of lactic acid and dental surface that damage the dental enamel. In addition, these products have to be chewed longer, which strengthens the muscles and gums and thus also the teeth. An investigation from 2007 shows that consumption of 3 portions of whole grain products a day reduces the risk of gum disease by 23 %. These products also contain silicon dioxide, just as important for the dental structure.


Chicken, fish, eggs and legumes also contribute to the healthy structure of the teeth.

Here are a few more advice

  • Avoid giving your child liquids to drink that contains additional sugar. Better replace them with milk or fruit juices. In addition, it is better to use a straw, since the teeth are not directly exposed to the acidity.
  • Don't get used to your child to consume warm drinks before going to bed and brushing your teeth. This also applies to milk, because this supports the formation of bacteria and caries.
  • Cabrate the consumption of sweets. Better introduce snacks that saturate the child and do not allow it to grip too high -calorie products.
  • Do not get your child used to a pacifier or get used to it as soon as possible. For healthy teeth, the pacifier may only be given to the child cleanly and after the mouth has been thoroughly cleaned.
  • The timely transition from feeding with the vial to the spoon and using a cup is an advantage for healthy teeth. This should be done after the fourth or sixth month. At eleven months, the child should learn to use a cup, whereby the transition from the vacuum cleaner to the cup can be made easier with a batch cup.