Innovative remedy against tooth decay

Do you know innovative remedies for tooth decay? We would like to introduce you to one of these – coconut butter. Unbelievable but true - coconut butter is used as one of the latest methods to prevent unpleasant tooth decay. Coconut butter is a vegetable oil made from coconuts (from their kernel). During digestion, enzymes are secreted that virtually destroy a large proportion of the pathogens that cause tooth decay.

Doctor Brady from the British University of Warwick is of the opinion that coconut butter is an antibiotic, which could be very useful in the fight against diseases in the oral cavity and could help oral hygiene. This enzyme, contained in coconut butter, quickly fights streptococci (bacteria that colonize the oral cavity and cause tooth decay).

Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium that is the most common cause of tooth decay. This bacteria arises from poor oral hygiene. S. Mutans is a gram-positive oval-shaped bacterium that sticks to tooth enamel, forms colonies, and all causes dental plaque. These colonies of bacteria feed on the food particles that stick to our teeth. Over time, due to the active metabolism of humans, these bacteria utilize sugar that is deposited on our teeth and secrete lactic acid, thereby damaging our tooth enamel. This tooth enamel becomes so thin that it becomes perforated - tooth decay occurs.

Ideas for highly effective remedies against tooth decay

Coconut butter has been found to prevent these processes. The bacteria cannot multiply and form colonies - the teeth remain clean. The first laboratory study shows very clearly that this enzyme from coconut butter significantly reduces the number of the S. mutans bacteria and thereby prevents the development of tooth decay.

According to Doctor Brady, this butter can be used not only against dental caries, but also against other bacteria and fungi, such as Candida albicans, for example.