Clean aluminum: With these home remedies you can give tarnished and oxidized metal a new shine!

From pots and pans to table legs and benches, many household items, furniture and objects are made from aluminum these days. The metal is particularly popular for its robustness and low weight. Its (perhaps) only downside is maintenance. Surfaces that are not preserved turn black. Oxidized aluminum is also not a pretty sight. Luckily, stains and dirt can be removed quickly and easily with a few home remedies. We explain how you can clean aluminum and get the aluminum objects clean and shiny again and what is important when caring for them.

Get tarnished aluminum shiny again

If the aluminum is not powder-coated, it will darken over time. Black or dark gray discoloration is unsightly, especially on kitchen utensils and cookware, and looks dirty. However, the stains are only visual blemishes and the items can still be used perfectly. It is an oxidation layer that can be easily removed with appropriate cleaning.

Common cleaning mistakes

1. Clean aluminum in the dishwasher. The dishwashing tablets combined with hot water can actually make the problem worse. The pots often oxidize after the wash cycle. The white deposits, which visually resemble lime, cannot be removed by hand with dishwashing liquid. However, you should definitely clean them, otherwise the metal could tarnish and even rust over time.

2.Use coarse metal brushes.They will be theDo not remove deposits, but scratch the surface. And scabies are a gateway for bacteria.

3.Use a home remedy with soda: Baking soda can cause additional damage to the sensitive aluminum surface, permanently. Therefore, under no circumstances should you use a home remedy containing soda.

Clean oxidized aluminum: Home remedies with lemon juice and sea salt

A home remedy made from sea salt, vinegar and flour can remove the oxidation layer quickly and easily. You need 200 ml lemon juice, 100 ml distilled water, 1 teaspoon sea salt and flour. First, pour the vinegar and water into a medium-sized bowl. Then add the salt. Stir until the salt dissolves. Then add flour little by little until you get a thick paste. Place a tablespoon of the paste on a soft, clean microfiber cloth and rub in the home remedy. Allow the paste to take effect for 20 to 40 minutes (the heavier the dirt, the longer the exposure time). Then wash the dishes with warm, but not hot, water. Then wipe the surface.

Properly care for anodized aluminum items

In the kitchen, most everyday aluminum objects are not specially coated. On the other hand, aluminum parts that are used outdoors or in demanding areas in the home are anodized. This means window frames, garden benches and glazed terraces can be protected from corrosion. Anodized surfaces can be recognized quickly: They are matt, but the typical aluminum structure is easily recognizable. Luckily, the anodized aluminum is very easy to care for. You simply don't need to use coarse brushes and metal sponges when cleaning. It is often sufficient if you add a dab of dishwashing liquid to 1 liter of warm water and then clean the aluminum parts with a soft kitchen sponge. Rinse them well and wipe off the water with a microfiber cloth.

Clean powder-coated aluminum and repair scratches

Powder-coated garden furniture, window frames or doors are also protected from the weather by a special coating. However, the surface is sensitive and scratches can occur over time. These can be cleaned with a soap with a neutral pH value. It's best to grate about 1/3 of the soap and then add it to warm water. Then wipe the aluminum furniture with a soft sponge. You can then remove stubborn dirt with the garden hose. However, under no circumstances should you use high-pressure cleaners. Scratches on the surface can be repaired with touch-up pens. However, if you want to replace a powder-coated window sill, first check the seals between the window sill and the window and the window sill and the facade for damage. If they are really damaged then you need to contact a professional.

Polish uncoated everyday objects with cream of tartar

You can polish uncoated aluminum parts with a cream of tartar paste. Cream of tartar is available in powder form. First pour 200 ml of lukewarm water into a bowl and then gradually add cream of tartar powder until a homogeneous creamy paste is formed. Apply the paste to a soft, damp cloth and rub it into the surface. Leave it on for about 5 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Then wipe the surface dry.

Uncoated everyday objects made of aluminum can be polished quickly and easily with a vinegar solution. Fill a spray bottle with 200 ml of distilled water and 200 ml of white wine or apple cider vinegar. Clean the items thoroughly, removing dirt, grease and debris. Then spray them with the vinegar solution and wipe them straight away with a clean cleaning cloth.

One more tip at the end:Before using a home remedyApply generously to the garden bench or favorite pot, first test its effect on an invisible area. It is not always possible to tell whether the material is aluminum or what coating it is. So you can save yourself a lot of effort and trouble and simply check first whether the home remedy really works.