International Yoga Day 2022: Asanas that lower your body temperature and combat the summer heat

Extreme heat sometimes occurs in summer, and if you want to lower your body temperature, there are some effective methods. This involves certain yoga poses that can cool you down naturally. In addition, such yoga exercises have the potential to help you feel good during hot days. In this post, discover some of the most effective yoga postures that can help you in summer and make your life easier.

To reduce your body heat, some tested postures in yoga can help. The thermal energy from themetabolic activities of the bodyis in fact the main factor that causes this heat. Sometimes due to excessive heat outside and less water intake, the body heats up to an uncomfortable level that needs to be addressed. Certain yoga poses have the ability to counteract overheating and cool down the body. So modify your daily yoga practice by mastering the following asanas this summer.

Recharge your batteries with Tadasana

Tadasana, also known as Mountain Pose, is a standing pose and the foundation of all othersPostures in yoga. You can practice these at any time of the day and not necessarily on an empty stomach, especially if you only do this asana. In addition, Tadasana is basic level yoga, and you need to stay in the pose for at least 10-12 seconds. The duration of holding this pose depends on your comfort level. This pose harmonizes your body and mind and reduces fatigue and depression. It energizes and refreshes you, improves blood circulation and calms breathing.

Here's how you can do Tadasana yourself at home

  1. Stand tall and place your feet together with your toes touching. Your heels must be only slightly apart and your hands must be placed firmly next to your body.
  2. You need to tone your thigh muscles. Raise your kneecaps, being careful not to tense the lower part of your abdomen.
  3. Strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles as you lift them.
  4. Now imagine a stream of white light (energy) running through your ankles, up to your inner thighs, groin, spine, neck and all the way to your head.
  5. Gently rotate your thighs inward. Lengthen your tailbone so it points toward the floor. Raise the pubic bone so that it is closer to the navel.
  6. Look in line with the horizon and breathe in.
  7. Stretch your shoulders, arms and chest upwards.
  8. Feel the stretch in your body from your feet to your head. Hold the pose for a few seconds.
  9. Finally, breathe out and let go.

Baddha Konasana – Butterfly

Baddha Konasana, also known as Butterfly Pose, gets its name because the movements in the asana depict a butterfly flapping its wings. It is a relatively simple posture and has a wealth of different benefits for multiple parts of the body and brain. Do this asana either in the morning or evening for 10-12 minutes. However, make sure that there is a break of four to six hours after your last meal before doing the exercise. Baddha Konasana stimulates the heart and makes it pump more blood. Thistested yoga exercisealso relieves anxiety and fatigue. This can be a good stress reliever and eliminate accumulated fatigue from long hours of physical activity. You can see how to do this yoga pose in the video above.

Lower your body temperature with Anjaneyasana in half moon pose

Anjaneyasana, also known as Crescent Pose, is the posture that Hanuman from the Ramayana is known to hold. Because of its shape, it is also known as half moon pose. Practice this asana in the morning on an empty stomach for best results. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds on each leg. Anjaneyasana builds your mental focus. It opens your lungs, chest and shoulders, balances your body temperature and increases concentration and awareness. In addition, this exercise can not only be yoursStimulate digestion, but also energizes your entire body system. Below are instructions on how to perform this exercise.

Step-by-step instructions Anjaneyasana

  1. Exhale and step your right foot forward between your hands, aligning your right knee over your heel. Then lower your left knee to the floor and keeping your right knee fixed, arch your left back until you feel a comfortable stretch in your left front thigh and groin. Rotate the top of your left foot to the floor.
  2. Inhale and lift your upper body to an upright position. As you do this, swing your arms to the sides and up, perpendicular to the floor. Pull your tailbone down toward the floor and lift your pubic bone toward your navel. Lift your chest from the strength of your shoulder blades against the back of your torso.
  3. Take your head back and look up, being careful not to pinch your neck. Reach the ceiling with your little fingers. Hold for a minute, breathing your torso back toward your right thigh and your hands toward the floor, turning your back toes down. With another exhale, lift your left knee off the floor and step back. Repeat with your left foot forward for the same amount of time.

Ustrasana (Kamelstellung)

Ustrasana, also known as Camel Pose, is an average backward bend and opens the heart chakra. Hold the pose in this asana for at least 30-60 seconds. It is recommended to do this exercise on an empty stomach either in the morning or in the evening under the guidance of an instructor. Ustrasana improves breathing and heals the chakras in your body. It improves digestion and cures constipation. This yoga pose supports the overall health and well-being of the body. It also improves blood flow to the brain, detoxifies your body and ensures more flexibility.

How to lower your body temperature with Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).

Bhujangasana, also known as cobra pose, is part of the Surya Namaskar exercise. This asana gets its name because the pose resembles the raised hood of a cobra. It is a backward bend that must be performed exclusively on an empty stomach.

An empty stomach allows you to expand further in the posture. You should ideally stay in this pose for 15-30 seconds. Bhujangasana opens your chest and helps cleanse the heart and lung passages. It improves blood circulation, reduces fatigue, elevates mood and relieves symptoms of asthma.

Savasana (Dead Pose)

Savasana or the dead pose resembles a corpse. This asana looks simple but may turn out to be difficult as it involves completely switching off the body and mind. Stay in this state for 10-12 minutes, but be careful not to fall asleep. Savasana relaxes your entire body, completely and comprehensively. It is refreshing and rejuvenating and is great for your mental health and blood circulation. Stress, fatigue, depression and tension disappear when you do Savasana. It helps you concentrate better and boosts self-confidence. Follow the next steps to perform the exercise:

  1. Lie flat on the floor and ensure there is no disturbance for the duration of the pose. Make sure you're comfortable, but don't use pillows. It would be best if you lie on a hard surface.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Position your legs so that they are comfortably apart. Make sure your legs are completely relaxed and your toes are pointed to the side.
  4. Your arms must be placed along your body and slightly apart, keeping your palms open and facing upwards.
  5. Now slowly bring your attention to each area of ​​your body, starting with your toes. Breathe in slowly but deeply and bring your body into a state of deep relaxation. Don't fall asleep while doing this.
  6. Breathe slowly but deeply. This will give complete relaxation. When you breathe in, your body becomes energized and when you breathe out, it calms down. Focus on yourself and your body. Forget all other tasks. Let go, but be careful not to fall asleep.
  7. After about 10 to 12 minutes, when your body feels relaxed and refreshed, roll to one side with your eyes closed. Stay in the position for a minute until you straighten up.
  8. Take a few deep breaths and take in your surroundings before opening your eyes again.

Benefits of Yoga to Lower Body Temperature

The listed yoga poses help reduce your body heat and also provide a complete workout program with standing, sitting, bending and lying exercises. Additionally, some yoga poses can work wonders for cooling down. This allows you to lower your body temperature by naturally combating the heat. Thermal energy from your body's metabolic activity, outside temperatures, and a lack of hydration can cause your body temperature to rise. The exercises described above can easily be integrated into your daily yoga practice during the summer. These simple yoga asanas with remarkable healing properties are life savers. All you have to do is give yourself enough time to practice them. So get started on World Yoga Day 2022 before it gets too warm outside.