Fighting bread beetles: where the insects come from, how to get rid of them and how to prevent them

This tiny intruder, which seems inconspicuous at first, can quickly turn into a real nuisance. Because as tiny as it is, its larvae are big foodies that hardly stop at anything. For this reason, you should act as quickly as possible as soon as you discover a copy in your home. We explain how the insects are harmful and how you can fight bread beetles to protect your food.

How does the insect even get into the house?

The beetles can fly and actually live outdoors. However, in the evening hours, like many other insects, they are attracted to the light that shines from the house and thus enter your home through open windows. For this reason, you usually see the first bread beetles at the window, even before they dieFood attackedhave. But the pest can also be introduced through infested products. And it's not just bread that's at risk, as the name of the insects suggests. Many other foods and even things that we cannot eat also prove to be a real culinary delight. These are:

  • Baked goods such as cookies, rusks
  • Leather book covers (hence their nickname “bookworm”)
  • dried herbs and spices
  • legumes
  • Noodles
  • of Salzteig
  • Chocolate
  • Tee
  • Dried flowers
  • starchy foods (flour, grains)

So don't be surprised if you find bread beetles in the bedroom or other rooms outside the kitchen. The appetite of the beetle larvae is really big.

The bread beetle larvae are the real problem

The beetles only have one goal: to lay their eggs in food.The larvaeThose that hatch from it are then fully supplied with food. At the same time, they build burrows in the middle of the food, for which they use a special secretion and webs. Later they build their own cocoons from feces and the food. And this cycle can last up to 220 days.

You don't have to worry about the insects making you sick. They do not transmit any diseases and are not poisonous either. However, an infestation is extremely annoying because the affected food has to be thrown away.

How can you combat bread beetles and, above all, prevent them in the future?

Fight bread beetles with simple means

If you want to get rid of bread beetles, you can use various remedies. How effective each agent ultimately is depends primarily on the severity of the infestation. It is therefore worth carrying out a small test first. Get a pheromone trap. This is sticky and attracts the beetles with attractants, which then stick. As long as the infestation is not severe, you can take action against the beetles yourself without a pest controller.

A notice:The bread beetle trap is not designed to eliminate beetles because it only catches the flying, adult beetles, not the larvae that have made themselves at home in your food. It only serves to determine the severity of the infestation.

What are effective remedies against bread beetles?

A thorough cleaning

Cabinets, shelves and drawers that contain food must be thoroughly cleaned (vacuumed and wiped with vinegar water). Check all products. Those that are infected are disposed of. All others are either placed in the freezer for a day (at minus 18 degrees) or in the oven for an hour (at at least 60 degrees). This also applies to products that you think do not appear to be infected.

Exceptions are those that you have stored in tightly closed screw-top jars, for example. Even the tiny beetles cannot penetrate these.

Buy parasitic wasps and fight bread beetles

These insects come to the rescue with a variety of pests. These feed on the bread beetles and then disappear from their apartment in search of new food. Parasitic wasps against bread beetles are effective, easy to use and easy to purchase in garden centers, hardware stores and pet shops, but also online.

So that you don't even have to think about combating bread beetles or hopefully never have to fight bread beetles again after an infestation, it's worth it:preventive measuresto take:

  • Seal all food tightly. Screw-on jars or cans are ideal. It is best to refill the food immediately after purchasing it.
  • Check the products before purchasing. Particularly those with paper packaging, such as flour for example, may have been damaged during transport and provided access for beetles. So take a close look at the packaging.
  • You should check your supplies for infestation at regular intervals and especially before using them.
  • Protect the apartment. To prevent the beetles from getting into the house in the first place, it is worthInvest in fly screens. This means you can ventilate with peace of mind and enjoy the pleasant breeze in the warm summer without keeping the door open for pests.