Remove Cola stains from carpet: With these home remedies, even old stains don't stand a chance!

After a relaxing movie night or a party at home, you suddenly discover cola stains on the carpet. Then the question arises – how do I remove the stains without damaging the carpet? With the next home remedy you can do this quickly and easily.

Photo: Deavita / Canva

The rule of thumb for new stains is to remove the stains as quickly as possible. Proceed as follows:

Treat carpet with detergent containing enzymes

1. Soak up the liquid with kitchen paper. Place the paper on the stain and press it lightly, but under no circumstances rub it. Work inward from the edge of the stain. If youShaggy-Teppichthen you can also brush the carpet in the direction of the grain with a soft brush.

Foto: Shutterstock / New Africa

2. Pour 1/4 teaspoon of enzyme-based laundry detergent (without bleach) and 2 cups of lukewarm water into a bowl. Stir well until the detergent is completely dissolved and apply the liquid to the stain with a clean cloth. Don't rub, just dab lightly. Wait a quarter of an hour. Then pat the stains dry.

3. Place a clean and dry cloth under the carpet. Fill a spray bottle with water and spray the stains generously to wash them away. Then let the carpet dry.

Clean large stains with baking soda

Foto. Shutterstock / Andrey Popov

4.For particularly large stains, the following also helps:Apply plenty of baking soda to the stains. Fill a spray bottle with cold water and moisten the stains. Allow the carpet to dry overnight. The next morning you can remove the remaining stains with a vacuum cleaner.

Clean heavily soiled carpets with sparkling water and vinegar

5.A solution of vinegar and sparkling water can also help with stubborn stains.Simply mix apple cider vinegar and sparkling water in a 1 to 1 ratio and use it to moisten the stains. Leave it on for several hours and remove the remaining stains with a vacuum cleaner.

Getting old cola stains out

Foto: Shutterstock / Joyseulay

If the stains are already old, you can remove them with the following home remedies:

This home remedy is suitable

1. Pour two cups of lukewarm water into a bowl, add a dab of dishwashing liquid and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Mix 2 teaspoons of salt and pour the cleaning agent into a spray bottle.

2. Spray the stains liberally or apply some cleaning agent to a clean kitchen sponge and dab it onto the stains. Allow the home remedy to take effect for 2 to 5 minutes.

3. Carefully work the cleaning agent into the stains using a white, dry cloth. Just dab and do not rub.

4. Allow the carpet to dry and vacuum the stains.

Remove particularly stubborn cola stains from the carpet with rubbing alcohol

Photo: Shutterstock / Cola Stains

You can remove particularly stubborn stains with rubbing alcohol. In this case, you have to use spirit without dyes, as these could dye the carpet fibers. Test the effect on an invisible area - particularly sensitive fabrics can become discolored, organic colors can fade.

The treatment is very simple:

1. Apply rubbing alcohol to a dry cloth and blot the stains.

2. Allow the areas to dry and repeat the process. Check the carpet for residual stains.

3. If necessary, you can then dissolve some enzyme-containing detergent in the water and pour it into a spray bottle. Then spray the stains with it and let the detergent work for 2 to 4 minutes.

4. Place a cloth under the carpet and wet another clean cloth. Dab the stains with it so you can remove the detergent. Then let the carpet dry.

5. The next morning you can vacuum the carpet to Sto remove dirt and stain residue.

Treat dried cola stains with lemon juice

6. If necessary, you can then soak an old but clean toothbrush in freshly squeezed lemon juice and then rub the stains with it. Allow the home remedy to take effect for an hour and then spray the treated area generously with water. Allow the carpet to dry.

Cola stains are unsightly and difficult to remove. But if you follow a few basic rules, you can get rid of dried stains yourself with home remedies.

1. First dab new stains with a clean cloth. Do not rub, as this will work the stain deeper into the fibers.

2. Detergent containing enzymes helps with new stains. You may be able to treat the stains with baking soda afterwards, but in most cases this is not necessary.

3. For large stains, you can use a solution of sparkling water and vinegar.