Cleaning carpets without chemicals – tips and home remedies as an alternative

As beautiful as carpets are, sooner or later they need cleaning. Stains are a common problem, especially on light-colored carpets. In addition, there is discoloration and annoying mites, which are a big problem, especially for allergy sufferers. Now you don't have to resort to professional, expensive and chemical carpet cleaners to freshen up your beloved carpet. You can use many home remedies to clean the carpet so that it quickly looks new again. We would like to list some of these home remedies and tips for you in this article. Try these out for carpet cleaning first before you resort to chemicals or hire a company.

Clean carpet with the vacuum cleaner

Regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is the be-all and end-all. Here you don't just removeaccumulated dirt, but can also combat various pests. People who are allergic to dust particularly need this cleaning in order to get rid of most of the mites and, above all, the irritating mite droppings. Moths also love the carpet in your house and like to use it to lay their eggs there. The vacuum cleaner is the perfect device for this.

If you clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, you should definitely keep in mind that in some cases the carpet will be damaged in the process. When combined with the vacuum cleaner, many accumulated grains of sand turn into a kind of razor that cuts off the fibers of the fabric. You can check whether this is the case for you by looking into the bag or container. Excessive lint is not a good sign.

with soda

In order to avoid stains and to make cleaning them as easy as possible, they should be removed as soon as possible. If these have not dried yet, they are much easier and easier to remove. The following applies: do not rub the dab!Carbonated wateris particularly suitable for this. If you want to clean the carpet with soda, first place a thick towel on the fresh stain. Then pour the soda over it. The carbon dioxide dissolves the dirt, which is then absorbed by the towel. A steamer is not a good idea for stains. This usually only ensures that the dirt is burned into the fabric of the carpet. Soap is also rather difficult to handle. It is difficult to completely remove the soap at the end. The dried soap will bind the dirt even better in the fabric in the future.

Of course, natural carpets are particularly sensitive. Chemical agents should be avoided when cleaning such a carpet as they can damage the fabric. You should also pay attention to the colors. If necessary, undesirable discoloration may occur. To clean natural carpets, use mild and gentle products such as soap, water or wool detergent. Then try out the selected product on an invisible area of ​​the carpet. This way you can check how he reacts to the product. No matter what type of wet cleaning you want to do, wait until summer to do it. Otherwise it will dry too slowly, which in turn can lead to an unpleasant smell.

Vinegar and lemon

As already mentioned, you should first try out some home remedies before using chemical products. These can often work real miracles. Vinegar water is ideal if you pour it onto stains and leave it there for a few hours. Lemon water is also suitable and can be carefully wiped up with a cloth after a few hours. But don't forget that vinegar and lemon juice have a bleaching effect. Therefore, only use them on light-colored carpets. Baking powder can also be used as an alternative for colored models.

baking powder

What actually has a cleaning effect in baking powder is the baking soda it contains. To do this, simply sprinkle baking soda on the stains and pour hot water over them, which opens the fiber pores. The whole thing should then be left to work for at least a few hours and ideally overnight. The next morning, simply dab the baking soda off. You can also let the carpet dry and then vacuum up the baking soda. The process may need to be repeated for more stubborn stains. Another great thing about baking soda is that it fights unpleasant odors.

Remove red wine stains with salt

You've probably heard of salt as a remedy for red wine stains, but you've simply forgotten about it. Salt can be a real miracle cure here. However, action must be taken immediately. Sprinkle plenty of salt on the stain and let it sit. During this time, the red wine is simply absorbed by the salt. This can also cause it to turn red. Then use the vacuum cleaner to remove the salt and repeat the process until the stain has disappeared.

However, the stain may not be noticeable until it has already dried. In this case, you should not despair because there are some remedies you can try. These include white wine, mineral water and vinegar water. However, the acid it contains could damage the carpet. So try it again on an inconspicuous area first.

Shaving cream

If you are looking for a cost-effective alternative to carpet foam, then shaving foam is the perfect helper. This can be done by applying the foam to the stain, carefully working it in with a brush and letting it work for a while. Then simply vacuum it up. When choosing shaving foam, make sure that it does not contain any additives. This also includes menthol.

Remove blood

You can also remove blood using home remedies. It is important that you use cold water. This will soften the blood. You can also use an ice cube to rub the stain with. Then dab it with a cloth or kitchen paper and you will remove a large part of the blood. Baking powder or baking soda is also suitable. This agent should work for two hours and is then vacuumed off. The procedure may be repeated. Aspirin in the form of fizzy tablets is also suitable as an alternative.