Cleaning the shower head: How to remove limescale deposits and contamination with home remedies!

Would you like to know how you can clean clogged shower head nozzles cheaply and without chemicals? These tried and tested methods and common household products will help you!

Many people realize at some point that their shower head is scattering the water jets in all possible directions or is completely blocked due to limescale deposits. In most cases, they quickly give up and replace their old shower head with a new product. However, there is a cheaper option when cleaning your shower head using home remedies to get rid of annoying dirt build-up. In this way, you not only save yourself from buying expensive cleaning products, but you also avoid using chemical products. Follow a few simple steps to use proven home remedy hacks and get your showerhead clean and shiny again.

Why and how often to clean a clogged shower head?

After a stressful day, there's nothing better than a shower to relax and forget about your problems for a moment. However, daily use of bathroom faucets and showerheads can affect bathroom hygiene. Such components become more susceptible to damage andAccumulations such as soap residue, rust, limescale and mold. If you live in an area with hard water, mineral deposits build up daily, often causing the showerhead problems described above.

In addition, if you use the bathroom frequently, it is important to be able to clean the shower head occasionally to prevent any complications. This can usually be done using commercially available products or affordable, stocked home remedies such as vinegar or citric acid and baking soda.

However, if there are signs of reduced water flow, a thorough cleaning would be the better option, most often requiring dismantling of the shower head. Normally, cleaning the shower faucet every month would be sufficient for this purpose. Luckily, there are also some tricks you can use as needed to make your cleaning job easier.

How can you remove limescale deposits from the shower head without removing it?

You can clean your shower head by using a clever soaking hack to avoid having to dismantle it. All you need is a freezer bag, distilled white vinegar, an old toothbrush, paper clip or toothpick, and rubber or tape. Follow the steps outlined below to complete the task quickly:

  • First, depending on the size of your shower head, choose a suitable bag in which to soak it.
  • Next, fill the bag with white vinegar, making sure you can submerge the entire shower head in it.
  • Then attach the vinegar-filled bag to the shower head with tape or rubber band without letting it slip.
  • Now let the vinegar work on your shower head for at least four hours or, ideally, overnight.
  • After that, remove the bag and use the toothbrush to scrub every dirty spot on the surface.
  • In order to clean clogged nozzles on the shower head and remove stubborn limescale deposits, we recommend using a paper clip or a toothpick.
  • Finally, after you have removed all dirt and blockages, you can rinse the shower faucet with water and wipe it with a clean, soft cloth.
  • Acetic acid is suitable for this cleaning method because it is effective against limescale, soap and dirt accumulation. Alternatively, you can also use citric acid.

This is how you can thoroughly clean a shower head by disassembling it

If your showerhead requires a thorough cleaning, it is best to remove it and treat each part with home remedies. In such cases, you can use popular and common household helpers such as vinegar, lemon and baking soda. For this you can use vinegar, lemon or baking soda, as well as a microwave-safe container, adjustable wrench and possibly thread sealing thread. Here are the steps to follow:

  • First, dilute vinegar or citric acid in water in the container and make sure your shower head fits in it.
  • Then remove the shower head or hand shower from the shower mount using the adjustable wrench with a soft cloth as needed to avoid scratches
  • Now pour enough vinegar or citric acid into the microwave-safe dishes to cover the shower head in the container and heat it in the microwave without bringing it to the boil.
  • Then place the shower head in the container and pour the warm cleaning solution over it.
  • Allow the warm citric or acetic acid to work for at least half an hour.
  • Then use an old toothbrush and safety pin, paper clip or toothpick to clean all the disassembled parts. If necessary, you can make a paste of baking soda and water to scrub the surface and make it shine again.
  • Once all contamination has been removed, you can now clean the shower head by rinsing it under running water and wiping it clean.
  • Now reattach the components by wrapping the water pipe with thread sealing thread if necessary.
  • When using either cleaning method, run water through the shower head at the end to remove any residue.

How can you keep your shower faucets clean longer?

  • After each use of the shower area, try to wipe all components of the shower faucet with a dry cloth to prevent stains.
  • Have a spray bottle filled with vinegar or citric acid and water in a 1:1 ratio and spray the showerhead with it every time you shower.
  • Avoid scratches when cleaning your shower head by not over-treating the surface or using soft cleaning tools.
  • Invest in a high-quality metal shower head, as plastic products attract bacteria and become dirty more quickly.
  • If your water is too hard, you may also consider investing in a water softening system to avoid potentially costly plumbing work if your fixtures become clogged.

Also read:Clean the plastic sliding door of the shower: Use these home remedies to remove stubborn limescale and dirt!