Cleaning a stainless steel refrigerator: How to get your device sparkling clean again with home remedies!

The refrigerator is the workhorse of the kitchen, but you probably don't clean it as often as other surfaces in the home. If not cleaned regularly, stains and food residue can build up on the exterior surfaces and inside on the shelves and drawers. Forgotten perishable food in the back of the fridge can also give off an unpleasant smell every time you open the door. To keep your stainless steel refrigerator in good condition and avoid unpleasant odors, follow these tips for the best way to clean the appliance inside and out. Most people judge you by how clean your kitchen is, and as the central part of your kitchen, everyone looks at your refrigerator. Find out how to clean your stainless steel refrigerator below!

Clean stainless steel refrigerator: shelves and drawers

First, remove the refrigerator's removable shelves and drawers and hand wash them in hot water and mild dish soap solution. Allow all glass parts to warm to room temperature before touching them with hot water, otherwise they may shatter. Cover stubborn food residue with a warm, damp cloth for a few minutes to soften the residue before removing it with a sponge. Pay particular attention to the underside of shelves, as this is where a lot of dirt accumulates.

How to clean the inside of the refrigerator without chemicals

For drawers and shelves that you can't remove, as well as the interior, use baking soda and a little water. Clean the inside of your device with a mixture of 1 part baking soda and 7 parts water. Be careful with commercial refrigerator cleaners as their smell can transfer to the food.It is better to use natural remediesto get your stainless steel appliance sparkling clean again. Work from top to bottom to prevent drips from getting onto already cleaned surfaces.

Use a cleaning toothbrush or toothpick to reach cracks and crevices that you can't reach with a cloth. Wipe everything dry with a clean towel.

Remove odors in the refrigerator with home remedies: baking soda

Your refrigerator can provide an ideal environment for bad smells if you don't take the necessary measures. Luckily, you can toowithout harsh chemical cleaning agentseliminate. After rinsing and drying all surfaces, deodorize your appliance by filling an open container with baking soda and placing it on the bottom shelf. This will absorb future odors near your food, so leave it there when you restock your fridge.

Pay particular attention to the rubber seal around the refrigerator door. It must be cleaned regularly so that the seal remains tight. Use warm water and liquid dish soap for normal dirt and a bleach-based cleaner if you find mold. Rinse them thoroughly and wipe dry. Then coat the seal with a thin layer of petroleum jelly to protect it from drying out.

Clean the stainless steel surface of the device - simple DIY cleaners and tips

Use an inexpensive, homemade cleaner for your refrigerator and freezer.

Baby oil and dishwashing liquid

You'll get the best results if you work in the direction of the grain. To tell the direction, look for the stripes on the stainless steel, and the entire door should face one direction. Handles or buttons may face a different direction, so pay attention to this.

To clean your refrigerator, apply a small amount of dish soap or soap directly to the cleaning rag. Add enough water to dampen the cloth and wipe the damp cloth in the direction of the grain. For prints or stains that are difficult to remove, you may need to wipe several times. Dry any streaks with a clean towel.

You can use baby oil to polish your stainless steel appliance. Put a few drops of the oil on another clean cloth. Usefor cleaning the refrigeratorno paper towel as it leaves lint behind.

Cleaning Stainless Steel Refrigerator – Vinegar and Olive Oil

Spray a small amount of white vinegar onto the rag or directly onto the refrigerator. Wipe the surface clean in the direction of the grain. You may need to apply the white vinegar several times to clean the device of all dirt. Use a clean cloth and blota little olive oil on itto polish the stainless steel. Then wipe off any excess oil with another clean cloth.

Baking soda as a natural stainless steel cleaner

Make sure you clean the outside of your refrigeratora baking powder paste made from water and baking powderDip a cleaning cloth into it and gently rub your refrigerator with it. This method is best used in small sections on stainless steel surfaces. You will notice that the paste leaves a white residue. Use a cleaning cloth dipped in hot water to remove the residue. Then polish your stainless steel device with a microfiber or polishing cloth.