Over time, dirt slowly but surely accumulates on your windows, both inside and out, obstructing visibility and precious sunlight. To keep your view clear and your light-loving houseplants happy, clean windows regularly. We give you helpful advice on how often you should clean the windows and when is the best time to do it.
Whether you live in a house or an apartment, we know that you don't have the windowsclean every weekcan. Of course you don't need to do that. As a rule of thumb, however, you can say that cleaning windows about every three months guarantees a clean and clear view.
It's easier if you divide the work and do it room by room. When cleaning, wipe one side of the window horizontally and the other vertically. When streaks form, you can easily determine whether they are on the outside or the inside.
When should window cleaning be done?
Of course, window cleaning depends on many reasons, but the most important factor to consider is the weather.
Many people choose a sunny day to clean windows, which is actually a mistake. If you do this job in the blazing sun, the cleaner will dry on the hot windows before you can wipe it off. Of course that leaves a markdifficult to remove streaks. If the weather doesn't cooperate, you can start on the shady side of your apartment.
Cleaning windows in spring
Advantages and disadvantages
Traditionally, spring is the most popular time to clean your windows. It says“Spring cleaning” for a reason. The weather is pleasant, but pollen can settle on the outside windows and make them dirty more quickly.
What is the best temperature for cleaning windows?
To determine the right time, you need to know how temperature and weather affect window cleaning. As previously mentioned, very high temperatures are generally not ideal for window cleaning as the cleaning agent on the glass will evaporate quickly, making the process difficult and potentially causing streaks or water spots. It is often best to clean windows when temperatures are between 18 and 22 degrees. In other words, pick a day when it's not too hot. For many, this means either a fall or spring day, or a very early morning on a cooler day in the summer.
Best tip for the cold season
Many people assume that cleaning windows in winter is impossible, but that is not the case. Even at lower temperatures it is possible to obtain shiny windows. You just need to use a car window cleaner with antifreeze that will not freeze at low temperatures. You should also choose a cloudy day so that the liquid does not dry too quickly and leave streaks. Finally, you should wear gloves to protect your hands from the cold and cleaning products.
How long does window cleaning take?
The duration of window cleaning depends essentially on the size of the windows and their number. Consumer protection advises that you should clean them for 45 minutes about every 2-3 months.
Clean windows when moving out
Do you need to clean the windows if you have rented an apartment and want to move out? It depends on what was agreed in the rental agreement regarding “cleaning when moving.” As a rule, the apartment must be handed over in a swept-clean condition. This means that as a tenant you have to remove cobwebs from windows and coarse dirt.