Cleaning joints: Discover clever tricks on how to make them shine again easily and quickly!

Since the joints between the tiles are often slightly deeper than the surface, simply wiping the tile surface is often not enough for stubborn stains or dirt. On tile floors, even after sweeping, crumbs, dirt, and other debris can remain along the grout lines. Luckily, you can clean dirty tile grout lines with a few standard household products and minimal scrubbing. These cleaning methods are suitable for floors, showers, kitchen backsplashes and other tiled areas. Discover clever tricks to clean your grout lines so they look as good as new.

Cleaning grout lines should be part of your shower deep cleaning routine. Here's how to do it: Run a hot shower with the door and windows closed for a few minutes before you start cleaning the grout on your wall tiles. Mix bleach with baking soda to make a paste (like toothpaste). Use a small, soft material such as cotton or cotton swabs to work the mixture into the grout lines of the tiles in the corners of the shower and let it sit for 15 minutes. Wiping the walls with a clean, dry cloth after showering will help curb the pollution and mold that the water promotes. Pay special attention to the corners and bottom of the wall to avoid water accumulation.

Clean joints without scrubbing

For this method you will need 80g of baking soda and 60ml of hydrogen peroxide. Then add a teaspoon of liquid dish soap. The secret is to simply apply this mixture to the grout lines. Leave it on for five to ten minutes without doing anything. Then gently wipe with a towel or sponge and allow the grout to dry on its own. Most people tend to scrub the material while it sets, but this isn't necessary. Baking soda helps remove stubborn dirt, and hydrogen peroxide is a safer alternative than bleach for your floors.

Clean joints with home remedies

Not everyone can hire a professional cleaning service to wipe away the dirt. But that doesn't mean we don't want our home to look just as clean. So how do professionals clean the grout lines? We'll give you the tip.

You will need the following:

  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Gentle brush (toothbrush)
  • spray bottle

Cleaning grout lines can be quite simple, and since the ratio of vinegar to water is 1:1, professional cleaners often simply spray on the solution and use a gentle toothbrush to loosen the dirt. You can also use a lint-free cloth to wipe up some of the solutions, but not to scrub away the dirt. It is important not to use too much solution, especially with non-waterproof grouts.

Use natural remedies: baking soda and vinegar

Coat the joints witha paste made from baking powderand water and then spray on the above vinegar solution (remember to only apply vinegar once the grout lines have been sealed). Once the mixture stops foaming, scrub it with a brush, rinse with clean water and wipe the tiles dry.

If the joints are not sealed or need to be resealed, just apply the baking soda mixture and scrub gently.

Clean the worst grout stains with steam

The best steam cleaners are effective and environmentally friendly devices for cleaning joints - and many other hard surfaces in the house.

Clean joints with oxygen bleach

For stubborn stains on really dirty, white grout, you can use oxygen bleach as a grout cleaner. This cleaner is usually sold in powder form. Before using oxygen bleach to clean grout, make sure the room is well ventilated, and then read and follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. Allow the oxygen bleach solution to sit for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing. Always rinse with clear water and then wipe the area dry so that the dirt does not settle in the joints again.

Get tile joints white again

You can trythe tile joints white againwith a grout pencil that can lighten them for some time. These pens usually have anti-fungal properties, so they also prevent mold growth. Make sure you fill the jointsclean thoroughlybefore using the pen and follow the product instructions.

How to remove mold

Are you wondering how to clean moldy grout lines? Mold and mildew can cause problems on a variety of surfaces in a home, and knowing how to get rid of mold is important to keeping your home healthy andto keep clean. For grout, you may need a special product, and this is the right way to do it:

  • Spray the grout lines with a mold remover and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Brush the tile grout with a stiff brush (an old toothbrush is perfect).
  • Remove the loose dirt with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat treatment if necessary.

Would you like to make mold removal easier? The be-all and end-all when cleaning joints is a drill brush that you can use to scrub. This will allow you to scrub the grout much better than you ever could by hand.