Do you welcome hacks like these for school at the start of school? You're sure to find one or two practical tricks that exactly suit your needs among the following!
Perfectly sorted and always ready to hand
Nothing is more nerve-wracking than school supplies that are lost but are needed right now. Your child is supposed to draw geometric figures, but where is the darn ruler? And where is the sharpener when so many pencils need to be sharpened?
The hack:Come up with an organization system where every material has its exact place.
This works quite well, for example, if you put containers in the drawers or cupboards of the desk. One holds the colored pencils, another holds the crayons, the third holds scissors and another holds erasers or glue sticks. Of course, after use, everything has to be put back in its original place, otherwise the organization hack won't work!
The system also works quite well with cutlery trays, depending on what kind of utensils you want to store (the compartments are probably too narrow for scissors, for example).
This also works with lunch boxes, drinking bottles, etc.
It's not just your child who can benefit from one of thesebenefit from the order system. Parents who prepare drinks and food every morning can also take advantage of this. Simply clear a drawer in the kitchen that is exclusively intended for lunch boxes and/or bread paper/bags, water bottles, cutlery, snacks and the like. So you always know where the necessary utensils are when you're busy in the morning.
Use washi tape for school hacks
Sticking labels on all the school materials such as notebooks and books, but also the small utensils such as rulers and pens, and then labeling them with the name is quite time-consuming and, above all, nerve-racking. That doesn't have to be the case, because with patterned adhesive tape it's much quicker - and without any labeling. This is practical between siblings so that there are no arguments between them about the materials.
The hack:Each child chooses their personal washi tape color/pattern.
This is then used to stick the school supplies. For example, tape a piece to the corner of the front of a notebook or around the top of the pen. Even if something gets lost in class and is found by the teacher, you will quickly be able to assign it to the right child. And it's definitely faster than labeling!
Washi tape is really versatile.See for yourself!
Sharp pencils, blunt pencils
Honestly, how often did you, even as a child, forget to sharpen your pencils regularly and then suddenly find yourself sitting there with a bunch of dull colored pencils even though you needed them right then? You can avoid this with your child by keeping both extremes separate.
The hack:Two pencil containers - one for the sharpened pencils and one for the blunt pencils and colored pencils.
The used ones from the first container go into the second container immediately after use. This way you have everything organized clearly and can see straight away what the sharpener should work on as soon as possible (and ideally right away).
School clothes for every day
A great way to save time the morning before school is to prepare your entire week's clothing on the weekend. By this we don't necessarily mean that mom or dad should make things easy for the little ones and have everything ready for them. The children can plan ahead on Sunday and choose their outfits themselves.
Does mom need any suggestions for her school outfit?Here you will findconvenient ideas!
The hack:Label a hanging organizer (these are practical for shoes) or a plastic shelf with pull-out boxes with the days of the week (or the respective abbreviations).
For this purpose, the organizer should logically have at least 5 compartments. It would also be an advantage if it wasn't too high overall, as children should be able to easily reach the top compartment. On Saturday or Sunday, the child puts together five different outfits (pants/skirt, T-shirt/sweater, socks/tights) and puts them in the respective compartment. The clothing can also be rolled up for this purpose. So it's not necessary to get a very large organizer that just takes up unnecessary space.
Hanging versions are practical because they can be hung on the door or a wall unit and do not take up valuable floor space.
Organize the time after school
Children find it difficult to organize the afternoons after school. You should, of course, make time for homework and studyingTime to playhave. After dinner there is also time for quieter activities, to wind down after the whole exciting day. But children in particular quickly lose track of time. This can be managed with a specially redesigned watch.
The hack:The face of a clock is divided into different segments. Each of these represents a specific task/activity.
In principle, you can decide for yourself how exactly you divide the clock. You know best what time your child comes home and when he or she has to go to bed. For example, you can divide the time in between into “homework” and “play time”, “dinner” and “reading time/quiet activities”, although you can dedicate a different number of hours to each of them.
Tipp:It's worth giving your child some free time to play after they get home so that they can recover from lessons, instead of letting them continue studying straight away. Feel free to sit down with the child and come up with an order together.
You can find a few concentration exercisesin this article.
Cover photo:@swoonspaces/ Instagram