Hacks with dishwasher tablets: You can try these brilliant tricks at home straight away!

It turns out that dishwasher tablets can be used to clean a range of household items with minimal effort, not to mention that they are designed to help with even the toughest food and grease stains. Do you know these ingenious hacks with dishwasher tabs?

Foto: Aleksandr Gogolin/ Shutterstock

There's a good reason why dishwasher tablets are used in so many cleaning suggestions. You don't need an arsenal of cleaning products: these small, concentrated blocks can tackle tough stains and do much more. Below you will discover cool tips and tricks!

Hacks with dishwasher tabs – clean the washing machine

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About every three months, you should give your washing machine a thorough scrubbing to remove limescale and bacteria that have built up over the years. This method simply involves placing a tablet in the detergent compartment and running the machine through a hot cycle. It will be even more effective if, instead of wasting water, you throw in a bunch of rags or kitchen towels. Make sure there are no tablet residues left when the machine is finished. If so, you can wipe the drawer and drum with a damp towel.

Get the toilet clean again

Dishwasher tablets make the most dreaded household task a lot easier. Just a tabletin die ToiletteGive it, wait until it dissolves and then wipe it off with the toilet brush. When everything is dry, simply rinse and you're done!

Kitchen trash can smell better

Even seemingly clean kitchen trash cans require a thorough inspection from time to time. To avoid getting your arms dirty in this unpleasant area, fill the trash can with slightly boiled water - this is the easiest way to accomplish this. After that, dissolve a dishwashing tablet and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Be careful when emptying and wipe if necessary.

Remove stains from silver cutlery

Foto: AndreyCherkasov/ Shutterstock

For some, the streaky performance of the dishwasher is a sign of failure. Don't accept mediocre cutlery. Dishwasher tablets, dishwasher gels or powders work perfectly, so you can simply soak the cutlery in water with a tab and scrub it if it is stained or tarnished.

Clean outdoor furniture

Patio furniture will eventually get dirty, no matter how careful you are. With the help of a dishwashing tablet, you can get your metal or plastic furniture looking new again and get ready for outdoor fun. One option is to scrub the furniture with the tablet, another is to mix it with water for a milder clean.

Clean burnt pots

Photo: Malgorzata Surawska/Shutterstock

Use this simple technique to save yourself the hard work. With a dishwasher tablet mixed with water, you can clean your dirty cookware in no time. Fill your pot with water, add the tab and place it on the stovetop. After the water has boiled, reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes. That's it! The burnt areas disappear as if by magic. Repeat the process again and again if the stubborn stains do not want to disappear.

Clean the oven door

Cleaning the oven door is tedious, but it's quick with a dishwasher tablet. Umto remove fat, dip a tablet in water and scrub the oven door with it.

Remove oil stains

Foto: Smile Fight/ Shutterstock

Unsightly oil stains can seriously impact the appearance of a garage or driveway. A dishwasher tablet that is wet and then crumbled can help here. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave it for a few days. Then wash the oil out!

Clean joints

When grout lines become gray and unclean, many people believe it is permanent. Unless you have no idea how to remove stains, dirt and mold. A mixture of a dishwasher tablet and warm water applied to specific areas of the tile joints with a brush can be used to restore the original condition. For best results, mix dishwasher powder with warm water to create a thicker paste.

Remove stains from upholstered furniture and clothing

Instead of spending a fortune on specialized cleaning chemicals, you can clean upholstered furniture and clothing with a dishwashing tablet that works wonders on tough stains like coffee and red wine. You can soak soiled clothing in a mixture of hot water and a dishwashing tablet, but you should test this on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric first. Then wash the clothes normally. Stains on furniture and upholstery can also be treated with a soft, clean cloth and the solution.

Also interesting:Cleaning upholstered furniture with home remedies: How you can do it quickly and easily!

Descale the shower head

Even in regions with soft water, limescale can build up in shower heads. With a dishwasher tablet you can clean the shower head and remove limescale without scrubbing, making cleaning the bathroom a breeze. To clean your showerhead, dissolve a dishwashing tablet in a bowl of hot water. Allow the showerhead to soak in the solution for half an hour, then rinse and pat dry.

Cleaning trick for your refrigerator

Foto: New Africa/ Shutterstock

Have you ever had a sticky, disgusting mess in your fridge because you didn't spot a spilled drink? A dishwasher tablet and hot water are all you need. After wiping away any loose food, dip the tablet in warm water and scrub the stains with the flat side. Then wipe with warm water.

Get cloths etc. white again

Dishwasher tablets are a quick and easy way to freshen up white laundry, towels and clothes that are looking a little worn. Just add a tablet to your regular laundry detergent, that's all. Thanks to the bleach in the dishwasher tabs, which also removes stains, your white laundry will be like new again in no time.