For many people, the day starts with a hot, aromatic coffee, which is enjoyed every now and then. We enjoy our coffee not only at home but also in the office, in the car or on the go. Sometimes it just happens through a mishap that you spill the cup and unsightly and sometimes stubborn stains appear on clothes, carpet or furniture. We present you home remedies with which you can use fresh or already dried onesRemove coffee stainscan.
Remove fresh coffee stains from textiles
You drink a cup of coffee during your lunch break or a delicious piece of cake in the afternoon and suddenly you feel like itCoffee stain on your white blouseor new jeans wide. If you have fresh stains, you should act as quickly as possible, because the longer the stains remain on the textiles, the more difficult they are to remove.
Remove coffee stains with carbonated water
If you are at home, dab carbonated water with a little dishwashing liquid on the stain and wash the stained item in the washing machine. Alternatively, if you are in a cafe or restaurant, treat the stain with a little hand soap and carbonated mineral water. Thanks to the carbonic acid, the dissolving process of the coffee stain is accelerated. Enjoy the hot drink with milk or cream, then wash the textiles at the highest possible temperature so that the fat is removed from the fabric.
Remove fresh coffee stains with salt or baking powder
Fresh stains from cotton or linen clothing and tablecloths can also be completely removed with baking soda or salt. Sprinkle one of the two home remedies onto the stains until they are completely covered. Once the liquid has been absorbed, you can brush off the salt or baking soda and then put it in the washing machine as usual.
Clean stains with milk
Did you just stain your new white pants or shirt with coffee? Although it sounds strange, to remove the stains, you can soak your clothes in milk for about 10 minutes and then wash as usual. However, you can only use this home remedy for white textiles.
Household remedies for old stains
If the coffee stains on your clothing or other cotton or linen fabrics have already dried, you can use gall soap and glycerin to remove the stains. First, moisten the old stains with lukewarm water, apply the gall soap and rinse it off again after a few minutes.
Treat dried stains on clothing with baking soda
If you are missing these two home remedies, you can dissolve a dishwasher tablet and put the item of clothing in it for 15 minutes. You can also sprinkle baking powder or baking soda over the stain and pour warm water over it. Wash the item of clothing under clean water and then in the washing machine.
Delicate, washable fabrics made from wool, silk and felt
If your silk tie or favorite wool sweater has been damaged, you can dab the resulting stains with lukewarm water and hair shampoo and rinse with cold water. If the stains are dried, you can use a mixture of water and ammonia on felt and wool and remove old coffee stains on silk with pure alcohol or spirit.
Clean carpet and upholstered furniture
It is even more annoying when the stains appear on fabrics that cannot be cleaned in the washing machine. You stumble and the ugly stains are already on your beige carpet. First place kitchen paper on the fresh coffee stain and press on the paper so that as much liquid as possible is sucked out of the tissue. Then carefully pour sparkling water onto the remaining stains and, after leaving it for a short time, vacuum it out of the carpet with kitchen paper.
Get rid of liquid with kitchen paper
A solution of lukewarm water with dishwashing liquid is just as effective. For non-washable textiles such as sofa covers, car seats or other upholstery-like materials, apply the cleaning agent carefully so that the stain does not increase and allow the household remedy to take effect for around 10 minutes.
Alcohol for carpet stains
You are welcome to use pure alcohol for stains on the carpet. It is advisable to test the selected home remedy on an inconspicuous area before treatment to avoid damage. Drizzle pure alcohol or white spirit on a soft, lint-free cotton cloth and dab the stain until it disappears. It is best to clean the area with clear water.
Get rid of old stains from carpet, sofa or car seats
In addition to the already mentioned home remedies of gall soap, spirit and alcohol, the colorless glass cleaner has also proven effective in removing dried coffee stains. Moisten the dirty area with warm water and spray glass cleaner on it. After a few minutes you can pat the cleaning agent dry again. You can also use a carpet cleaner on old stains.
Remove stains from light-colored leather
You are currently on the move under time pressure and apparently you haven't closed your coffee-to-go cup properly and the coffee is spilling over your leather bag. Or you are lying on the sofa, the dog suddenly jumps and the cup tips over. Don't worry, once you've removed the liquid, you can also remove fresh coffee stains from leather using warm water and dish soap or alternatively a concentrated solution of lukewarm water and salt.
Citric acid for dried stains on leather
If edges arise due to the use of liquid, you can finally treat the area with a little distilled water and dry thoroughly. For stains that have already dried on, you can use citric acid to dab on a cotton cloth.
Stains on paper
Have you borrowed an exciting book from a good friend or are you just filling out important documents and the coffee cup tips over? Since paper is known to be very absorbent, you should try to glide paper towels over the stains without applying pressure.
Using some grated chalk or salt, you can try to soak up any remaining coffee from the stained area. Then carefully scrape off the salt or chalk. You can also use a soft sponge and lemon juice to fade old coffee stains.
Clean white wall or wallpaper
If you have spilled coffee on the white wall or wallpaper, you can use commercially available shaving foam to remove the resulting stains. After you have removed the liquid from the stain with paper, dab the shaving foam onto the coffee stain using a sponge, leave it to act for about a quarter of an hour and remove it again.
Remove stains from wood
If you spill coffee on an unsealed wooden table, you need to vacuum up the coffee as quickly as possible and then wash it off with lukewarm water. Rub from the outer edge of the stain towards the center of the stain. A splash of detergent in the cleaning water helps if coffee and milk have been spilled.
Remove stains from joints
If coffee splashes land on the grout of your kitchen tiles, you can use a paste made from warm waterSpread baking powder or baking soda on the jointsand after a short time wash off with clean water.