Cleaning and disinfecting toilet brushes

Despite its important role in cleaning the toilet, most people forget that they should clean their toilet brush regularly. Such functional anddecorative elements for bathroomor toilet does not always receive the required care or proper disinfection. However, this toilet accessory copes with the only place that is full of microbes and impurities and requires regular cleaning. If you need to clean your toilet brush, the following advice and instructions might come in handy.

Why and how often you should clean your toilet brush

Ideally, you should clean your toilet brush and the associated toilet brush holder after each use and disinfect it at least once a month. If the brush is allowed to dry completely before putting it back into the holder, you should replace the holder every monthThoroughly clean the toilet. However, if this is not the case every time, the toilet brush holder needs to be cleaned at least once a week. The right accessories to complete this task include plastic buckets and rubber gloves. What else you need is eye protection, microfiber cloth, microwave or stovetop, bleach, disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide, disinfectant wipe, and all-purpose cleaner.

Simple cleaning method with disinfectant

  1. When you're done cleaning the toilet, you can quickly clean the toilet brush with a disinfectant spray and a disinfectant wipe.
  2. First, rinse the toilet brush in the water after flushing the toilet. Hold the handle with the brush head directly over the toilet bowl.
  3. Then spray the brush head generously with a disinfectant spray or 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and rotate it so that you can treat all sides with the disinfectant.
  4. First, use a disinfectant wipe to wipe down the handle. Then use another cloth to clean the toilet brush holder inside and out. The surfaces should remain wet for at least 10 minutes.
  5. Next, balance the toilet brush handle between the edge of the toilet bowl and the lowered toilet seat to dry.
  6. Finally, dry the holder with a microfiber cloth. Allow the brush to air dry thoroughly before placing it back in the holder.

Disinfect toilet brush with bleach cleaning solution

  1. First, bring about 4 liters of water to a boil on the stove or in the microwave.
  2. Then carefully pour the hot water into a plastic cleaning bucket. The bucket should be large enough to hold enough water, as well as to cover the holder, toilet brush head, and most of the toilet brush handle.
  3. Start by placing the bucket in a large sink, bathtub, or shower stall. This will prevent damage to surrounding areas if the solution splashes out of the bucket.
  4. After that, put on rubber gloves and eye protection and add a cup of liquid bleach.
  5. Put the toilet brush holder and toilet brush in slowly to avoid splashes.
  6. Let everything soak for at least an hour.
  7. Then, using rubber gloves, remove the toilet brush and holder and rinse them under hot water for at least 30 seconds to rinse away the bleach solution.
  8. Finally, dry the brush and holder with a microfiber cloth or allow both to air dry completely before use.

If you don't have a bucket, add 1/4 cup bleach to the toilet bowl water and submerge the head of the brush. Fill your sink with hot water and add 1/2 cup of bleach along with the holder. Allow both to soak for at least an hour before following the steps listed above.

How to use an all-purpose cleaner when you want to clean your toilet brush

If you do not want to use bleach, the toilet brush and holder can be cleaned with an all-purpose cleaner and a hot water solution. While this method reduces the number of bacteria on the items, it does not provide a complete disinfection that would eliminate all bacteria.

  1. First, fill a bucket or large sink with boiling water and add the amount of all-purpose cleaner or dishwashing detergent recommended on the product label.
  2. Then immerse the toilet brush and holder.
  3. Allow them to soak for at least two hours.
  4. Using rubber gloves, remove the parts and rinse under hot running water for at least 30 seconds.
  5. Dry the toilet brush and holder again with a microfiber cloth.
  6. Allow the brush to air dry completely before using the toilet cleaning kit again.

When should you replace your toilet brush?

If you use a toilet brush with nylon bristles, you should not replace it until the bristlesstart to stink, become discolored, become brittle, or begin to fall off the brush head. The longevity of a toilet brush depends on how often it is used, but most brushes should be replaced every six to eight months. If you need to clean silicone on your toilet brush, this material is usually more durable. Accordingly, you should only replace it if the head comes loose or becomes damaged. If cleaned properly, they should last at least a year. The following tips could extend the life of your toilet brush set.

  1. Rinse the toilet brush with clean water after each use.
  2. Allow the brush to air dry completely before storing it in the holder.
  3. Do not wait for bacteria to accumulate and multiply in the water in the toilet brush holder.
  4. Choose a holder that keeps the brush head away from the bottom and floor to prevent the bristles from bending and breaking.
  5. Regularly use disinfectant wipes to wipe down the handle after each use and allow it to air dry.
  6. You could also store the handle under the sink or on a hook, although a holder would not necessarily be necessary.