Anyone who regularly cooks and bakes in the kitchen knows that marks are always left on kitchen tiles, worktops and hobs. It is best to remove these as soon as possible so that the kitchen remains clean and beautiful at all times. But how can you clean the kitchen easily and without much effort?
With these tips, any kitchen will be clean again in no time
It is important to clean the kitchen after every job. It is best to remove crumbs and food residue from the work areas with a wet cloth and thoroughly clean the tiles from traces of grease. But it's not just the hobs and sink that need regular cleaning. It is also advisable not to forget the refrigerator and oven.
Tip 1: Wipe the oven after each use - instead of scrubbing every month
Many households forget thisovento be cleaned more often. This is certainly because when you close the stove lid, the inside of the oven is forgotten. But when baking rolls, preparing pizzas or cooking Sunday roasts, small and large traces are left behind in the oven. These burn on baking sheets, grates and side walls of the oven at high temperatures. This can make cleaning tedious. It is betterclean the oven thoroughly after each use. All you need to do is use a damp cloth.
Tipp: If there are stubborn residues, it is helpful to use a cleaning sponge and a little vinegar and baking soda. These home remedies loosen even stubborn dirt. To do this, mix vinegar and baking soda into a paste and apply it to the dirt. After an exposure time of approx. 30 minutes, even burnt-on food residues can be removed much more easily.
Tip 2: Disinfect the refrigerator every two weeks
Bacteria and invisible residues often collect unnoticed in the refrigerator. Thorough cleaning is rarely necessary unless something is spoiled or liquid has leaked. Most of the time, a quick wipe down of the shelves and walls of the refrigerator is enough to get rid of sticky stains and unpleasant odors. Also make sure to wipe the refrigerator door and handle regularly, as this is where a lot of bacteria can accumulate.
Instead of just scrubbing thoroughly every few months,plan a quick wipe down every two weekswith a kitchen towel and some disinfectant. You don't have to take everything out - just push the food to the side and clean one half at a time. Don't forget to throw out expired or spoiled food to keep the fridge fresh. This keeps the refrigerator hygienic and fresh.
Tip 3: Clear out and clean kitchen cupboards
A lot of dirt can build up in kitchen cupboards over time. If the supplies are not completely closed, flour, seeds and grains or even sauce thickeners end up in the cupboards and can even attract vermin.Take fifteen minutes every few monthsto empty and clean the cupboards. It is even beneficial to remove all paper and plastic bags and use tightly sealable containers for storage. This means the food can be storedDetect food moth infestations betterand dispose of.
Tip 4: Descale the coffee machine and kettle
Kettles and coffee machines quickly become calcified if they are not cleaned regularly. To ensure that these devices last a long time, it is advisable todescaling once a month. Instead of resorting to expensive descalers, just the juice of a lemon can help. Simply mix it with water and let the solution run through - this descales and leaves a fresh scent. This means your devices stay functional and clean for longer.
You can find further tips on descaling kettles with home remedies such as vinegar and baking sodain this post.
The sink and tap should also be cleaned regularly, as limescale and soap residue build up here.Once a weekAll you need to do is wipe the sink with a little rinse aid and a sponge to remove grease and food residue. For stubborn limescale on the tap, you can simply put some vinegar on a cloth and wrap it around the tap - after 15 minutes the limescale can be easily wiped off. More about the versatile uses ofRinse aid as an all-purpose cleanerrfind out in this article.
Make cleaning a quick after-cooking ritual and you'll avoid a big weekend cleanup! It is important to schedule work from time to time so that all kitchen areas remain hygienic and work is enjoyable.