What you can do about snoring: tips and home remedies that will improve your sleep

Although there is noPanacea for snoringIn this article we will clarify the causes and offer you alternatives with home remedies to avoid it.

A lack of quality sleep leads to disruptions in all body functions, and as a “bonus” we are easily irritable and grumpy in the morning. Everyone who sleeps near the snorer - wives, children and even neighbors - is also angry and irritable. To put an end to this unpleasant situation, you can try some (or all) of the anti-snoring tips that we have collected for you from people who have managed to overcome the deafening nighttime growls.

Why do we snore in our sleep?

The narrowing of the airflow in the nasal area and especially in the back of the mouth plays a major role in the development of snoring. Any process or phenomenon that causes these spaces to narrow can cause snoring. When we sleep, our muscles and airways relax, causing the latter to narrow. When we breathe in through such a narrow space, the surrounding tissue vibrates. This creates the typical noise that we call snoring.

Causes of snoring

Snoring can have many causes. Some of these can usually be avoided through a healthy lifestyle. The most common causes are the following:

  • Breathing through your open mouth instead of your nose. Causes of nasal breathing problems can include allergies, nasal polyps and congenital nasal constrictions.
  • Anatomical causes. Enlarged tonsils are the most common cause of snoring in children. Very often, disturbed sleep in a child can be the cause of hyperactive behavior and attention deficits.
  • Sleeping on your back with your tongue falling backwards.
  • Alcohol consumption, especially in large quantities, is associated with the appearance of muscle relaxation. This favors the relaxation and enlargement of the soft tissues in the oral cavity, which obstruct the flow of air.
  • Obesity and pregnancy – increased weight gain often leads to fat accumulation in the throat and back of the mouth. This in turn restricts the airflow space when inhaling.
  • Taking certain medications from the group of sleeping pills and antidepressants often leads to greater muscle relaxation and the likelihood of snoring. Muscle relaxants prescribed for certain neurological diseases also have this effect.
  • Any acute inflammation in the nose and sinus area leads to a restriction of airflow. The swelling of the affected tissue is characteristic of the inflammatory process and inevitably causes snoring.

Which people experience snoring most often at night?

About half of the population snores at some point in their lives, for whatever reason. Both men and women are affected, with the male gender predominating.

Snoring can occur both in adulthood, which is related to the normal aging process and the slackening of tissues, and in childhood, which is usually due to the presence of an enlarged third tonsil.

Some genetic predisposition has also been identified, with snoring being more common in families than in the general population.

Snoring in women

One in five men snores. Women are less commonly affected, except during pregnancy. Both men and women snore more frequently as they get older: from the age of 60 onwards, around 60% of men and 40% of women snore. This is due to the fact that during menopause the female body produces less estrogen and the muscles of the respiratory tract become weaker. In addition, the tissue becomes drier, which leads to snoring.

There is no panacea for snoring. An individual assessment is required to determine targeted treatment and therapy. TheRisk of a bad night's sleepHowever, it can be reduced with some simple home remedies and measures.

  • Sleep on your side: Make sure you sleep in a position that allows your airways to clear. Sideways is the best way to stop snoring. Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to fall back and disrupt airflow.
  • Optimize your bed: Get advice from a specialist store when purchasing a supportive mattress with a slatted frame and a suitable pillow. Place the headboard one palm higher.
  • Nasal irrigation: Stuffy nose? For colds or allergies, rinsing the nose with saline solution (dissolve ½ teaspoon of table salt in a cup of lukewarm water) instead of nasal drops helps.

Important: If you have a chronically stuffy nose, you should definitely get yourself examined.

  • Steam bath for the face: Add one liter of boiling water with three to five drops of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil to a bowl, lean over it and inhale the essential oil vapors for 10 minutes. Place a towel over your head and the bowl to keep the steam from escaping.

Alternative: Place a small bowl of water and 20 drops of eucalyptus oil on your bedside table.

  • Gargle with peppermint oil: Gargling helps to decongest the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat and thus prevents snoring. Add two drops of peppermint oil to a glass of water.
  • Pay attention to the room climate: The nasal mucous membranes like a moist environment. A room temperature of 18 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 40 to 60% are ideal.
  • Alcohol consumption: No alcohol in the evening and quit smoking to prevent snoring.
  • Light dinner: Try to eat something easy to digest in the evening. This way you will enjoy a restful and relaxed sleep.
  • Enough exercise: A well-trained body and exercise outdoors improve our sleep. However, be careful not to exercise right before bed.
  • Carefully consider which medications you are taking: Be aware that sleeping pills and other relaxing medications can cause snoring.

Do medications from the pharmacy help?

You can find one online and in pharmaciesVariety of therapiesand anti-snoring aids - from anti-snoring mouthpieces, nasal sprays and tongue pacemakers to tortoiseshell-like sleep vests designed to prevent the wearer from sleeping on their back.

The sheer abundance of such anti-snoring aids shows that there is no quick, blanket solution to snoring. This goal can only be achieved after an accurate diagnosis, be it in the form of snoring therapy or surgical intervention on the nose or palate.

Braces and mouthpieces should also be considered by professionals. They can be useful if the cause of your snoring is an incorrect jaw position. Otherwise, you may spend unnecessary money on tools that have no effect.