Psychology: According to a study, drivers of this car brand have the highest IQ

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First in the video: Why people with high IQs don't always have advantages

No more IQ tests necessary? According to a British study, these car brands are particularly often driven by intelligent people.

Have you ever wondered if your choice of car could say something about your intelligence? After all, there are a lot of clichés about drivers and their vehicles - from the typical jockeys on the motorway to the classic family carriage.

But is car choice actually related to IQ? The British comparison portalScrap Car Comparisonhas given over two thousand Brits an IQ test in collaboration with research company Censuswide. In this test, participants also had to indicate which car they were driving. This is how the average IQ was determined for different car brands.

Skoda drivers are the most intelligent

The highest average IQ was measured among Skoda brand drivers. With an average IQ of 99, they are at the top. Skoda, known for the slogan “simply clever”, seems to also meet this requirement with its buyers.

According to the study, these are the IQ leaders:

1. Skoda – Average IQ: 99
2. Suzuki – Average IQ: 98.09
3. Peugeot – Average IQ: 97.79
4. Mini – Average IQ: 97.41
5. Mazda – Average IQ: 95.91

German brands such as Mercedes, Audi and BMW can be found further down the rankings. Mercedes is in 8th place with an IQ of 94.74, Audi is in 14th place with 93.25. Volkswagen is in 19th place, closely followed by BMW in 20th place with 91.68.

Color and type of drive are also important

The study went even further and asked not only about the brand, but also about the color of the car and the type of drive.

Car color:Accordingly, the participants with the highest average IQ mainly owned white cars. Green cars, on the other hand, performed worst.

Drive type:Gasoline car drivers achieved the highest IQ scores, while electric cars came in fourth place.

How meaningful is the study?

Of course, the study is not particularly meaningful, but should be understood with a wink. That's why you shouldn't run to the nearest car dealership and trade in your car for a Skoda. However, if you want to really put your intelligence to the test, you should try one of these tests: