Humidity can be brutal. It can be difficult to work, live or sleep in. Not only is it unpleasant, but it can also be a catalyst for mold or fungi in homes. Below you will find a wealth of ways to reduce the humidity in your home.
Main causes of humidity in the room
High humidity in the home is ultimately due to an accumulation of excess moisture. Excess moisture can build up if you:
- have a leak in your home;
- poor ventilation;
- Shower, cook and/or clean in a room without windows or fans.
But how can you be sure that your apartment is too damp?
Signs of a damp apartment
There is a high probability that the humidity in your home has become too high if:
- your windows are foggy;
- the air feels still or stale;
- wet spots can be seen on the walls and ceilings;
- You can smell a musty smell.
If you are still not sure whether your home is too humid, you can measure the humidity using a relatively inexpensive humidity meter. The ideal humidity level is between 40% and 60%. The humidity in your home can change depending on the season.
Reduce humidity in the apartment: Improve the ventilation of your apartment
Whether you turn on the exhaust fan or keep the windows open to allow moist air to escape from the house, good ventilation can help reduce the humidity in the home. Opening the windows helps reduce the humidity in your home. Be sure to open your windows early in the morning or late in the evening when the wind is blowing, as this will allow the air in your home to circulate better and reduce humidity more effectively.
Reduce humidity in the basement or bedroom: Use a dehumidifier
A dehumidifier isthe most effective methodto remove moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers suck in moist air and then pass it over a cold coil. As the air flows over the coil, the water in the air condenses and is collected in a container. Dehumidifiers come in all shapes and sizes, so you can find one that's the right size for your home.
Dry your clothes using a dryer or outdoors
Drying your clothes indoors in the winter can trap moisture from the clothes indoors. If you cannot dry your clothes outdoors, a dryer is a better choice.
Reduce the humidity in the apartment: Cover the plant soil
One way to reduce humidity in your home is to reduce the number of houseplants you have. Plants do release moisture into the air, butthey also help absorb them. If you have too many plants, they can actually make the problem worse. Try limiting yourself to a few small plants and see if that makes a difference. You can also cover the soil of houseplants. Use a layer of rocks to retain moisture in the soil. This prevents moisture from the ground from getting into the air in the room.
What to do about high humidity?
If you want to get rid of dampness in your home, you can use charcoal. You can either place them in bowls in the apartment (in the bedroom,in the basementor in the garage) or place them in strategic places, for example near the windows or in the bathroom. The charcoal absorbs the moisture in the air and helps your home feel fresh and dry. Besides, it isa natural solution, which does not bring harmful chemicals into your home. Try it and see if it works for you.
Use rock salt indoors
Rock salt is a highly effective air dehumidifier. It is a hygroscopic material, meaning it attracts and retains water and works similarly to an electric dehumidifier. It's natural, non-toxic, cheap, easy to find and easy to process - not to mention it requires no electricity!
- 2 large buckets
- 1 bag of rock salt
- Use a drill to drill a few dozen holes in the sides and bottom of a bucket.
- Place this bucket inside the other, undrilled bucket. Pour rock salt into the top bucket. Place the buckets in the area to be dehumidified.
- Since the rock salt removes moisture from the air, it collects in the lower bucket. Pour off the liquid and replace the rock salt to further dehumidify the area as needed.
A cheap, homemade, energy-free andsimple meansBaking soda is used to combat room humidity. Simply place an open dish of baking soda anywhere you have moisture problems - including cupboards and shelves. Baking soda is a good alternative to store-bought products, although less effective than rock salt. This type of application requires occasional stirring once the baking soda begins to absorb moisture from the room.
Also find out how youMold on the window framecan remove!