Cleaning the trash can: With these tips you will easily manage the annoying task & remove all odors

It's inevitable that bins will get a little dirty - after all, that's where we throw our rubbish! But it's not just the dirt that's the problem, it's also the removal of odors and the fact that food leftovers in particular can attract flies. Cleaning the trash can may not be your favorite activity, but with the right knowledge you can get this task over with quickly. Here's how to do it right.

How to properly clean a trash can

We all know what it's like when the contents of the trash can fall to the floor in an avalanche of yoghurt pots, orange peels and chocolate wrappers. But when that moment comes, you should know how to clean the trash can properly.

What you need:

  • Rubber gloves
  • Scrubber
  • kitchen towel
  • A cleaning solution of your choice

Cleaning solution options

There are a number of cleaning solutions that can help remove the odors coming from your trash can. If you want to learn how to clean a kitchen bucket (or any bucket for that matter), the following methods are worth trying:

Hot water and soap:Yes, good old soap and water can freshen things up if you want to know how to clean a trash can the easy way.

Multi-purpose cleaner:Whatever you use to clean your kitchen can do wonders for your trash can while also disinfecting it. Just make sure you follow the instructions.

White vinegar and baking soda: This classic homemade cleaner is great for getting the job done.

Follow this step-by-step guide

It's time to remove odors and clean the trash can so that it looks and smells like new. Here's how to do it, step by step. Take the trash can outside if you can, or put out some old newspapers, rags, or towels. Choose your cleaning product andfollow these tips:

If you use hot soapy water:

  1. Only fill the trash can a quarter full.
  2. Grab your mop and get to work! The outsides and the lid – make sure you cover all areas.
  3. Rinse off the water and dry with a kitchen towel.

If you choose a multi-purpose cleaning product, which you probably should at some point:

  1. Spray generously and scrub off.
  2. Spray again, scrub, spray again, scrub. And so it goes on.
  3. Rinse and wipe with a kitchen towel.

With the vinegar and baking soda option:

  1. Mix equal amounts of each ingredient in 1/2 cup, or more if the bin is really big.
  2. Apply the paste to particularly stubborn areas, let it sit for five minutes, then scrub off.
  3. Repeat the process until you get rid of the dirt.
  4. Rinse with clean water and wipe the area dry with a kitchen towel.

Tip – Buy a hands-free trash can: If you tend to touch the trash can lid while cooking - when your hands are covered in food, then you should consider purchasing a foot pedal bucket, or one with a sensor that automatically opens when Run your hand over it. This helps reduce the spread of bacteria and other germs, and not touching the lid regularly will keep it looking clean for longer.

Cleaning trash cans – tips and tricks on how to remove odors

Now that you've learned how to clean the trash can, let's take a look at ongoing maintenance and things you can do to remove the odors. Try these tips so you and everyone you live with don't have to hold their noses again the next time you empty the trash can.

  • Sprinkle some cat litter at the bottom of the container before placing the bag inside:There's a reason these granules are used for smelly cat poop. They are designed to absorb the smell and can do the same for the fumes in your trash can.
  • Place some lemon slices at the bottom of your trash can:This will help quell the smell (as long as you remember to renew them).
  • Pour in a handful of coffee beans:They are known for their ability to neutralize musty smells.
  • Clean your trash can regularly:Make this part of your regular household chores and the smell should never get that bad again.

And that's it for how to clean a trash can. Next time the time comes, you can get the job done before the stink really starts.

Other home remedies for unpleasant odors in household wasteyou can find here!