Cleaning with cinnamon: Clean with cinnamon water and drive away ants

Some drugstore cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals and cause allergies. To avoid this, more and more people are turning to home remedies. Cinnamon is also included. We'll tell you in the article what you can clean with cinnamon.

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Cleaning with cinnamon: This home remedy offers these advantages

Cinnamon water has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It inhibits the proliferation of bacteria and prevents the spread of disease. Of course, cinnamon is not a miracle cure - but it can only work in combination with other home remedies such as vinegar and baking soda. This is a great way to clean the kitchen floor or worktop.

But cinnamon offers another decisive advantage over other home remedies – it keeps ants away. Cinnamon powder and cinnamon oil contain trans-cinnamaldehyde (a yellowish substance that is obtained from the cinnamon bark and which is...specific aromahas). Researchers have found that this substance keeps ants and other insects away. If the insects inhale cinnamon powder, they can even die. That's why they take a detour around the areas treated with cinnamon.

Cinnamon has various uses in the household. Perhaps the most common is to add cinnamon to the cleaning water and use it to wipe the floor.

Mop the floor with cinnamon in the cleaning water

Photo: Deavita / Canva

Residents and owners of apartments on the first floor in particular have to contend with ants every year. Food and water attract the insects, which quickly find their way into the house. To avoid this, you can wipe the areas with diluted cinnamon oil in the spring. Proceed as follows:

1. First clean the floor with a home remedy of your choice. For example, you can dissolve 1 teacup of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 2 cups of warm water.

2. Then fill tap water into a clean bucket. Add either 40 drops per 5 liters of cinnamon oil or 3 teaspoons of cinnamon powder to the water.

3. Wipe the floor with the cinnamon water and let it dry. If the ants have already made themselves comfortable in the house, you can also sprinkle cinnamon powder along their paths or at the points of entry into the house.

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Disinfect surfaces with cinnamon water

Photo: Deavita / Canva

But a spray with cinnamon can do even more – for example, disinfect surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom. To do this, simply mix the following ingredients:

  • 24 drops of cinnamon oil
  • 240 ml distilled water
  • 240 ml white wine vinegar

You can also add other scented oils to the cleaning product. Grapefruit, orange or basil oil can all compliment the turmeric aroma and also have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

Foto; Shutterstock / Alp Aksoy

Pour all ingredients into an empty and clean spray bottle. Then close the bottle and shake well so that all the ingredients can mix well. Spray the dirty surfaces with the home remedy. The home remedy can attack metal and make rubber seals brittle. Also atTreatment of natural stone tilesYou should first test in an invisible area to see whether the home remedy leaves stains.

Then spray the surfaces you want to disinfect and leave the household remedy to work for 15 minutes, or 30 minutes for heavily soiled areas. Then wipe the surface with a soft kitchen sponge and you're done.

The home remedy can be stored in a cool, airtight and dark place for months. For long-term effects against ants, it is best to use it twice a week.

To the study fromInternational Journal of Scientific and Research Publications

Also read:Ants in the apartment: Which home remedies help against the ant plague in the house or apartment?