Ants in the apartment: Which home remedies help against the ant plague in the house or apartment?

It's a typical phenomenon: when you enter your kitchen, you are greeted by a trail of ants. Maybe you left food on the counter. In any case, you're probably wondering what's the quickest way to get rid of these annoying insects. What can you do against ants in your home?

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Ants can be a major nuisance both indoors and outdoors. If you are looking for an alternative to chemical remedies, we have some natural remedies for you. Discover the long-term solutions you need to get your home ant-free again in no time.

Ants in the apartment: what helps against it?

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Ant infestations in the home often occur between March and October, when these insects are actively searching for food, water and shelter, making kitchens and pantries their usual haunts. First, find out what attracts ants to the house. Pay attention to the path they take and think about where they might find water and food. Always keep perishable foods covered and leftovers in the refrigerator or in airtight containers. Once you eliminate the food source, the ants may leave voluntarily if you're lucky. If that doesn't work, follow these steps.

Fight insects and eliminate ant trails

A non-toxic alternative to ant control is a mixture of one part vinegar and three parts water in a spray bottle. Then apply the mixture to any areas where you previously observed ant activity. Ants that enter a home to forage don't always try to build a nest, but this will deter them from doing so. When searching for food, the ants leave a pheromone trail that other ant species can follow. Simply spray this product wherever you see ant tracks to eliminate them. Be sure to check baseboards, back doors and window sills for possible entry points. Use the vinegar solution to disinfect and clean surfaces. You should see a noticeable difference after using it once every seven days.

Ant infestation in the house: Use essential oils

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An all-natural solution to ant problems can be achieved by combining peppermint or lavender oil with water. Ants detest these smells, so spraying window sills or door frames with this mixture will have the desired effect.

Citrus scent repels ants

An effective natural ant repellent is the scent of citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges, which ants cannot stand. Collect citrus fruit peels and place them around doorways as a decorative accent. Without harming these insects in any way, they serve as a natural deterrent.

Salt is an ant repellent

Add a little table salt to cracks and crevices to prevent ant infestations. If you want to keep ants away, just draw a line of salt. Another method of controlling the insects is to spray them with a salt water solution, which can dry them out.

Glass cleaner and dishwashing liquid

The pheromone trail of these insects serves as a guide to where they eat their meals. To prevent the ants from returning to your home, you can try eliminating their smell with glass cleaner: In a clean spray bottle, mix dish soap and glass cleaner. Then spray the mixture wherever you notice ant activity. Wipe the area after spraying - a small residue should remain. If you don't have glass cleaner on hand, you can try neutralizing the ant pheromones with any soap solution (hand soap, etc.).

Combat with cinnamon, cayenne pepper, cloves or coffee grounds

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The one inCinnamonThe chemical substance cinnamaldehyde contained in it canSuccessfully ward off ant infestationsand eliminate. To create a natural repellent, sprinkle ground cinnamon around frequently used entrances. The strong aroma of cinnamon is very effective. To further deter ants, you can coat cotton balls with cinnamon powder or oil and place them in areas where they are likely to hang out.

Cayenne pepper or clovesare other spices that can be sprinkled along the ant trails. These insects are scared away by the pungent smell.

To keep ants away from ant infestations, sprinkle usedcoffee groundsabout the affected areas. Repeat this again and again until the smell disappears.

Also read:Cleaning with cinnamon: Clean with cinnamon water and drive away ants


photo: CrissLari/Shutterstock

The white powder known as borax is used as an insect repellent, emulsifier, and cleaning agent, among other things. A mixture of 8 teaspoons sugar, 1/2 teaspoon borax and 250 ml warm water makes a good repellent. Stir the solution until the borax and sugar are dissolved. If you often find ants in your home, try soaking cotton balls and placing them in high-traffic areas.

If you choose to use borax, keep the following in mind:Due to the potential dangers posed by borax, it must be kept away from children and pets.

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