Cleaning without cleaning products: Which natural alternatives to chemical cleaning products should you use?

Would environmentally friendly and inexpensive cleaning without cleaning products be a better alternative to using chemical preparations? These natural products are suitable as a replacement in the household!

Photo: Shutterstock / Aygul Bulte

Have you ever had itchy eyes, irritated skin, or a sore throat right after cleaning your home? Do you sometimes have headaches when you use chemical carpet cleaners, for example? If this is the case, there are some tried and tested household products that you could use instead of commercial products for your cleaning purposes. This not only reduces any health risks, but also allows you to keep your living and wet rooms clean for the better for the environment. Try the following natural products to avoid harsh and potentially dangerous chemicals when cleaning at home.

What disadvantages of chemicals make cleaning without cleaning products more advantageous?

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Nowadays more and more people are tryingto live sustainablyand to replace as many conventional commercial products as possible with ecological alternatives. Considering that it was once possible to clean your home without chemical cleaning products, this is no surprise. Here are some important factors to consider when using chemical cleaners:

  • Most commercially available household products contain harmful substances that, when combined incorrectly, can also emit toxic gases. This can worsen symptoms in sensitive people with asthma.
  • An example of this is the combination of ammonia and bleach, which creates a chlorine gas. The latter can lead not only to irritation, but also to pneumonia.
  • This also applies to scented washing products such as fabric softeners and detergents, the cumulative effect of which is linked to chronic diseases due to the fragrances they contain.
  • When it comes to the environment, the use of chemical cleaning products can paradoxically lead to massive environmental pollution. This is not only due to the plastic packaging, but also to the toxic ingredients that enter the waterwaysDrain after cleaningland, in connection.

How to replace chemical cleaners with natural products in the household?

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When cleaning without cleaning products, many common cleaning products can easily be replaced with harmless household supplies. These are usually found in the kitchen, such as vinegar, baking soda, salt or citric acid. Such natural products have proven over time to be reliable household helpers that are inexpensive and equally effective. To use these properly, you can consider the following cleaning tips:

  • Distilled white wine orApple cider vinegar can be used as a cleanerfor example, provide excellent service in the bathroom. To do this, you can simply wipe any surfaces with a cloth soaked in it. If your furniture or bathroom fittings are stained, warm vinegar can remove water or grease stains, which also applies to various glass surfaces. This means that limescale deposits can be removed without much effort, while milky glasses or dishes regain their original shine.
  • Talcum powder or baking soda is suitable for kitchen cleaning, with which you can get tiled back walls or kitchen worktops clean and shiny. Baking soda is also suitable for refreshing worn curtains or drapes. To do this, you have to soak them in a solution of water and baking soda and let the stuff work for about an hour. This also applies to heavily soiled white clothing, although you can always add about a tablespoon of baking soda to your laundry load.
  • Similar to acetic acid, citric acid counteracts dirt in the bathroom. This means that water stains and limestone or other deposits can be easily removed.
  • If you prefer cleaning without cleaning products, you can also use salt to combat mold. Dilute it with water and use it to scrub moldy surfaces.
  • You can also use natural soap to make soapy water and wipe varnished or painted surfaces with it. This would be an additional step after dusting.
  • Do your window panes collect dirt from the street too often? Instead of having to clean them every day, you can reduce sticking with a little glycerin in the mop water.

What other tricks help with cleaning without cleaning products containing chemicals?

Foto: Shutterstock / Diana Lit

There are still some natural products such as essential oils or even tea that you could use for chemical-free household cleaning. These prove to be reliable disinfectants and can help prevent dirt accumulation and mold formation. However, it is also important to prevent eye and skin irritation by wearing appropriate protection. Otherwise, you can also try some of the following hacks:

  • When cleaning your bathroom, running hot water in the bathroom will make your job easier. The vapors help dissolve residues and stains more easily.
  • Instead of using an expensive chemical furniture polish, you can use plain olive oil for this purpose. The natural product cares for wooden surfaces and keeps them dust-free for longer.
  • By brewing black tea and then allowing it to cool, you prepare a cleaning solution for glass surfaces such as windows and mirrors or for wooden floors. The tannic acid it contains effectively counteracts grease stains without leaving unpleasant odors.
  • To disinfect children's toys, you can also use citrus fruits such as oranges as the base of a cleaning solution made from water, vinegar and baking soda. The orange essential oil concentrated in the fruit peel helps keep bacteria away and leaves a pleasant scent in the room. You can simply mix a few drops of orange oil in a spray bottle with water, baking soda and vinegar.
  • Another ingredient from the kitchen that helps against stains on carpets, for example, is corn starch. You can simply sprinkle some on the stain and let the stuff sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then use a dry brush and your vacuum cleaner to remove the residue. You can also use this trick on other home textiles and clothing with grease stains, as cornstarch is naturally absorbent.

Now you know some tricks and home remedies that you can use to keep your home clean in a natural and harmless way. However, use the cleaning methods described carefully to minimize any risks to you or your family members.

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