The raised bed in March: how you can refresh it & which plants can be sown and planted

After the long winter rest in the garden, it finally starts again and the great advantage of raised beds is that you can start planting there earlier because it heats up faster. But before the first plants occur, the bed must be refreshed and prepared. How do you maintain the raised bed in March?

Fotos: Deborah Lee Rossiter; PhotoJuli86/ Shutterstock; Design: Deavita/ Canva

You don't have an increased bed yet, but do you think about creating one? Do not think for long, because now it is the perfect time for it. If you are not yet convinced: raised beds are:

  • back gentle,
  • pleasantly warm for the young planters,
  • Equipped with the best of the best of nutrients for your vegetables and Co.

If you do not yet know how to create a raised bed, you canThis guideread through.

How to refresh the raised bed in March

An increased bed that was used last season, like the classic garden bed, has to be prepared and refreshed before the start of the season before they put the first vegetable plants into the raised bed in March. In normal bed, this usually means that the earth is loosened (if not yet done in autumn) and mixed with compost. But how do you do it with the raised bed?

  • Clean the bed

If there are plants remnants, remove and dispose of them. Even root residues that are still contained in the earth have to go away before new plants are planted. It is important to take a look at these remains: can pests be seen? Thenmust not be on the compost, but come into the household waste.

Foto: Paul Maguire/ Shutterstock
  • Completely replace or unnecessary?

Fortunately, you don't need to fill the raised bed every year. In principle, as with the normal garden bed: Loosen the upper layer of earth with a grave grid. This not only improves the oxygen supply of future plants and bends waterlogging through better ventilation, but also helps to find and remove remaining plant remains.

A testing look afterwards determines you whether you should perhaps refill fresh earth. Sometimes it sacks a little over the course of the season, so that the bed becomes lower. It is best to use composters to fill up to provide a portion of nutrients for the start of the season. Refreshing with the help of fresh composters is also necessary if you have found that the earth is already quite drained.

  • Fertilize

In the event that you have not filled up with compost, you should now be mixed with compost. Make sure that it is already well rotted and work it into the earth. Alternatively, you can also use other organic fertilizers such as horn shavings, vegetable crops, wormhumus or stable manure.

  • Has the filling material canceled?

In this case, it is worth renewing all layers. As you already know, the lowest layer consists of branches and branches, the middle one of compost or manure and the top of fresh plant soil. A raised bed is also renewed in the same way if necessary.

Photo: Gajus/ Shutterstock
  • Bonus tip for preparation for bedding

As already mentioned, a raised bed warms up much faster than a ground -level garden bed. But you can even accelerate this process a little, which is particularly advantageous if you are already quite earlyPlant the first vegetable plantswant. For this purpose, simply cover the refreshed raised bed with black film. Alternatively, garden fleece also works. The warming film is also used when you have sown seeds. The germination is promoted by the additional heat.

What can you plant now?

Foto: Mahdaliova Volha/ Shutterstock

Some vegetable plants can be sown directly whileothers are preferredmust. This depends not only on the type of plant, but also on the weather. In any case, however, you should decide in the late winter and show spring for frost -hard variants. So what do I plant into the raised bed in March?

Are suitable for direct sowing:

  • Dill
  • Lettuce
  • carrot
  • Pastinake
  • Parsley
  • Pickling salad
  • radish
  • Spinach
  • Peas
Foto: PhotoJuli86/ Shutterstock

Some plants are relatively robust against cold, but should be preferred in the warm to enable germination and give them time to become stronger. However, they still suitable to plant the raised bed in March - just at a later date. This includes:

  • Eggplant
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Chili
  • Kohlrabi
  • Lettuce
  • Leek
  • Saddlery
  • Tomato
  • Paprika
Foto: Linda George/ Shutterstock

The most important thing summarized briefly and briefly

Design: Deavita/ Canva