Remove mold from leather shoes: You can save moldy shoes with home remedies!

Below, you'll learn what causes moldy shoes, how to remove mold from leather shoes, and what signs you should look out for to avoid it in the future. This season's humidity levels are rising in our closets and storage boxes, endangering not only our shoes but also our belts, jackets and handbags. Read on to find out more about it!

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Imagine taking your beloved winter boots out of storage and finding a thriving mold colony inside. Don't give in to the temptation to just throw them away without giving them another chance. If your favorite shoes get moldy, these suggestions might help save them and avoid such disasters in the future.

What causes mold to develop in shoes?

Mold is a tiny fungus with a rough texture that thrives and spreads in moist environments. It can spread to almost any surface, including walls, textiles and shoes. But also other factors, such as excessive humidity, inadequate ventilation andlack of care, can contribute to the accumulation of this annoying fungus.

Mold can easily build up in shoes. In order for the fungus to thrive, it needs a dark, warm and moist environment. One reason for this is that the outside of the shoe is often exposed to the outside world, but the insoles are more likely to absorb moisture from sweat. This means that damp shoes provide the ideal environment for mold to form.

The spread of mold spores

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Mold spores can be airborne, so you can unknowingly bring them indoors after coming into contact with them outside. The annoying sticky film that forms on shoes is actually just the result of spores developing in a moist environment.

Can I still save moldy shoes?

Luckily, there are ways to save moldy shoes. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, most of us want to find a method to save the old shoes from decay. If you find mold in your closet but not on your shoes, you should still clean the entire closet.

Removing mold from leather shoes – step-by-step instructions

Foto: KHON SUPAN/ Shutterstock

1. Clean the shoes inside and out

To begin removing the mold, use a cotton cloth dampened with hot water to wipe the mold from the surface and interior. Do this carefully. Then let the shoes air dry, preferably outdoors.

Important tip:To protect yourself from inhaling the spores, wear a face mask while working. The molds aredangerous to health!

2. Make sure shoes are disinfected

  • Remove mold from leather with vinegar

White vinegar is both the best and cheapest option among the many cleaning products available. Put on gloves as this puts a lot of strain on the skin. You can tone down the strong smell of vinegar by adding lemon juice. Dilute the vinegar with water - in a 1:1 ratio. After soaking a sponge or cleaning cloth in the vinegar-water solution, carefully wipe down each shoe. If you see mold on the inside, you shouldn't ignore it either. Allow the shoes to air dry and not in direct sun.

In this video, the lady mixes white vinegar, water and dish soap to remove mold from her shoes.

@amelialiddysudburyHow to remove mould from leather shoes#cleantokaustralia #laundry #mouldremoval #cleaningleather #cleaningmould #cleantok ♬ djmaybach9 – Kelly Manno
  • Use 70-80% alcohol

Another option is isopropyl alcohol (70% or higher): mix it and cold water in a clean container - in a 1:1 ratio.Use for cleaningof the leather, a cotton swab to get into the cracks and a clean cloth soaked in the mixture to wipe the surface. Last but not least, wipe the leather with a damp towel.

@diycamHow to Remove Mold from Leather Shoes#leathershoes #cleanmold #moldyshoes #leather #shoes #cleanmoldyshoes ♬ original sound – DIYCAM

3. Care for leather shoes properly

After the mold has been removed and the shoes have completely dried, the leather may be quite dry and discolored and in desperate need of TLC. First, apply a high-quality conditioner to the leather. You can then apply a high-quality shoe polish in at least two thin layers. You can also add wax at this point if you wish. If possible, try to use a colored polish to help the color of the leather blend better. The shoes will look even better afterwards.

Note the following:Remember that a single mold spore is enough to start the mold process all over again. Replace shoelaces if necessary and thoroughly disinfect the storage location.

If everything goes according to plan, the shoes should be like new again in no time. If you cannot fix the problem yourself, contact a professional cobbler.

Also read:Clean and care for hiking boots: With these helpful tips, your shoes will shine like new!

Cover photo: opard wattanasakul/ Shutterstock