- rowing: Sit on the floor, stretch your legs and loop the band around your feet. Hold the handles and pull them towards your stomach while tensing your back muscles. This effectively strengthens your back and improves posture.
- Deadlift: Stand with both feet centered on the band and hold the handles next to your thighs. Bend your hips and knees, keep your back straight, and lift yourself back to the starting position by extending your hips and knees. Make sure you keep the handles close to your body throughout the movement. For this exercise you shouldthickest bandsuse with the most resistance to ensure effective loading.
- Bench press: Place the band under your flat body and grasp the ends with both hands as if you were pressing a barbell. Push the handles up and slowly lower them.
- Squats: Stand on the band and hold the handles at shoulder height. Perform a squat while maintaining tension in the band. Important: The band is always under tension!
- Bizeps-Curls: Standing on the band, hold the handles and bend your arms to pull your palms toward your shoulders. Slowly lower again. Especially when lowering, take your time and effectively keep the band under tension.
- Push-ups:To effectively complicate push-ups with resistance bands, place the band across your back and position the ends under your hands on the floor. Begin the push-ups as usual, feeling the band provide additional resistance as you push up. This intensifies the exercise and strengthens your chest, arm and shoulder muscles more effectively.
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DieResistance bands(orResistance Bandscalled) are ideal for exercises such asrowingorDeadlift,Push-ups, Bench press,biceps-Curls,Squats,and many more …
The bands are the perfect alternative toheavy weightsandbulky machines! Because: They make it possible to work with different resistance levels so that you can train your muscles just as intensively as you are used to with your device-based workouts.
Bands instead of weights: This is how you can do any workout with the fitness tool
How does that work? Here are some exercises you can do with thePro Sport Resistance Bandscan carry out:
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