Pest infestations are not uncommon in wet rooms, with silverfish in the bathroom being the most common insect species in almost every household. However, it can be difficult to get rid of silverfish from your bathroom because they thrive in warm, humid conditions. Although these are tiny creatures, they can still cause damage around the bathroom and throughout the home. The insects can eat through clothing and towels in toilets and bathrooms, even chewing bath mats, toilet paper and wallpaper. To take the right countermeasures, you should act quickly and use either chemical-based insecticides or natural repellents. Here are some of the most common home remedies and elimination methods that you can use yourself to solve the problem.
Are silverfish dangerous in the bathroom and where do they come from?
As for the shape of silverfish, they are a tiny species of insect and reach a size of 13 to 25 mm. As the name suggests, they resemble fish in appearance and have a similar metallic gray color. In addition, they fallVermin in the householdThey tend not to be active during the day because they are predominantly nocturnal. Fortunately, these are harmless insects, as silverfish are not aggressive, do not attack people or pets and do not transmit diseases. Drains, baseboards or cracks in the wall are usually popular entry and exit points for silverfish in the bathroom.
As far as we know, there have been no incidents of people being bitten or stung, as silverfish tend to target cellulose from paper, wall plaster and textiles as food. Nevertheless, their presence in living spaces can be disruptive and is associated with the damage mentioned above. It often happens that silverfish multiply quickly in the bathroom without a window when there is heat andAccumulate humidity. The insects lay their eggs everywhere once they reach adulthood. However, they mostly do this in hidden areas such as crevices, which can further complicate control. So before you consider a control strategy, it would make sense to be able to detect such a pest infestation.
How do you recognize a silverfish infestation in the bathroom?
To help you better recognize the signs of such an insect infestation, there are some typical features to consider. First of all, you should make sure that it is actually this type of insect and its infestation in a damp room. Although silverfish pose no danger, as already described, some people can have an allergic reaction to them. A sign of the presence of insects in the bathroom is the shedding of pieces of skin and scales on the floor. These are tiny particles that are hard to see but in rare cases could cause an allergic reaction.
You should also pay attention to whether individual silverfish or several silverfish can be seen in the bath. In the latter case, the situation can become more difficult because the insects hide well and are difficult to notice during the day. They can also be observed individually under bathtubs or on the edges of the toilet bowl. In order to determine an actual infestation, the following signs must also be taken into account:
- If you suddenly turn on the light in the bathroom, several insects will appear in the evening or at night.
- Spotting feces that resemble peppercorns on the bathroom floor.
- Check damaged items such as newspapers, toilet paper rolls, bath towels, carpets and other toiletries made from similar materials.
- Detect traces of silverfish through chewed items made of cotton or silk, as well as on cellulose wallpaper.
- Look out for yellow spots as a typical sign of a silverfish infestation.
So, in order to keep silverfish away from their favorite habitats like the bathroom, there are a few important steps you need to take. The process might take a few days, but with the right methods you can get rid of silverfish in the bathroom.
Make the environment inhospitable for silverfish in the bathroom
As you have already read, wet rooms attract such insects primarily because of the warm humidity that accumulates in them. So first you can try one possiblyClean dirty bathroom fansor at least to check that it is functioning properly. If you don't have a fan, you should reduce humidity by regularly ventilating the room. Always do this after you shower. Also check taps and shower fittings for any leaks and repair them if necessary. Also, make it a habit toPrevent condensation in the homeand remove it regularly.
Other preventive measures you could take include getting rid of attracting food sources and sealing cracks and crevices. Since carpet adhesives, for example, contain starch, they can be of interest to insects. Therefore, try to clear the room of bathroom rugs on the floor or less frequently used bath towels. Alternatively, you can switch to bath mats that can be hung on shower curtains or doors when not in use. This also includes the toilet seat cover. Once you have removed everything, you should also thoroughly clean your bathroom and avoid placing such items in it for the following weeks. First, use silicone caulk to seal any exit and entry points such as cracks, window frames, holes in cabinets, and damaged baseboards.
How to use home remedies or insecticides against silverfish in the bathroom
In addition to the already known home remedies such as essential oils in the form of lavender oil or cedar oil, as well as bay leaves and newspaper, cinnamon and clove oil can also be effective. So if you have some on hand, you can simply bundle packets of spices such as cinnamon and distribute them to affected areas in the bathroom. These act as deterrents, although you can also find some in the store. However, for pets, make sure these remedies are safe for them.
You can also use chemical-based home remedies as insecticides against silverfish in the bathroom. One of these is bleach, which often proves to be effective to almost everyoneInsect species in the householdcan eliminate. However, when using bleach, you should be careful not to inhale the fumes and warn your family members about it. It is very important to wear rubber gloves and a respirator mask when handling bleach. Be sure to ventilate the room afterwards to prevent any health risks.
Once you have sealed all the holes and cracks, you can also use another effective silverfish control method in the bathroom. This would be sprinkling Epsom salt. The stuff also acts as a natural insecticide that can be used to treat silverfish infestations in the bathroom. Epsom salt would also act as a trap for the insects, as silverfish are likely to eat it if you sprinkle the stuff on a newspaper, for example.
You can also try using baking soda to attract them by sprinkling the home remedy in a deeper container. This will ensure that the insects don't get out because silverfish can't jump or swim. If you don't want to kill the critters and just want to keep them away, you can also use mothballs as a repellent.