Where do bed bugs come from? Here's how you can successfully combat these pests with home remedies!

These microscopic creatures feed on human blood and like to hide in the cracks and corners of our mattresses. Although bed bugs do not transmit disease, bed bug bites can cause a red and annoying rash. Where do bed bugs come from? We answer this question below and give helpful tips on how you can get rid of the pests with home remedies.

What is a bed bug?

These insects may get their name from their tendency to hide in beds and feed on people while they sleep. Bed bugs are the only insects that feed on blood, and they require frequent blood meals to survive and thrive. They have been associated with humans for more than 3,300 years and can be found virtually anywhere people like to spend time, including homes, hotels, schools, businesses and retail stores. They can even be found on public transport.

We have been struggling with the plague of bed bugs since the beginning of human history.

History of these little pests

It is believed that bed bugs were first transmitted to humans from bats in the Middle East. There was a time when bats and humans apparently inhabited many of the same caves in this region.

Bed bugs are a consequence of the development and spread of human civilization, which brought them to previously uninhabited areas. It is known that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans had problems with these pests. Today, house bugs can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

Recognizing and combating bed bugs – how they move into your home

Where do bed bugs come from? The ability of these bugs to attach themselves to other objects allows them to travel long distances. They attach themselves to bags, suitcases, clothing and bedding and can travel wherever these items are found. For this reason, bed bug transmission is usually quite easy. Additionally, the bites caused by house bugs are often difficult to detect and are easily confused with the bites of other pests. This makes it difficult to detect an infestation and allows populations to spread unnoticed. When disturbed, the bed bugs scatter to other nearby locations. This can lead to infestation of additional areas, some of which are much more difficult to detect or treat than others.

These bugs must be in close proximity to their hosts in order to successfully feed on them. Box springs and bed surrounds are some of these bugs' favorite hiding places and breeding grounds. They can also nest in the furniture and furnishings that are in close proximity to the bed. However, house bugs are not just a potential problem in the bedroom, they can also appear in other rooms.

Destroy bed bugs with home remedies

We'll tell you how you can fight bed bugs with home remedies!

Wash with hot water

If you have reason to suspect that bed bugs have nested in your blankets or clothing, you should wash these items thoroughly with a mixture of hot, steaming water and laundry detergent. The application of heat isan effective meansto get rid of these annoying critters because when exposed to high temperatures they become dehydrated and die. Put your clothes and laundry in the dryer so they can get an extra dose of warmth.

Get rid of house bugs with baking soda

Baking soda removes moisture from the bugs, causing them to become dehydrated. Thenatural meanscan be used to treat areas where you suspect these pests. Apply a thin layer of baking soda to the surface. Before you vacuum everything up, you should let the powder sit for a week. You need to repeat this regularly until there are no more insects or eggs.

Essential oils as a spray

Bed bugs can be killed and repelled naturally and effectively using essential oils. Cinnamon, lemongrass, tea tree, lavender, thyme, and eucalyptus are some examples of herbs and plants that produce strong aroma essential oils that are great for repelling insects. Add a few drops of the essential oil to 500ml of water and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Then spray the mixture all over the bed, including under the bed and in the gaps.

Use steam cleaners

A wonderful and completely natural solution for cleaning things that cannot be washed is high temperature steaming. A good steam cleaning process is beneficial for many different things, such as curtains, fabric chairs, sofas and carpets. The high temperature that the steam cleaner generates kills the house bugs and their eggs.

Fight bed bugs – freeze objects

You can freeze hard-to-clean items instead of washing them. Bed bugs can be killed by temperatures well below freezing. This means that delicate garments such as lace and silk can be placed in a plastic bag and frozen. After freezing the garment for a full day, take it outside and shake it vigorously. This will remove any dead insects and any eggs that may be present.

Also read:Prevent & get rid of bed bugs with these important tips