Cleaning the sink – how do you clean it properly? Tips and tricks for shiny sinks, using only home remedies

Cleaning the sink – how do you clean it properly? Of course, you can give them a quick wipe to rid them of surface dirt, but how can you do that to your sink?look flawless and shinyas on the day of purchase, and with self-made materials? Keep reading this article and you will find out.

We all know that the kitchen is a work space. It is a place for food preparation, cooking and entertaining, often the heart of a home. But the surfaces in the kitchen, primarily the sink, have to deal with a lot of dirt sticking to them.

Of course, there are plenty of cleaning products in your supermarket that promise to clean just about anything, but not all of us are happy with using harsh and abrasive chemicals. The lingering smell of bleach is also not pleasant for anyone.

Plus, every kitchen sink is different. So, how can you clean your sink using only eco-friendly products that you probably already have in your kitchen cabinets?

Clean the stainless steel sink with baking soda and baby oil

What you need:

  • a clean sponge
  • Baking soda
  • a drop of vinegar
  • a little lemon or orange peel
  • A little olive oil or baby oil
  • A few paper towels

Of course, you have to take all the dishes out of the sink and give them a quick rinse. Sprinkle the sink with baking soda. Clean the sink with the sponge in a circular motion.Baking soda gently cleanseswithout scratching the stainless steel. Rinse the sink with vinegar. The vinegar reacts with the baking soda to foam and naturally disinfect the sink. Rinse with water.

Take some of the peel and use it to scrub the sink, making sure to scrub the stainless steel with the peel and not the seeds. This will help eliminate a slight vinegar smell and make the steel shine.

Apply some olive oil to a kitchen towel and polish the sink. You can also use a few drops of baby oil. This is housewives' secret weapon for sparkling sinks that results in an amazing transformation.

Your sink should retain its shine for a few weeks before you need to repeat this process.

Clean ceramic sinks with vinegar and lemon

Ceramic sinks are used in both kitchens and bathrooms. Sometimes they get dirty and these stains are difficult to remove, but there are easy ways to clean your ceramic sink.

What you need:

  • Water
  • White vinegar
  • A soft cloth
  • A toothbrush
  • Half a lemon

Make a 50% solution of water and white vinegar. Dip the soft cloth into the solution and gently scrub the sink. This should help remove any stains or limescale. Be careful not to let the vinegar come into contact with the ceramic surface as the acidity can cause damage. Use the toothbrush to clean particularly difficult areas. Rinse the sink with warm water.

Rub the flesh of half a lemon over the surface of the sink. You can leave it on for up to half an hour before rinsing it off with warm water. This removes odors and gives the surface a beautiful shine.

Making sure to rinse your sink with water after preparing food will help keep your ceramic sink clean and stain-free.

Clean a porcelain sink like a ceramic one

Porcelain sinks are cleaned in the same way as ceramic sinks. For severe stains, try mixing baking soda with a little water until you get something that looks like toothpaste. Take a toothbrush and treat the stubborn stains directly with some of the mixture. Rinse the sink again. Use the pulp of half a lemon to eliminate odors and give your porcelain a beautiful shine.

Clean sinks with hard surfaces (Corian, granite, quartz).

Composite sinks are becoming increasingly popular these days and come in all shapes and sizes. Each has slightly different properties and reacts slightly differently to cleaning products, so you need to be careful about what you use.In this articleFind detailed information on how to clean a granite sink.

Cleaning the sink: Which home remedy is good for fireclay sinks?

Fireclay sinks are in the higher price range, so you want to make sure they look as good in 5 years as they did the day you bought them!

What you need:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • rag or sponge
  • Natural liquid wax (if available)

Rinse out the sink and dry it. Apply some baking soda to the cloth or sponge and scrub the sink to remove any remaining stains. Pour some of the white vinegar into the sink and let it react with the baking soda. Rinse with clean water. Dry with a clean cloth or kitchen towel.

If you can, apply some liquid wax to the sink monthly. Using a soft cloth, you can apply the wax to the surface of the sink to seal it and make it easier for the liquid to drain. Allow the wax to dry before using the sink.

Clean copper sinks with soap and water only

Copper sinks are beautiful, but their patina or finish can be damaged if you clean them with the wrong products. Avoid using strong cleaners and overly abrasive materials, and keep the water running constantly when using acidic foods in your sink.

What you need:

  • Mild soap
  • Clean water
  • Soft cloth

Just mix soap and water andclean your sinkcarefully with a soft cloth. You should only use this cleaner or you risk damaging your copper sink.