Drying porcini mushrooms: What are the most commonly used methods and how can you store the mushrooms?

Porcini mushrooms are the queen of mushrooms, probably one of the most popular species. This mushroom consists of up to 35% valuable protein, which includes glutamine, arginine, leucine and tyrosine. It contains a large amount of vitamin PP, as well as various micro and macro elements. Consuming them supplies the body with vitamins of the B group, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin D. You can find out how to dry porcini mushrooms from our article!

What you should consider when drying porcini mushrooms

You have several options for drying porcini mushrooms so that you can enjoy them for a long time. Most of these methods use either air or heat as a drying agent. Whichever method you choose, there are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure efficient drying:

  • Clean the porcini mushrooms by brushing off the dirt or wiping them with a dry paper towel. If there is stubborn dirt, wipe it with a damp cloth and remove any remaining moisture with a paper towel.
  • Do not wash or soak the mushrooms. You don't want them to get wet or damp. Otherwise, drying will be very difficult.
  • If you are using a dehydrator or oven to dry the mushrooms, set it to the lowest setting. You don't want the high heat to attack the active ingredients in the edible mushrooms and compromise their health benefits.
  • Be sure to,that the mushroomsare completely dry at the end of the process. You don't want to just roast them, you want them to be as dry as a cracker.
  • Continue drying if the mushrooms start to bend (if they are perfectly dried, they should break) or feel moist. If you don't dry them properly, the remaining moisture can cause them to easily grow mold or rot.
  • After you have successfully dried your porcini mushrooms, allow them to cool completely before storing them. If you immediately store them in a screw-top container, condensation will form and the mushrooms will become soggy - and all the work you did drying them will be for nothing.

Dry porcini mushrooms with a dehydrator

  • Cut the mushrooms into 1 or 1.5 cm pieces to speed up drying. Thick pieces will take longer to dry.
  • Preheat the dehydrator accordingly. We recommend a low setting – between 55°C and 65°C.
  • Place the mushrooms on the drying racks. Arrange them in individual layers, leaving enough space between pieces so they dry well.
  • Check the drying every few hours or so. Some pieces may dry faster. If some pieces become bone dry before the others, remove them and let the rest dry completely.

Dry method in the oven

  • To dry the porcini mushrooms in the oven, preheat your oven to 65° C.
  • Place the mushrooms side by side on a clean baking sheet. Lay them flat with plenty of space between them.
  • Do not put oil on the baking sheet, otherwise the mushrooms will absorb the oil (and take longer to dry) and taste different.
  • The porcini mushrooms dry in the oven for about an hour.
  • Remove the tray from the oven, turn the mushrooms over and blot off any moisture they may have given off.
  • Put the baking sheet back in the oven and let them dry for another hour. Check again and blot away any new moisture.
    Continue drying until they are completely dehydrated - crispy and crispy dry.

How to dry mushrooms in the sun

Prepare the mushrooms for drying in the sun if the weather is right. You need warm, sunny and not too humid days to ensure that the mushrooms dry well. If the air is humid, they not only take longer to dry, but there is also a risk of mold forming. Find the right place to dry. A flat roof, a windowsill or a sunny room work well. Choose a location where moisture, bugs, animals, or birds are unlikely to get to the mushrooms.

  • Pullthe mushroomsUsing a sterilized needle through cooking thread, form a “mushroom garland” or lay the porcini mushrooms flat on a drying rack. Make sure they don't overlap so they don't stick to each other.
  • Keep bugs out by covering them with a mesh tent. If you can't find a mesh tent, drape mesh over and under the frame to protect it from bugs.
  • Depending on the sunlight, it may take a few days for the mushrooms to dry properly. Check on them two to three times a day to see how they are doing.

Preservation and storage after drying

Consider the following tips for storing dried porcini mushrooms:

  • Use airtight containers. You can use mason jars or other glass containers with tight-fitting screw tops. You can also store the dried mushrooms in resealable, freezer-safe plastic bags. Remove excess air in the plastic bags before sealing them.
  • Label the containers with the date so you know exactly how long they driedMushrooms in the freezerhave lain.
  • Place the jars or plastic bags in the freezer. If you use plastic bags, avoid placing anything heavy on top of the bags to avoid crushing the mushrooms.
  • Porcini mushrooms can also be stored at room temperature. It is better if you store them away from moisture and light. Store the containers in the back of a kitchen cupboard where it is cool and dark to prevent them from spoiling quickly.
  • It's also a good idea to add a few oxygen-absorbing packets to the mushrooms. The iron powder in these packets helps absorb the oxygen that remains in the containers. It prevents the mushrooms from spoiling quickly, especially when stored at room temperature in a humid climate.