You are what you eat! Facts, tips and the most important findings of Germany's most distinguished nutritionist Prof. Andreas Michalsen

    Does calories count thick? Does the digestion really start in the brain? Why does healthy vegetables have to suffer? And is oat milk really so unhealthy? There are so many supposed experts and self -proclaimed professionals when it comes to nutrition that we hardly see anymore.

    It is high time to have one of the leading German nutritionists Prof. Andreas Michalsen explained his best tips and latest findings. He has been dealing with the influence of nutrition on health for decades and enjoys the highest international reputation.

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    15 valuable, easy -to -implement tips and recommendations from Professor Andreas Michalens for a healthy diet

    1. Avoid fruit out of fear of fructose

    Fruit in its natural form is highly recommended! Also for people with type 2 diabetes. The secondary plant substances in the shell, the vitamins and fiber are simply too healthy! And the fructose also contained therein is no longer negative. It is different with fruit juices. Example: A glass of orange juice (0.25 liters) contains over 25 grams of sugar. This means that the daily requirement of sugar is practically achieved. On the other hand, if you were eating three whole oranges, as much as in the glass of juice, that would not be bad, because we would at the same time eat a lot of fiber.

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    2. Fish is heavily polluted

    Fish captured in the sea is increasingly contaminated with heavy metal residues, but especially with microplastics. It is not yet clear what microplastics are doing in the body, but it is becoming more and more likely that it will contribute to arterial calcification. Aquacultures are, if not organic, factory farming with all disadvantages: medication residues, poor quality of the meat ... The recommendation: do without or only eat fish from certified organic aquacultures!

    3. That micro-intervallfasten method "3 +1"

    I am a big fan of fasting. But the 3+1 method is ideal for the beginning. That means: 3 hours before going to bed and in the 1st hour after getting up nothing and nothing caloric drinking. So no food energy is added when the sleep hormone melatonin rises in the body. Because melatonin disturbs the insulin function and vice versa. They will sleep much better and in the first hour after getting up, most of them are not hungry anyway.

    4. oat milk wrongly has a bad reputation

    Oat milk is an excellent alternative to cow's milk. The high sugar content has long been criticized. In the meantime, most oat drinks are less sugar than the cow's milk itself. The environmental balance of oat milk is also unbeatable. The nutrition expert is oat milk fan.

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    5. The more vegetable the diet, the longer the life

    Wurst goods increase the risk of almost all chronic diseases and, according to WHO, the risk of cancer. Red meat is associated with more colon cancer and heart risk than chicken and poultry. Many consider pork to be particularly unhealthy, but nothing takes away. In the case of poultry from factory farming, the greatest dangers are medication residues and infection risks. Therefore: please eat a lot of herbal! The DEG recommends five portions a day, some rates for seven to nine portions. It is important:Always a portion of vegetables or salad on the plate!Ideal:Eat the vegetables in front of the carbohydrates!Diversity is important for the microbiome. And: seasonal things score with more vitamins and micronutrients! Particularly healthy: Kreuzblütler, all green leaves, spices and herbs - and some legumes every day.

    6. Nobody has to be afraid of fat

    Fat is not the same fat. The saturated fatty acids in sausage, fat meat, cheese and in palm and coconut oil are unhealthy. On the other hand, very healthy are unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil, avocados, almonds, nuts or sesame oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are also healthy, especially the vegetable alpha-linolenic acid. To be found in flax seeds, linen and rapeseed oil, walnuts and in all green-leaved. And then there are the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids from the sea. Here, as usual in Asia, I recommend eating the algae. Fish is simply too heavily loaded today.

    7. Biogem jumps have more secondary plant and micronutrients

    BiogoMüse and fruit is healthier than the regular goods on the market. Because it is not injected, it has to "suffer" more to protect yourself against pests, fungi and unfavorable living conditions (drought, sunlight ...). This creates more protective substances, i.e. more secondary plant substances and micronutrients that also protect us in the end. In addition, vegetables and fruit should always be eaten with shell, unless it is injected.

    8. Coffee is only healthy if ...

    ... no cow's milk is added.The German favorite drink is clearly rated as healthy today.It protects against many serious diseases: from diabetes, heart attack and liver diseases to Parkinson's or gallstones. However, the health -promoting effect of coffee is significantly reduced when we drink it with cow's milk. This is not the case with herbal alternatives.

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    9. 50 grams of fiber per day

    The more fiber we eat, the better for the heart, vessels, intestines and as protection against diabetes and cancer. In Germany we eat only 20 grams of fiber. At least 30 grams are recommended, better still 50 grams per day. We Germans love bread, so areWhole grain bread and whole grain pastaThe easiest way to eat more fiber (and also minerals). Occasionally a baguette is certainly not a problem, but basically every eaten white flour roll is a missed opportunity to consume fiber and important minerals and micronutrients.

    10. The body has to get used to healthy eating

    If we eat more legumes, the intestinal bacteria, the microbiome, adapt. Bloating are less. Spices also improve digestibility. Therefore, an Indian dal is always well seasoned. If it remains a problem, eat smaller portions and prefer to lunch than in the evening.

    11. Count calories is not up to date

    The weight of the calorie counting method has failed. Studies prove this.We lose the feeling for the food, for saturation, for the sufficient amount and the joy of eating. And in the end it comes toJo-Jo effect. With calorie information, the nutrition industry weighs us in false security. A product with a few kilocalories looks healthy and seems to help against being overweight. A fallacy! Much more important: You should pay attention to a few additives. And on the combination of nutrients. If carbohydrates such as strength are combined with ballast, fiber and secondary plant substances, less of the calories contained in it are absorbed by the body. Best example: nuts. They contain plenty of fat (and kilocalories), but quickly fill you up. And the many fiber is by no means digesting all fat or absorbed by the body.

    12. Chewing makes you slim

    Digestion begins in the brain and is also controlled there. That is why, for example, the water in our mouth runs together when we see or smell delicious. Anyone who chews well and panted the dishes has a healthy digestion and increases less. Because the gastrointestinal tract is already decreasing about a third of the carbohydrate digestion. So the brain has time to release digestive and satiety hormones.Slow food leads to the distribution of the GLP-1 hormone, which is also stimulated by the weights injections Ozempic and Wegovy. The digestion controls the biggest nerve in the body, the vagus nerve. Because stress disturbs the digestion sensitive, better eat in rest phases.

    13. High-processed foods are a no-go

    They contain everything that is unhealthy.Saturated fats, salt, sugar, artificial flavors... and they are produced so that we eat too much. Only half a corn cob? No problem. But you can't stop at Taco Chips! Additives likePlasticizers and preservativesDamage the intestinal bacteria and lever the feeling of satiety. And do not deliver anything of what we really need: fiber, secondary plant substances and good proteins.

    14. Sweet fabrics are worse than sugar

    For years, sweeteners have been praised: no calories, less blood sugar tips. But science shows that they are very concerned about health.They harm the intestinal microbiomeAnd increase cardiovascular and diabetes risks. Only stevia is tolerable. Sure, normal household sugar is unhealthy in large quantities. But some sugar (regardless of whether brown or white) probably does not hurt and is ultimately the better choice. The "natural sweeteners" such as agaven and maple syrup have too high fructose content, promote fatty liver and are often not easy to digest. Very bad: corn syrup.The best balance is still honey here.

    15. Desserts are allowed

    If you nibble sweets as a dessert after a meal, the blood sugar level increases slightly. If we eat the chocolate three hours after eating, there is a new blood sugar tip. The result: another metabolic pollution. And if the mirror drops again ... great tiredness.

    Even more tips and exciting facts: In Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen book “Nutrition. My quintessence "