Tips and home remedies for statically charged clothing: Forget about sticky clothes and unpleasant electric shocks

No one wants to deal with overly sticky clothes or frizzy hair that just won't stay in place, but the good news is that you're not powerless against it. The following tips and home remedies for static-charged clothing will help you avoid the unpleasant little electrical shocks.

Whether you're cozying up in winter knits or taking out your party wear this time of year, nothing spoils the joy of wearing an outfit like the sticking and crackling of static electricity. Here's how to prevent static electricity.

What causes static electricity?

Dry air and friction create an electrical charge in your clothing (and hair). When clothing comes into contact with other fabrics and rubs against them, a static charge is created, which mainly occurs during washing and drying. Static clothing most often occurs in the dryer. The differently charged surfaces attract each other and thus cause the static charge. This can cause your clothes to crackle when you put them on or give you a small electric shock when you touch someone. You will notice that static electricity builds up faster in the winter than in the summer. This is particularly noticeable when the humidity is low.

How to avoid electrically charged clothing?

The best way to deal with static is to take steps to prevent it from building up in your clothes before you find yourself standing on the street in an impossibly tight-fitting skirt.

  • Avoid synthetics:If you are particularly prone to static, you should avoid synthetic clothing, as this is usually the worst culprit. Instead, buy natural fibers that retain moisture better.
  • Use vinegar:After the washing machine finishes its cycle, stop it and pour 4 ounces of white vinegar over your clothes. Restart the machine and let it continue its rinse cycle. Vinegar acts as a natural fabric softener by softening fabrics and preventing them from becoming too stiff and dry. It also helps reduce static electricity.
  • With aluminum foil:Take a sheet of aluminum foil and crumple it into a small ball. Pack it tightly by squeezing it repeatedly between your two hands. Put the aluminum foil ball in the washing machine and run the normal cycle. The aluminum foil dissipates the positive and negative charges that the washing machine generates.
  • SeparateBefore drying the clothes, separate the natural fibers from the synthetic fibers. This creates less static electricity. If possible, air dry synthetic fibers as they are usually the main cause of static.
  • Tennis ball:Believe it or not, a tennis ball in the dryer can also help reduce electrical buildup by preventing clothes from rubbing together as they dry.
  • Shake:As you remove each item of clothing from the dryer, give it a quick shake 2-3 times. This prevents static build-up when clothing is placed on another surface.
  • Increase humidityin your apartment. A very easy option is to not use the tumble dryer and store the clothes on oneDry on a drying rack or clothesline.

Tips and home remedies for statically charged clothing

What should you do if you are attacked by static electricity while wearing clothes? Try one of these solutions!

  • Run oneWire hangersbetween the sticking areas. The metal helps discharge electricity and eliminates static.
  • WearShoes with leather solesinstead of rubber soles if you're plagued by static. Leather soles allow electricity to flow freely through your body after contact with a collection of electrons, while rubber soles hold it in one place.
  • Take care of your skinmoistureby applying body lotion to them. Static electricity builds up in dry environments, and if your skin itself is dry, that's certainly not a good condition.
  • Mix waterwith a tablespoon of fabric softener in a spray bottle and spray your clothes with this solution.
  • Hairsprayalso helps eliminate static. You can turn your clothes inside out and hold the spray at least 30cm awayunwanted wet spotsto avoid.
  • Take oneSafety pinmade of metal and turn your clothes inside out. Pin it to the inside of your clothing so it isn't visible. Turn your garment inside out and put it on. The safety pin absorbs any static electricity.
  • UseDryer sheetsto quickly eliminate static electricity. They contain anti-static agents, so you can quickly wipe your clothes with them (even while wearing them).