If you want to make your own toilet cleaners, you can use dish soap alone or in conjunction with a few other home remedies. Making your own cleaning products at home saves you money and most importantly - the natural remedies are also safer and healthier for the environment. You should stay away from store-bought toilet cleaners as most of them contain strong chemicals. Find out here how you can clean your toilet and toilet brush with dishwashing liquid!
Getting the toilet clean again without chemicals
If you wish, you can use dish soap to clean the toilet. Add a squirt or two of liquid dish soap to the toilet bowl and scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush, just as you would clean dirty dishes. The bubbles of the soap will beremove stubborn stains. When you're done cleaning, you should rinse. Using dish soap to clean the toilet bowl is an easy way to save money while getting a good clean.
Clean the toilet and toilet brush with dishwashing liquid – add baking soda
Mix baking soda, water and dish soap in equal proportions for a fuss-free and easy cleaning method. To make sure you have enough, start by measuring out 1/4 cup of each remedy. You can either add each remedy to the toilet bowl and stir it with a toilet brush, or stir the home remedies first to combine them before adding them to the toilet bowl.
It is best to leave the solution in the toilet overnight. The next morning, use a toilet brush to remove any remaining stains from the surface. To remove cleaner residue from the toilet, flush it.
Make your own toilet cleaning tablets
The cleaning power of these toilet cleaning tablets is comparable to the cleaning power of tablets that were developed and sold specifically for toilet cleaning. In a large bowl, mix 170g baking soda with 70ml citric acid. Mix the ingredients together, making sure to add a spoonful of dish soap.
Put on rubber gloves to protect your skin while working with the mixture. Pour the mixture into the compartments of an ice cube tray. Allow the toilet tabs to dry out completely for about four hours before using them. After four hours, check to see if they have absorbed the moisture. If so, leave them until they are completely dry.
Store your new toilet cleaning tabs in an airtight container by placing them in a jar or other container with a lid. If you need to clean the toilet, add a toilet cleaning tablet to the bowl and allow it to dissolve completely before flushing. Afterwards, scrub the area with your toilet brush to remove any stains.
Treat a clogged toilet with dishwashing liquid
Pour 4 liters of water into a pot and place the pot on the stove with the lid on. The water should be fairly hot, but not boiling. Pour at least 120 ml of dishwashing liquidinto the toilet bowland leave the mixture there while you bring the water to a boil on the stove. Then carefully pour the very hot water into the toilet bowl. You may have to wait up to 15 minutes for the blockage to clear.
Getting the toilet brush clean again – tips
You can avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach when cleaning your toilet brush by first washing it in the pure water provided by your plumbing system. The handle should then be placed in the center of the toilet bowl and seat and a natural cleaning agent should be sprayed onto the bristles at this point. Water and dish soap used to clean the toilet will produce the desired results. After ensuring that each bristle has been thoroughly cleaned by rotating the brush, rinse the toilet brush and allow it to air dry in its holder before using it again.
Clean the toilet and toilet brush with detergent - natural method for cleaning toilet brush holders
Failure to clean the toilet brush holder defeats the purpose of cleaning the toilet brush because you are returning the brush to a place that is teeming with bacteria. The good news is that cleaning the holder isn't very difficult - just follow the instructions below.
- You can make the solution as strong or as mild as you need, then spray the holder thoroughly so that it is saturated inside and out. To do this, you can mix liquid dish soap and water in a spray bottle.
- Around the entire holderto clean thoroughly, you can use a sponge or towel. Rinse it under running water and dry it with a fresh cloth or simply let it air dry.
- After drying, a disinfectant should be sprayed into the holder.