Laundry smells musty after washing: Common causes and useful tips

When clothes come out of the washing machine, they should smell wonderful. But unfortunately that is not always the case. Laundry smells musty after washing for several reasons and we share the best tips to avoid this.

Does your laundry smell musty after washing? Most people have experienced it at least once. Doing a load of laundry and then coming out with a bad smell is a big problem that is sometimes difficult to solve. Read on to learn what might be causing this and how you can avoid the musty smell.

It can be incredibly frustrating when laundry still smells dirty or even stinks more than it did before you washed it. Most of us try to rewash clothes with more detergent or hotter water, but this only helps temporarily and is not a long-term solution. In order to solve the problem efficiently, you should find out the cause of the smell.

Leave laundry in the machine for too long

A possible cause could be that you left your clothes in the washing machine for too long. Think about when you noticed the musty smell and whether you took out the laundry immediately after finishing the wash cycle.

Wet laundry is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and mold, which can leave your clothes smelling unfresh. To prevent this, try using the washing machine's start time delay so that the washing process is completed at a better time.

Washing machine is overloaded

Solving the smelly laundry problem can be as simple as splitting a load of laundry into multiple wash cycles. Even if you think you'll save time and resources by loading your machine to capacity, it doesn't make sense because you'll probably have to wash your clothes again.

Clothes need room to move or they won't get clean properly. When washing, make sure there is enough space in the machine for the laundry. Wash white and dark clothes separately or load the washing machine more frequently. You will soon notice that your laundry smells fresher and is cleaner.

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Laundry smells musty after washing: Too much detergent

Too much detergent cannot be rinsed off properly and can stick to clothes, encouraging the growth of bacteria and resulting in a moldy smell.

To solve this problem, you should always measure the detergent before adding it to the washing machine. If you notice detergent residue on your clothes after washing, wash them again by adding a cup of vinegarthe detergent on safeway to resolve.

Laundry takes too long to dry

If you air dry your laundry or heat it, make sure it is completely dry within a few hours. If there is not enough heat outside or in the apartment, the clothes take longer to dry and end up smelling musty. Hang laundry outside whenever possible as the sun's ultraviolet rays have antiseptic properties and can eliminate bacteria.

Always make sure clothing is completely dry before removing it from the line or dryer to avoid bacteria buildup.

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The washing machine needs to be cleaned

If you've tried all the other methods but your laundry still smells musty, you shouldPossibly clean the washing machine. You may see visible deposits, but they may also be hiding in the walls of the drum.

The easiest way to do this is to pour 1-2 cups of white vinegar directly into the drum and run the washing machine on a high temperature program. Then run a test wash cycle to ensure you have successfully removed all buildup. Repeat the process regularly to avoid odors.

Be sure to leave the washing machine door open after each wash cycle to allow the interior to ventilate.

Easily remove the musty smell from clothing

To remove the musty smell from clothes, you should wash them again. Start a wash cycle by adding a measured amount of detergent and 1-2 teaspoons of white vinegar to the detergent drawer. The hotter the water, the faster bacteria dissolve.

Air dry clothes immediately after washing. If that's not possible, put them in the dryer.

If the smell does not disappear, wash the clothes with white vinegar only.

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