Washing laundry between the years and other rituals for the rough nights

In December we not only count the weeks of Advent, but also the twelve rough nights. Those who believe in their magical power adhere to very specific rituals between Christmas and the New Year and avoid certain activities such as washing laundry between the years. In the article we will tell you why this is the case and what customs still exist.

Washing laundry between the years: This is why you shouldn't do it

For many families, the New Year begins with laundry. Not one, but several wash cycles are often necessary until the dirty clothes and bed linen are finally clean. This is because of a custom that most of us have heard from grandma and grandpa. And somehow we stick to it - no laundry is washed between the years. But why is that actually the case?

Do not do laundry during rough nights

The rough nights begin on Christmas and end on Epiphany. A total of 12 days and nights are assigned a mythical meaning: supposedly during this period the door to the spiritual realm is opened and dark forces are released. Witches, devils, demons and evil spirits walk among the living on earth.

If youwhite laundrynotice, then they steal and then return the following year to use them as a shroud for someone in the family. So people believed that if you washed your laundry between the years and then hung it on the clothesline, you were inviting these dark forces into your house. And this will put the life of the house and especially the family members in danger. To prevent this, many households stopped doing laundry.

According to superstition, what else shouldn't you do during the 12 rough nights?

  • You shouldn't whistle early in the morning, it brings bad luck.
  • You can't have your nails cut.
  • You are not allowed to dry or air your bed linen outdoors, otherwise you will become seriously ill next year.
  • The doors should be closed very carefully; they must not be slammed, otherwise the weather will be bad next year.

Other popular rough night rituals: Burn wishes

In the run-up to Christmas you think about what you hope for the future and write down a total of 13 wishes (each wish on a separate piece of paper). On December 25th, you take a piece of paper and burn it without reading the wish first. It continues like this - a piece of paper is burned every Rauhnacht. At the end there is only a piece of paper left that you can then read. On this piece of paper is the wish that will most likely come true next year. However, you should also believe in it and work hard.

Dreams predict the future

Furthermore, people back then believed that all the dreams you have between the years can predict the future. This does not mean the dream itself, but rather certain parts of the dream. For example, if you dream of the sea and sun on the seventh rough night, you will probably travel or go on vacation in July.become nightmareshowever not true.

Fumigation dissolves the bad things from the previous year

Illnesses or bad experiences: Each of us has had a negative experience in the past year. However, it was believed that fumigation of the living and sleeping areas 2-3 days before the New Year could resolve the bad things. The New Year symbolizes new beginnings and hopes for the future.

Noise on New Year's Eve can drive away evil spirits

Even today, fireworks and firecrackers can finally drive away evil spirits on New Year's Eve. The more noise you make, the better. The goal – evil recedes after the end of the 12 Dark Nights.

Fish scales from silver carp are said to bring good luck

On New Year's Eve, New Year's carp is prepared and served in many households. The fish has long been considered a good luck charm. So if you take a fish scale from it and keep it in your wallet, you will be rewarded with good luck and money.

On the first day of the new year, servants and journeymen were given gifts

The first day of the New Year has long been known as “Gift Day.” This means that the wealthy and the gentlemen gave their servants and journeymen gifts of eggs, sausage and cake.

When can you do laundry again?

Basically, after the rough nights are over, you can do laundry againwashand get the house in order after the holidays.