A clean litter box is the key to a happy, healthy cat. But how often should you clean the litter box? We will explain how and when to clean it to avoid unwanted bacteria and not to give your cat a reason to look for another place to do its business.
Cat litter box maintenance is an important task, but it can easily be put off, especially if pet owners are unsure of the best way to clean it. If you notice your cat scratching outside the litter box, it's their way of showing you that it's gross. She may also hold back and not urinate regularly, which can lead to unwanted health problems. Below you will find out how often you should completely clean the litter box and remove the used cat litter.
Sift out clumping litter regularly
Cleaning the clumping litter every day is easy, it only takes a few minutes and you don't have to do a thorough cleaning of the litter box very often. You should scoop it out at least twice a day to ensure it is clean for your cat. It's even better if you can clean them immediately after your cat does its business.
- Using a slotted shovel, dig into the litter and fill the shovel.
- Gently shake the scoop back and forth so that the clean litter falls back through the slots into the litter box.
- Discard the clumps into a plastic bag.
- Repeat this process until your scoop finds only litter and no clumps.
- Clean the edge of the shovel with soap and water and allow it to dry.
- Always fill the litter box with fresh litter to ensure a height of seven to eight centimeters.
How often should you change cat litter?
The type of litter you choose will affect how often you need to clean the litter box.
If you want a non-clumping oneUse cat litterand you only have one cat, you should completely change the litter twice a week.
Even if you remove the clumps daily, the clumping litter should be changed every one to two weeks, depending on how often your cat uses the litter box. Even the best cat litter doesn't clump perfectly and a certain amount of urine and feces remains even after scooping. Over time, this leads to the formation of an odor, which is unpleasant for you and your cat.
Be careful that pregnant women should never change or clean the litter box as there is a small risk of contracting toxoplasmosis.
Wash the litter box regularly
Thoroughly clean the litter box once a month by throwing away all of the old litter. Place a trash bag over the litter box and slowly lift it out of the bag.
Replace the litter box with a small shoebox and add some litter to avoid any accidents during cleaning.
Pour about three or four inches of water into the litter box and add some soap or detergent. You can add more water if necessary. Let the solution sit for a few minutes and scrub all surfaces with a brush. Make sure you reach the corners where dirt tends to collect. Avoid ammonia, chemical cleaners and citrus smell as these will damage yourKeep the cat awayable to use the toilet.
Pour out the water and rinse the litter box completely.
Dry them with paper towels.
Add new litter to the clean litter box. If you use clumping litter, you should spread about 7-8 cm of litter on the floor. If you use non-clumping litter, a 5 cm layer is sufficient.
It is very important to put the right amount of litter in the litter box to prevent urine from seeping through to the floor.
To prevent unpleasant smells, you should clean the litter box regularly.
Cleaning the litter box: If you have several cats
If you have multiple cats, you should have one litter box per cat plus one extra. This means a lot more work, but if all cats use the same litter box, it should be constantly cleaned and the litter replaced.
Even if you have multiple litter boxes, you should quickly remove the clumps from each individual litter box so that they always stay fresh.
When should you change the litter box?
No matter how often and how well you clean the litter box, the porous plastic gets scratches from regular use that absorb bacteria. Completely replace the litter box once a year to avoid any odors.
Are you looking for great ideas for where to hide the litter box in the apartment? HereFind out everything about the topic.