Probably everyone has used citric acid in the kitchen - for making jam or even cheese, for example. But that's not all you can use them for. The relatively inconspicuous powder turns out to be a great household helper, especially when it comes to cleaning various devices and even laundry. We have put together a few situations for you in which citric acid is used. This is what you can do with it:
Although this type of carboxylic acid was once actually obtained from lemon juice (by Carl Wilhelm Scheele) and is also found in other (citrus) fruits and is even produced by our own bodies (2 kg per day as an intermediate product), the powder that we obtained commercially, by other means. What is citric acid made from?
The so-called citrus acid is also found in mushrooms, among other things, so it is no surprise that the industrially produced citric acid is created with the help of mold. A biotechnical process is used that also involves glucose or starch and sometimes molasses. This is how the food additive is created, which is marked “E330” on the labels.
Where is citric acid used?
We know this acid primarily from confectionery and also as a preservative. But citric acid is also used in cosmetics. And who in the householdnatural cleaning productsIf you value it, citric acid is also a great choice. We summarize where you can use them.
A wonderful household cleaning product
With the help of the acid, some stubborn dirt can be cleaned. Therefore, it can be ideally used for a homemade cleaning product. You can descale with citric acid, clean the oven or even wash the dishes. In many of the following areas of application, you can simply use freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of the powder.
- Citric acid asDescaler: Whether in the bathroom, in the coffee machine, the kettle or in other places –Limescale is annoyingand anything but beautiful to look at. This is the first problem where citric acid can be used. Just like vinegar (only with a more pleasant smell), the acid works well. Dissolve citric acid in water (or use lemon juice directly) and add it to a spray bottle. Mix the liquid with a squirt of dish soap and spray the cleaner onto the affected areas. (Only use the product on cooled surfaces!)
- Wash the disheswith the acid: With a few packets of citric acid you get powder for thedishwasher. For 30 to 40 rinses, mix 300 g citric acid powder with 300 g soda powder and 300 g baking soda. The acid is used to soften the water. If you want, you can add 125 g of dishwasher salt.Only use dry ingredients!
You can get rid of burnt things by mixing a cup of water with a tablespoon of citric acid crystals and adding them to the pot or pan. Bring the mixture to the boil on the stove, then tip it away after 5 minutes to wash the cookware as usual.
- You can do thatClean ovenwith citric acid. Just follow the instructionsin this article.
- Derusting with citric acidYou can do this by mixing them with water in a plastic container (300 - 500 g per 10 liters of water) and immersing the rusted element. It should be completely covered with the solution. Then let it sit for 12 to 24 hours before washing off the rust.
Bonus-Tipp:If you used real juice and have the peel left over, you can use it to make a great all-purpose cleaner. To do this, mix white household vinegar with the bowls and store the product in a glass container as it could decompose plastic. (not suitable for natural stone!)
Where is citric acid used – For the washing machine and laundry
- You can have a natural oneWaschmittelPrepare for your white laundry by mixing 100 g of curd soap with 100 g of soda powder and baking soda and then adding 100 to 150 g of citric acid. Adding a few drops of essential oil also gives the product a pleasant scent. The acid has in this onenatural detergenta water softening and bleaching function.
- Citric acid can also be used for...Use washing machine as cleaning agentto remove limescale. To do this, run it empty on a 40 degree program after adding 7 to 8 tablespoons of citric acid powder into the drum.
- Asoftenerfor white laundry you can get it by mixing a liter of water with 5 tablespoons of citric acid. To make the whole thing smell good, add 20 drops of any essential oil. Tea tree oil, on the other hand, has a disinfecting effect. Another 20 drops of this oil are recommended as an additional ingredient. For dark or colored laundry, replace the acid with white vinegar.
- They can be annoyingSweat stainsRemove with citric acid by dissolving 2 to 3 tablespoons of the powder in a liter of water, applying it to the stains and then leaving it to act for about 12 hours. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine as usual.
Use citric acid in the pool
The ascorbic acid, i.e. the vitamin C in citric acid) balances the pH value (which is why it is also used in cosmetics) and is therefore idealfor pool maintenance. More specifically, citric acid is used to make green water clear again. To do this, add 100 g of powder to the pool for every 10 cubic meters of water. The effect is noticeable after just 24 hours.
Homemade dough
And for a bit of fun after the annoying cleaning of the houseRecipe for homemade dough, for which you also use the acid. Your children will thank you!
- 200 ml hot water
- 200 g Flour
- 100g salt
- 3 tsp neutral vegetable oil
- 3 tsp citric acid
- any food colors
Mix the ingredients except for the colors. Once you have a dough, divide it into portions that you can then color (add a few drops of food coloring and knead). Store the dough in an airtight container in the refrigerator where it will last for several months. You can freshen up dried plasticine with a little water.