Color test and color type – which colors suit your interior

What colors do you surround yourself with? Bright, soft or would you prefer pure white? The colors definitely affect your mood, so you should choose them carefully. This color test will help you determine the most suitable colors for you at this time in your life.

We would no longer delve into the theoretical details of color psychology. Here we offer you a fun quiz game that will help you learn how you can use colors to create a living space that suits your mood. Colors are an exciting and creative way to change up your decor, especially if you feel the need to. There are periods when we want everything blue, or when we succumb to the red passion. The instinctive choice of colors may be a momentary outburst of our emotions, rather than an expression of our deep mental state. Our advice is to first think about what you desire, in a purely mental plan, and then, based on this, choose the colors - blue as a wall color or for the couch? For a long time or just a few months. This test will reveal to you whether you feel better in the cold color palette (blue, green, purple), warm (red, yellow, orange) or neutral (white, black, gray, beige). Answer the questions and discoverwhat color type are you.

1. Choose a scent for your home

• Lavender

* Cinnamon

– Incense sticks

2. A woman sits on a chair and looks out the window:
• She is thinking about how she should spend the evening
* is bored and a little sad
– Your thoughts wander aimlessly
3. Your favorite flower is:
• Orchids
– Lilac
* Rose
4. For your birthday you prefer:
• Ultra chic and elegant party
– Romantic dinner with your partner or a cozy dinner with your loved ones
* big party with friends
5. The phone rings late at night:
* I wanted to talk to someone right away
– You are afraid
• You hope it was a bad joke
6. Your favorite music from this list is:
* Rock
– Ethno
• Classic
7. Your new home will have an open floor plan. You think:
* How many friends can I finally invite?
– Would I even find an intimate corner for myself there?
• How should I organize the space rationally?
8. Your screen saver on your screen is:
* Photo of your pet or children
– Sea or forest landscape
• Architecture in black and white
9. Ethnic cuisine. You prefer:
•Sushi – delicious and aesthetic
* Ethnic finger food – They love eating with their hands
– You are already familiar with Mediterranean cuisine
10. The last thing you do before you go to bed:
– drink her favorite drink – herbal tea
* Read a book or watch TV
• Prepare the breakfast table for tomorrow
11. It's snowing. You are blocked in the office:
• You would use the time to organize your purse or desk
– You are worried and claustrophobic
* You work all the time
12. Your ideal place to relax is:
– Chaise lounge in the bedroom where you dream
* An armchair in the living room to be with others
• the sofa in front of the home theater system
13. In general, contemporary art
• Interests you, but is not always impressive
– leaves an uneasy feeling. It's often too much for your taste.
* inspires you
14. You get to choose the view from your new home.
– Sea bay
* View of the city from above
• Romanesque style cathedral
15. The image of a desert evokes the association of
- Panic
* Adventure
• necessary tour guide
16. You have a week of vacation to spend alone. They're going
* a party spot on the beach
• a spa resort
– Vacation in the country where you know all the neighbors

17. A Bit of Chaos:
• annoys you
– disrupts your concentration
* isn't that bad once in a while
18. Which sport do you prefer?
* Latino dances
– Capoeira
• Fitness
19. In the pool you choose a course
– without courses, just swim freely
* Aqua gym
• Swimming styles
20. A wish for Alladin's magic lamp would be
• Stability, balance
* Joy, vitality
– Creativity
21. You need to arrange your closet for the new season. You feel
* tired
– im Stress
• the situation is under control
22. Happy hour for you is:
• Chic and casual
– Chaotic and superficial
*A time for yourself
23. Suddenly the train stops in the subway between the two stations:
– You panic and try to remember the yoga breathing techniques
* You think this would be the best/most exciting day of your life
• It would be enough if the woman next door stopped constantly pressing the door button
24. It's raining and you're stuck in traffic waiting in a huge line of cars
• Meanwhile, you make regular calls to your parents
– They play the CD “Sounds of Nature” and ignore the rain and traffic
* Despair overwhelms you
25. You need concentration. But the kids scream, your dog is too funny, and your spouse listens to music too loud.
* You take a deep breath and think, it's nice that your life is so full
– You lose self-control
• You try to isolate yourself and retreat to your room
26. The train is moving. Two people hug on the platform. Your reactions:
– You are angry because you are already late
* You feel pity for them. Maybe they will break up for a long time.
• Feeling of discomfort

More answers • – Warm colors
Red, yellow, orange, and all their nuances. You need these stimulating colors. These shades are appropriate if you are prone to isolation, feeling discouraged, low mood and pessimistic at this time in your life. In these cases, the colors of the sun and fire will stimulate your joy, strength and activity. There is no need to paint everything a dazzling yellow, just a few pieces of furniture can make a positive difference. Or just paint the hallway. This is the space that welcomes you and does not oblige you to continue to maintain the same style in the other living areas. You can't be in a bad mood on a sunny morning. You will get such a result if you are too vital and extroverted person - then you will simply feel comfortable in the warm and bright colors. Fearful ones. However, annoying people and those who have problems with concentration should avoid these colors. For example, the color red is often associated with love and passion, but could also cause a feeling of fear. Whole walls in bright red can trigger phobias.

More answers * – cool colors
Blue, green, violet – fresh, harmonious, relaxing.These colors can have a positive influence on you when you're feeling a little nervous. Light blue creates an atmosphere of relaxation. You dream more often and slow down the pace. The so-called cold shades slow down the hyperactive people, calm the anxious and expand the horizons of the workaholics. The blue color with its nuances is associated with the infinite, the divine, with peace. After looking at him, you feel relieved. But this color is also too relaxing for people prone to apathy, lack of initiative. So, blue and purple should be used sparingly, just for a few accessories. Green, the color of nature, stimulates creativity. And all shades of purple bring dreams and romance to you.

More answers with “-” – neutral colors
White, black, gray, beige. Shades are referred to as neutral, which carries the elegance of distancing from the others. If you prefer white, then you need harmony and stability. White represents order and cleanliness. It helps confused people who are going through a difficult time and need to organize their thoughts. Has positive effects even on people prone to overcontrol. Fans of white walls combine them with black. These people are confident, proud of their ability to have everything under control. And they hate the bright colors that create a feeling of excessive emotionality and lack of order. Be careful with the black color! Its excessive use leads to depression, should be used very sparingly, only as an aesthetic accent or combined with warm materials such as wood.

The situation is similar to people who choose gray: aloof, ideal for those who want to keep their distance from other people. For those who don't want to express their opinions or be noticed. And what do you think of beige, milk with chocolate and mocha? Restrained yet warm colors. They are chosen by people with warm hearts who are ashamed to express their feelings.