Combining different types of wood for furniture – 15 chic ideas

To make an interior design appear interesting and diverse, combinations of different patterns, textures and colors are popular. Otherwise the furnishings will look bland and boring. The same applies to the wood surfaces and types. If furniture and floors have the same grain and colors, a colorless environment is created that often appears anything but pleasant. Today we will show you some attractive ideas and give you tips on how to combine different types of wood for furniture to create a unique interior design.

Monotonous furnishings are also not practical if the apartment or house is not furnished all at once. In most cases willFurnishings and decorationsover the course of several years, with the textures, surfaces and colors having different designs. To ensure that everything fits together harmoniously, follow our helpful tips for combining.

1. Watch out for color casts

Types of wood can be combined if they have a different color, but they should still match each other. You can achieve this by paying attention to the color cast. Do the pieces of furniture have a warm or a cold color? Warm colors are combined with equally warm shades and vice versa.

Two colors of wood were combined in this living room. But even though the coffee table is significantly darker than the floor, they fit together wonderfully and together create a pleasant atmosphere. This is because both species have a warm color cast.

2. Combine according to the grain

If your types of wood for furniture and floors have a distinctive grain, you can also use this property to combine them. In this way, you emphasize the mood in the room and at the same time ensure a diverse color scheme without the interior looking tastelessly thrown together.

The use of different styles also has a similar effect. The grain and color may vary, but the style of finish will bring back the harmony you expect in your living area. However, similar grains and colors are still preferable.

3. Use buffers

If a dining table is placed on a wooden floor that has absolutely nothing in common with the wood of the piece of furniture, this arrangement will automatically attract attention. The difference is immediately noticeable and makes the interior look unattractive. You can prevent this by, for example, creating a buffer in between.

In both examples, a carpet was used to create such a buffer. The upstairs dining room also has plenty of color in the carpet to complement the chairs. The wood of the table looks rustic, while the chairs represent a mix of modern and vintage styles.

4. Avoid chaos

Despite all the tips, you shouldn't overdo it. Stick to two or three colors or grains for the wood and repeat each type a few times in each room. In this way, chaos is avoided and the ambience appears harmonious and homely.

In this example, two types of wood were used for the furniture and floor, which are neither similar in color nor in their grain, but there is no sense of chaos or lack of harmony. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the same style for the laminate and the furniture and, on the other hand, the fact that only two types of wood were used.

5. White as an alternative

White, as you know, is a neutral color that goes well with any other. That's why it's a great choice if you're unsure about combining wood. If you have a lot of surfaces that are very different overall, simply mix in a white piece of furniture. The floor can also be made white.

The white color has a calming effect and prevents a chaotic atmosphere. In the picture above, the color white was not only used for the kitchen island and cabinets, but can also be found in the wall. The floor, ceiling and side wall fit together perfectly, even though more than three colors were used.

It looks similar in this example. The dining room has a bright dining table, which is combined with equally warm color schemes for the dresser, floor and bookshelf. The dark chairs provide a contrast. However, this does not change the homely atmosphere.

As in one of the examples above, a colorful rug serves as a decorative element in this dining room. In this case, however, it does not serve as a buffer for the different types of wood for furniture and flooring, because they are chosen similarly. The white bookcase with display case provides additional balance. The contrast that arises is not immediately noticeable.

The tips mentioned are not strict rules, but are only intended to serve as a guide. You are welcome to come up with other variants to design your home according to your taste and at the same time harmoniously.