Furnish your apartment – living ideas for rooms with sloping ceilings

Everyone dreams of a cozy home - but sometimes specific spatial conditions pose a big challenge. If the room has a sloping ceiling, you should plan the interior carefully - only then can you create a cozy apartment. We’ll show you 6 design concepts for apartments with sloping ceilings – get inspired!

A living room with sloping ceilings can actually be set up extremely functionally. A chest of drawers or even a sofa can be placed under the sloping roof - this saves space. To make the room appear more spacious and brighter, the experts recommend painting all walls in white and only the highest wall in accent color / turquoise blue, pink, orange/. We'll give you tips on kitchen planning and the bedroom interior.

Kitchen with sloping ceiling

The kitchen with a sloping ceiling should be measured first - extremely careful planning is necessary here so that the kitchen cabinets really fit in. The stove and sink should be arranged so that you can stand upright in front of them. Dishes and cutlery, however, can be stored in the base cabinets under the sloping roof.

Theneutral color schemea is generally recommended for a small kitchen - an attractively designed kitchen back wall can add a splash of color.

A small bedroom

In the bedroom, the bed is placed directly under the sloping roof - this leaves more space for the wardrobe or a desk. Special blinds can be mounted on the roof windows - this way the bedroom is protected from the strong rays of the sun in summer.